"Sister" Bai Chengyu continued to cry and reached out and grabbed Xia Zhu’s hand. "Your life is too bitter, but don’t be afraid that no matter what you become, you can stay with me and I will take care of you."

Xia Zhu is inexplicably moved, but the monologue is that Bai Chengyu will definitely let her make many dolls. She doesn’t want to be a doll-making manual machine yet.
Bai Chengyu continued to sob. "Your face is ruined. My brother should not give up on you, but after all, there is a woman over there. I am afraid that taking care of you will make you feel even worse."
After saying these words, Bai Chengyu suddenly paused for a long time. There was no sound and it was very quiet. Even Xia Zhu seemed to open his eyes to see what he was thinking.
After a few minutes passed, Bai Chengyu suddenly burst into tears again. This time, she also directly jumped on Xia Zhushen.
"Sister, what should you do if you can’t get over it?" Bai Chengyu sobbed and said, "I’m afraid I can’t accept such a big thing."
Is there anything more important to Bai Chengyu than his face?
Even Han, his favorite, and his dolls and dolls will probably be left behind. Without his beautiful face, his life will be over.
This is a terrible thing. Bai Chengyu can’t accept what Xia Zhu thinks, and the ending can be imagined. He has resonated now.
Xia Zhu some can’t stand Bai Chengyu this momentum is going to give her away.
To put it bluntly, Xia Zhu had a feeling that she was dead before, and somehow she didn’t hold back her speech for a while.
"Stop crying, I’m still alive."
Bai Chengyu seems to have heard foreign sounds for a long time before he reacted and looked at Xia Zhu’s face.
Seeing that Xia Zhu really opened his eyes, he wiped a handful of tears in a panic. "Did I wake you up from crying?"
"Yes, it was very noisy," said Xia Zhu, but I was still very touched.
"Elder sister, it is good that you wake up. Don’t think too much and you will get used to it." Bai Chengyu’s eyes are full of worries about Xia Zhu.
Xia Zhu, however, looked at him and smiled at his eyes. At the moment, Bai Chengyu’s sample was so cute. The white blue-and-white man was wiped away by his tears and his sleeves were dirty.
"Can you still laugh?" Bai Chengyu felt a little weird when he saw Xia Zhu laughing so happily.
"I get over it is not face ruined? Maybe I can go to play ghost movies later. I don’t need makeup for the fire. "Xia Zhu deliberately teased him.
"Yes, yes, yes, I’ll introduce you to the director. We are female number one." Bai Chengyu stopped crying.
"That’s hard for you." Xia Zhu smiled.
Bai Chengyu nodded. Although he doesn’t know any ghost film director at all, he will try his best to find him.
Just then, the door of the ward was suddenly opened and Bai Yinting strode in.
He looked a little angry and couldn’t wait to eat Bai Chengyu in that state.
Seeing Bai Chengyu Bai Yinting from the monitoring is a little unbearable, but he should choose to give up when he sees Xia Zhu’s appearance. After all, he always likes good things, but he is a little surprised that Bai Chengyu has been holding her and crying all the time, which is simply taking advantage.
"Elder brother, you’re here." Did Bai Chengyu get up and realize that he was in danger?
"You know I’m your brother, why don’t you avoid suspicion that Xia Zhu is your sister-in-law? How many times do I have to say it?" Bai yinting stared at Bai chengyu.
"I just heard that my sister-in-law had an accident and came to see me. Don’t be paranoid. I didn’t think anything about my sister-in-law. Those are all your fantasies," Bai Chengyu explained
Xia Zhu was also afraid. She felt that Bai Yinting was really angry. Bai Chengyu was so moved by her that she almost forgot them.
No matter what he is, how rare and honored it is to have a man who is willing to take care of you when he knows that you are ugly.
But for Bai yinting, it is another matter. Of course, he can’t stand the ambiguity between his wife and his brother.
Xia Zhu has some regrets. This is all her responsibility. Just now, Bai Chengyu should wake up. Well, the two brothers turned against each other.
"Yin Ting Cheng Yu is my brother in my heart, and he will treat me as his sister, that’s all." Xia Zhu felt it necessary to explain one.
Bai Yinting face is still cold Xia Zhugang want to get up Bai Chengyu but first step in the past will hold her "you don’t touch one thousand pull out the wound? Didn’t you say that the injury was particularly serious? "
"I’m fine." Xia Zhu felt there was no need to hide Bai Chengyu.
Bai Yinting also saw that Xia Zhu was not alert to Bai Chengyu’s roots and suddenly became even more angry. "I forgot to talk to you?"
"It can’t be Seung Yu. We don’t need to guard against him, do we?" Xia Zhu replied
Her seemingly casual maintenance made Bai Yinting feel very uncomfortable. This is how much Bai Chengyu believes. Why can’t it be him?
"What?" Bai Chengyu is confused about it.
Bai yinting didn’t talk, but there was no emotion in his eyes. He looked so terrible that Xia Zhu was scared.
"What are you talking about? What do you doubt me? " Bai Chengyu feels that there is definitely something wrong with it.
But the silence of the two of them made him feel very anxious. Everyone does. Generally, people who wait will fall into pain.
"You can go out." Bai Yinting didn’t want to quarrel and didn’t want to see him at the same time.
Bai Chengyu certainly won’t go out. He is still persistent in front of Bai Yinting. Does he doubt what he did?
Xia Zhu’s eyes motioned for him to go out first several times. Bai Chengyu didn’t see it. His stubborn temper is also a natural enemy.
As a result, it is conceivable that Bai Yinting suddenly broke out and grabbed Bai Chengyu’s collar, which frightened Xia Zhu.
She almost rolled out of bed and landed first with a sad face. Fortunately, she was wrapped in several layers of gauze, but it still hurt. She let out a cry.
Chapter three hundred and ten If she is enough.
Xia Zhu fell to the ground and still landed on his face, which made Bai Yinting and Bai Chengyu stunned at that time, but this time it was Bai Yinting who reacted first to help Xia Zhu up.
While Bai Chengyu opened his mouth and eyes with a bad feeling that Xia Zhu’s face was completely ruined this time.
"Why did you drop it?" Bai yinting feels incredible.
After all, Xia Zhu’s arm injury is true and his injury is false, while Xia Zhu hugged Bai Yinting. "What’s wrong with my face?" You let me have a look. "
"Nothing" Bai Yinting this just react Xia Zhu also acting.
Xia Zhu gave Bai Chengyu a wink while crying and told him to hurry away. Bai Chengyu made an OK gesture this time and slipped away quietly.
He is not afraid of Bai Yinting mainly because he doesn’t want Xia Zhu to be hurt again.
Bai Yin court will embrace Xia Zhu bed turned to look at Bai Chengyu door anger also disappear more than half.
"What did Bai Chengyu tell you just now? What are you like? Is he still so kind to you?" Bai yinting’s vinegar altar was completely overturned.
"He and I are really fine. Don’t always be suspicious." Xia Zhu is too lazy to explain this aspect.
Speaking of which, she thinks Bai Chengyu is really a very naive and cute little boy. He looks very stable and mature. His appearance is really his disguise, and those unruly arrogance are just his self-protection shell.
In fact, he is kind and innocent in his bones, but he is sad but unwilling to share it with others.
If only Bai Yinting could understand him one day, and grandpa, they all regarded Bai Chengyu as a rebellious child but never tried to really walk into his life.
Bai yinting looked at the silent Xia Zhu, and he didn’t want to talk about these things because they were too unpleasant with her.
When the phone rang, Bai Yinting glanced at it and walked to the side.
Every time he avoids Xia Zhu, Xia Zhu knows that there are things with her. Bai Yinting always does.
"I’m coming," said Bai Yinting, turning to Xia Zhu with her mobile phone. "I’m in a hurry. Have a good rest here and call me if you have anything."
"Good" Xia Zhu doesn’t want to affect Bai Yinting’s normal work and life.
However, after Bai Yinting went out, she still took a look at it. The mobile phone has been missing for so long, and no one has called her.
She didn’t go to class today, even if others don’t know what happened, Liu Yao and Xing Feng should have heard the wind.
It’s so strange that they don’t want to talk to her anymore because they hear that they have ruined everything.
Is the world so cold? Xia Zhu pouted, wore headphones and continued to listen to French, so life was so chat.
Bai yinting soon came to the gate of loulin Hao blocking the hospital, just not letting Xing Feng and Qu Lu get close to the hospital.
Xing Feng is a little unhappy and has already taken out his mobile phone to report to the police. The hospital is not alone in Bai Yinting. It is unreasonable, unreasonable and illegal for him to do so.
But after seeing Bai Yinting has come, Xing Feng temporarily put away his mobile phone. After all, it is not good for anyone to make a big deal.
"Bai Yinting, what do you mean?" XingFeng gaze Bai Yinting eyes without fear.
Bai yinting eyes some cold feeling, he walked directly to the front of them and then Lin Hao behind him.
"Professor Xing, if you’re here to see Xia Zhu, I’m sorry she hasn’t woken up yet. If you’re here to see her patient, go ahead," said Bai Yinting.
Xing Feng felt funny and said, "What qualifications do you have to tell me this here? If it weren’t for you, how could Xia Zhu become what it is today? "
"Bai Yin court I always let you pass Xia Zhu you what is not willing to? Now is the result you want? " Qu Lu is also very angry
"Xia Zhu has destroyed her face with five stab wounds and the wounds are deep. The doctor said that there is little possibility of recovery. Are you still interested in her?" Bai yinting thinks this is also to let Xia Zhu know how tacky these daily moments of turning boys around her are.
"Bai Yin court, you underestimate my feelings for Xia Zhu. If she is enough for her appearance, I will accompany her to repair it slowly, even if the method is restored to its original sample." Qu Lu is very calm

She feels particularly bad now.

"To Hoai whale, let’s be together," Xia Lu said to him.
To Hoai whale didn’t look back at the kettle. He waited for this day for a long time, but he was not happy when the time came.
"The water is ready." To Hoai whale poured hot water into the cup and walked past her.
He can’t help it. After all, he made a mistake.
Shen Wei has a saying that is right. He is afraid that one day the strange woman will find a door and then do some bad things to eventually hurt the person. It is Xia Lu.
She couldn’t hurt her.
Xia Lu doesn’t know what happened to him. She has made it clear enough, but he doesn’t appreciate it.
She never knew that To Hoai whales thought so much.
"And I don’t need your gratitude," said To Hoai Whale, and then walked to the building step by step.
The next day, To Hoai Whale sent Xia Lu to the hospital. He said that he would go to Xia Shi and Su Shi to handle business, and he would come to change her in the evening. He would be in the hospital these days when she returned to Yuncheng.
Jiang Zhenshu shirked, but he insisted on doing so.
Xia Zhengjun’s situation has improved, and he has been out of the oxygen mask, and he can also enter some liquid food, and his body functions are also improving.
At noon, Xia Lu invited Chen Xun to have a meal near the hospital. She said that she said that her old classmates met, and of course she thanked her for inviting her to breakfast before. Later, she gave a red envelope and Chen Xun didn’t accept it.
Just a few dollars.
Fu Jingyun made an appointment with Zhou Shiyu for lunch and just bumped into them eating.
Zhou Shiyu took a photo for To Hoai Whale "What’s the matter with you? Chen Xun is single. "
"Nothing’s wrong. She has the pursuit of happiness."
"Why are you so negative?"
"I tasted the consequences."
Anyway, Zhou Shiyu didn’t understand what it meant.
Fu Jingyun looked at the chat interface between Zhou Shiyu and To Hoai Whale and wondered, "What does A Whale mean?"
Xia Lu saw them before Zhou Shiyu spoke. "Dr. Zhou and Sister Jing Yun are together. Come on, Dr. Chen and I are not good at ordering."
"All right" Fu Jingyun to also want to find out.
Zhou Shiyu some embarrassed touched the nose.
Chen Xun negotiated with him that although he was in the same hospital during the consultation, he didn’t know each other very well. He nodded, "Does Dr. Chen come here for dinner?"
"Yes, it’s such a coincidence that Lord Zhou and …" Chen Xun glanced at Fu Jingyun.
Zhou Shiyu took Fu Jingyun’s shoulder and didn’t want to be misunderstood. "My girlfriend came to have lunch with me."
"Congratulations to you and Dr. Tang in the hospital …" Chen Xun immediately accepted the words "Nice to meet you"
Fu Jingyun looked at Zhou Shiyu and Zhou Shiyu shook his head to show that he didn’t know.
Xia Lu introduced a Chen Xun to Fu Jingyun.
It’s not abrupt for everyone to eat together because they know each other. In fact, Xia Lu thought it was a good thing that they came and eased the atmosphere. Otherwise, it’s really strange for her to eat with Chen Xun.
"Xia Lu, I didn’t expect you to work in Yuncheng." Chen Xun found a topic and said.
"I don’t want to come back to Beijing soon." Xia Lu has decided that things will not change.
Chen Xun smiled, "That just happened to come to our hospital. Anyway, our hospital is going to recruit students in the spring."
"I’ll talk about it later. I’ve been a doctor after graduation for several years. I want to give myself a vacation and deal with things at home before deciding where to work!" Xia Lu is sick at the same time as her father. If she wants to devote herself to work, she should work hard and not be tied down by other things.
Now it’s obvious that you can’t reach it. Then do what your daughter should do
"It’s good to be back. After all, home is here." Fu Jingyun thinks that family should also be considered first. If it were her, she would make such a choice. "But today, inkstone is alone in Yuncheng."
"It’s okay. I tried to pull her to Beijing."
"Ah Xiao will definitely give you a big red envelope!" Fu Jingyun laughed out.
Xia Lu hasn’t told Xu Jinyan yet, and then tell her when she gets to Yuncheng. Resignation won’t be done for a while.
"Xia Lu, when you come back, the group of people in our student union will have dinner then. Didn’t a chairman fall in love with the vice chairman at that time? Before the horse was about to get married, he said that you were afraid of joining us in the field, so let’s go to the wedding banquet together later." Chen Xun said warmly.
Xia Lu nodded. "It’s good that they are still together."
"Yes, those people have been married and have children in recent years, and I am still single and can’t find an object?" Chen Xun laughed at himself.
"Is that what you don’t want to find?" Xia Lu poked fun at 1
"I miss it now."
"Dr. Chen is not afraid of finding a lot of little girls chasing him in the yard." Zhou Shiyu either doesn’t talk, but the law of stunning is not going to change.
Chapter five hundred and fifty You have gone too far
Fu Jingyun snickered in his heart, and he was used to not talking when eating.
Is that he didn’t work hard.
Zhou Shiyu wants to help To Hoai whales, but he can also help to this extent.
Chen Xun was a little embarrassed. Xia Lu couldn’t help laughing. "Brother, this is Versailles."
"Where is better than bad doctor’s popularity?" Chen Xun is not saving oil lamps.

"Should" YunReLan nodded.

The meaning of greeting also came. She looked at the housekeeper Yan and smiled. "I’m relieved. Then I’ll go back and rest first."
Section 516
"Go slow" Yan housekeeper nodded and let her go first.
A few people disappeared from sight. Robert turned back to his room, and a gentle smile appeared on his gentle face. He was full of ponder and interest, and there seemed to be some excitement and determination to meet it, which was so complicated that it was unpredictable at the moment.
As he laughed, his deep blue eyes shone as if he had seen something very interesting.
It’s fun for a hundred-year-old man to still be healthy.
Robert went behind the door without looking back.
The deeper the night, the whole house became quiet.
Jiang Jiang leaned against the bed and thought about things.
Yan Shaoqing washed out and she looked at him and smiled. "I have something to discuss with you."
"Speak" YanShaoQing lift was sitting beside her.
Jiang Jiang sipped his lips and tried, "I attended an interview at school this afternoon. Well, the interview results of Huaxia Taiwan internship anchor interview may come out in the next day?"
Yan Shaoqing was stunned, "Where?"
"If I am admitted, I will definitely take the class." Jiang Jiang continued
第199章 婚纱礼
"I will do what I can," Jiang Jiang whispered in his arms. "And even if I choose the internship anchor, I will only train for four months, two months before and two months after the main study, and everyone will only work two days a week, and it will not exceed five hours a day."
Yanshaoqing raise my hand in her gills to help twist a.
Jiang Jiang went straight into his arms, whispering softly and coquetry.
Yan Shaoqing was forced by her to hold her gently and compromise. "You have to go, but …"
"why?" Jiang Jiang looked up and smiled.
Yan Shaoqing pinched her nose and said, "I don’t feel at ease until someone is with you."
"It’s a deal," Yan Shaoqing said firmly. "We can rest assured that you can train or have a class or someone to watch after the interview results are confirmed and a bodyguard is assigned to you."
"It feels so exaggerated." Jiang Yaonai curled his pie.
Yanshaoqing slender hand moved to her flat abdomen and gently rubbed it.
Jiang Jiang wrinkled his nose and said, "They are so quiet."
Yan Shaoqing "…"
It’s only been a long time. The child hasn’t formed at all. What can happen?
He couldn’t help laughing at judo. "I’ll go to the hospital for a physical examination one day. After the examination, I’ll accompany you to the store to buy more pregnancy care books. Look around when you have nothing to do."
"Ok, are you working or not?"
"How about going to the mall after buying it? I want to buy some maternity clothes." Jiang Jiang is still a little shy to say it. "So I can wear it when I am pregnant."
"Well, it depends on you."

By default, I don’t respond to Wang Haowen’s words.

No matter how much I say, Wang Haowen won’t listen. I just ignore him and don’t want to hear it. I might as well just keep my mouth shut.
Hao-wen wang kept saying that he didn’t listen to the vows of eternal love. I heard that my face was full of black lines. I sincerely hope that a man of god will take this away from Hao-wen wang now.
Just as Wang Haowen kept talking, my little universe was on the verge of an explosion. My cell phone rang and I took out my cell phone and saw that it was Xie Yiming.
I answered the phone, Xie Yiming asked me if I was not at home at the moment, and asked me if it would be inconvenient for me if he came over at the moment.
I began to pick up the phone. Although Wang Haowen stopped swearing, he looked at me with his eyes still fixed on killing the south wall without looking back.
I was suddenly inspired, and my eyes were full of joy. I told Xie Yiming with a sweet voice on my mobile phone, Ouba, you can come anytime. Come on.
Looking at Hao-Wen Wang’s face, he couldn’t keep his smile. I heard Xie Yiming say that he would bring someone to clean the room. I didn’t even think about talking to Xie Yiming at the other end of the mobile phone. He said that Ouba can make your own decisions, and I will listen to you.
When I hung up, Wang Haowen’s smile had died and disappeared completely.
"Who called you in Ran Ran?" Hao-wen wang was annoyed and frowned.
"You heard me call him Ouba. Naturally, he is my boyfriend." I put my mobile phone in my pocket and hoped that Xie Yiming wouldn’t come over and crash with Wang Haowen too soon.
When Xie Yiming comes over after Hao Wenwen leaves, I will explain to Xie Yiming that I was just out of my mind.
Xie Yiming, when I called him the first Ouba in a sweet voice, he lost his voice for a moment. I clearly felt it.
For the mental shock I caused to Xie Yiming, I have to send an arrow in addition to mourning.
"Ran Ran, are you deliberately angry with me? I admit that I am very angry at the moment. Ran Ran, you have achieved your goal. Stop it." Wang Haowen soon found himself a reason to deceive himself.
"Wang Haowen, don’t be entangled, please go back." I was defeated by Naifu by Wang Haowen’s quick self-transfusion.
Hao-wen wang didn’t leave in accordance with the words and continued to stay at the door with me.
Gossip girl, when Wang Haowen and I were waiting at the door, we came and went five times, and the snooping eyes were undisguised.
The gossipy woman has been noisy all night for several days, and she can still keep a long tongue during the day, which makes me like her and I want her to poke her blind when she passes by.
Of course, I’d like to shoot Wang Haowen, who is stunned and noisy.
Hao-wen wang this delay Xie Yiming is living and hao-wen wang hit together.
This time, Xie Yiming came with several decoration masters.
"Oba, you’re here." I kissed Xie Yiming in the previous step.
Damn it, Wang Haowen, this is a constant fire in my heart, and my mood has soared.
"Why don’t you open the door? Isn’t it cold outside?" Xie Yiming cooperated, except that when I held his arm, his body was instantly stiff, but he soon returned to normal.
Xie Yiming held his arm by me, and slender fingers gathered a few scattered hairs on my cheeks for me.
"I’m not waiting for you, but I blame others for not complying." I pouted at Xie Yiming.
"It’s my fault for being good. I apologize. I’m sorry. Don’t lose your temper." Xie Yiming patted me on the hand to comfort my pronunciation
"Uh-huh, forgive you this time." I smiled brightly at Xie Yiming
"Er, Hao-wen wang is also good. Go and open the door quickly. How can you let Hao-wen wang go outside?" Xie Yiming didn’t see Hao-wen wang greeting the blue-faced Hao-wen wang until this time.
I took out the key and opened the door, and several decoration masters, Xie Yiming and Hao-wen Wang, followed me into my room.
I didn’t expect that after Wang Haowen and Xie Yiming appeared, they witnessed the interaction between me and Xie Yiming, and they could still be strong and not leave.
This situation makes me wonder what I should do next.
Just now, I interacted with Xie Yiming, and I’m already throwing caution to the wind. I can also act to that point, and then I can’t do it if my skills are not up to standard.
Xie Yiming enthusiastically asked Wang Haowen to make a sofa to entertain Wang Haowen and drink water, commanding the decoration master to transform one room and one living room into two rooms and one living room with a master posture.
Looking at the decoration master coming in and out and bringing the partition, I really want to drink and stop, but I see Hao Wenwen, which still hurts my heart and keeps my mouth shut.
Xie Yiming is cruel.
Today, it’s really a bloody coincidence, but Xie Yiming got caught.
If you want to cry, there will be wood. At this moment, I am dumb. If you eat coptis, it is hard to say that Zhendao is dead.
Things have come to this. Today, I have to ask Li Xie Yiming to completely crush Wang Haowen’s mind, or I will lose a lot.
Convergent emotions I sit beside Xie Yiming with soft bones and lean against Xie Yiming’s shoulders with red hearts in my eyes, looking at Xie Yiming with Wang Haowen without a word of idle chatter.
"Tired? Tired? Go back to my room and rest. I’ll handle it here." My body was soft and tender, and I looked at Xie Yiming’s eyes on his shoulder and smiled at me with tenderness.
"Uh-huh, then I’m going to bed. Remember not to bother me like that." Xie Yiming’s words just suit my heart, and I resolutely agree.
Keep pretending. I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold my breath. That will fall short.
I glanced at Wang Haowen, whose face was heavy and dripping out of the water, and went straight back to the room to ignore the right and wrong outside.
Skilled spells and matching hands practice paper cutting. I will stay in my room until the living room is quiet outside.
Take out your mobile phone and look at it. It’s already five o’clock in the afternoon. I open the door and see that the living room has been separated by a partition. Although it makes the living room smaller, it also hurts.
At the moment, Xie Yiming is putting the garbage left by the decoration master into plastic bags.
"Be hungry. I’ll go to the supermarket to buy food and cook for you when I get back from throwing garbage." Xie Yiming looked at me with a smile in her eyes.
"Er, Xie Yiming, Wang Haowen has left and stopped acting." I thank Yiming for getting into the play too deeply.
"I know. Wait a minute. I’ll be right back." Xie Yiming walked out of the door with a plastic bag and a low smile.
Looking at Xie Yiming going out and then taking the door, I look at the ceiling.
I sent Wang Haowen away, but I became a gorgeous mistress. Xie Yiming, you have a girl who loves you, okay?
Resolutely wait for Xie Yiming to come back later. I want to talk to him well, clear up the misunderstanding and get him back on the right track.
When Xie Yiming came back, I went to the newly separated room in this room and took a look at what I saw in front of me. I was stunned on the spot.
In the newly separated room, there is a bunk bed, bedding pillows, Qi Xie Yiming’s suitcase has been opened, and he has brought things to put the bunk beds neatly.
Is this Xie Yiming’s preparation for the long-term war of resistance here? I said I was seriously injured.
At this time, knocking at the door should be Xie Yiming’s return again. I took a few quick steps and suddenly opened the door to discuss with Xie Yiming for the first time.
But it was not Xie Yiming outside the door, but a gossipy woman knocked on our door, followed by several ghosts.
The gossipy woman looked at the house and asked me if I had eaten before leaving again.
I’m a gossip. I slam the door like this
As soon as I turned around, I was horrified to find a female ghost in pajamas standing behind me and staring at me.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Reality is very skinny
When the hell did this female ghost come in? Just now, I was tired of gossiping, but I ignored my own situation.
Now that I’m at the door, my eyes are staring at me in this room, and the cold smell of ghosts coming from my body makes me uncomfortable to frown.
In front of me, the female ghost is a ghost, and her death is not terrible. Except for the sudden sight of the female ghost at first, I was a little horrified and quickly calmed down.
"Tell me what you want to do here." I looked straight at the ghost voice and it was cold.
I have a special constitution, but I can feel it as a ghost. I can clearly know that I am wary of every ghost staring at me.
These days, when I met a gossip late, the ghosts around her turned a deaf ear to me. I know that it should be the change of the gossip’s whole body’s gas field that led to the result.

"This is?"

"I’m almost psychic. Come and help me with my spirit."
"Note the spirit? Good "
Xu Le will hand press the operation type light psionic power into the operation type method array and look at the operation type spell. Xu Le thought, isn’t this the ordinary psychic summoning array?
Why do you have to draw the land specially? Still mysterious?
"Operation-Psychic Secret Language"
A flash of light flash across a few light spirit point Xu Le and gathered in front of Gump.
A slightly weak ghost female nurse appeared in front of them.
"Who are you?" Asked the nurse.
"Who are you?" Xu Le also asked.
"I remember I’m a nurse here. My name … I’m sorry."
Nurses are a little scared, as if they are afraid that they will be punished or killed if they can’t say their names clearly, especially if they are afraid of Gan.
However, Gan gave a hand.
"Tell me about the situation here. It’s in this health clinic."
The ghost nurse looked at Gump in awe and hesitated for a moment and then nodded.
"It’s been too long, my memory is a little fuzzy, but I still remember something.
Well, the doctor in this health clinic called Wu An and later he became the mayor of this town. "
"Ah, wait, what did you say? Do you remember correctly? " Xu Le interrupted a ghost.
Because the ghost said something different from the book they saw outside just now.
"I didn’t lie to you. I really didn’t lie to you."
Ghost nurse would have cried by this time when she saw Xu Le questioning herself if she could shed tears.
She looked at Gump from time to time as if she was worried that Gump would kill her at any moment.
"Go on," Gump waved his hand.
"Mr. Wu An has been committed to the study of white-haired vascular diseases, and the bodies here are all his patients.
Because of the white-haired vascular disease, it is because this variant hair will extract the vitality of the patient that the patient will not live long.
However, it is precisely because of this that the white hair will become extraordinarily strong.
It is said that … can be an alchemist’s material. "
Gansu slightly squinting Xu Le is directly asked.
"Did you really have an alchemist at that time? Is there anything like us? "
"Yes, there were alchemists in our time, but there were no soul-playing people like you."
"Playing with the soul? Ok. "
Xu Le didn’t refute people’s saying that it seems to be the case.
He and Gump looked at each other.
Does the ghost nurse’s statement correspond to that?
"Since the health doctor is the mayor Wu Anna, why will Lan stay here all the time?"
"That woman is crazy. She is trapped here. She is not the owner here and dare not go out.
She enslaved our souls and scattered her soul into each of our souls so that she could avoid being hunted outside. "
When I arrived in Lanzhou, this humble little nurse developed a strong hatred.
A simple soul can produce a heart, which shows how strong resentment these hundreds of years of slavery have caused.
Xu Le nodded slightly. It would be interesting if Lanzhen had been trapped here for hundreds of years.
"Is it possible for Mr. Gan … that the note was forged by Lan himself?"
"It shouldn’t be that the notes recorded a lot of medical records.
Those who are not researchers should not be able to write it or write it in that detail. "
Gump is right, but Xu Le still thinks there is something wrong with the note.
He got the note back from Bai Jing, and he didn’t find any forged handwriting from beginning to end.
"Do you think there is a possibility that there is such a medical research note before?
But ….. This orchid copied another copy and added something of her own? So it became this place? "

"You can also see that a very different brother-in-law will definitely let you glad you came." Xu Jinyan sold one.

Xu Jinyan went to reach out and said, "Hello, is it Dr. Xu’s family? 」
He looked up suspiciously.
I just said a few more words to Fu Jingyun, and this dog man’s eyes can’t stand it.
She picked her eyebrows and Fu Jingxiao suppressed her voice. "Well, sort of."
"It’s still you. Just go. I’ll take you to the family seat." Xu Jinyan saw that he didn’t stretch out his hand and directly grabbed his hand and walked inside.
You can wait. I thought I agreed to wait for me at the door. Why didn’t I keep my word?
Just turned around and walked in, I heard a familiar man’s voice coming.
Three people turned to look at the past.
I saw a man with a big back and a bottle of hair gel, a suit and tie, and this eye-catching bunch of red roses in his arms.
I don’t think the host is as grand as him tonight. He is not a doctor’s family. He is a red carpet assassin, right?
Fu Jingxiao frowned and didn’t say he could bring flowers?
"Yi Sue elder brother deer deer not to say that you didn’t? "Xu Jin inkstone some surprise how he appeared.
To Hoai whale mystifying "This is called sudden romance. How can I miss my wife’s adult performance? Now, even if hundreds of millions of projects are hit, I won’t frown. I’ve been married for a long time. Do I have to create some romance occasionally?"
"Hum" Fu Jingxiao snorted.
"Leave him alone." Fu Jingxiao took Xu Jin’s inkstone and walked.
"Eh, sister Xu can’t leave. I don’t even know where I should sit. I have to ask my sister to lead the way." To Hoai whale is busy pulling people.
Xia Lu’s own family members won’t bring people if they don’t come to the root, and so many people in the audience really don’t know where to sit.
Three people pulled a group of To Hoai whales and To Hoai whales, saying that they were not prepared for anything and ended up buying such a big bunch of red roses.
He really knows cheat people.
"Let’s go. I’ll take you there. You’re my best friend’s husband." Xu Jinyan must bring it.
"My sister Xu is still a great person," praised the To Hoai whale.
Compared with To Hoai whales dressed up to attend Fu Jingxiao and Fu Jingyun’s two brothers and sisters, it is really very low-key. Fu Jingxiao’s white turtle neck is matched with a gray tweed coat, and Fu Jingyun’s oat sweater skirt is matched with a white tweed coat, which is quite simple at first glance.
Who wants to be as grandiose as a To Hoai whale?
To Hoai whale is like a peacock. It is really eye-catching and I don’t know whether it is eye-catching or eye-catching. Everyone will always look at him more.
After Xu Jinyan settled them down, he said, "I went backstage to prepare the program of our department, and the third one will come soon. By the way, Xia Lu’s department is a Su Ge, so you are ready to take a good look at your wife."
To Hoai whale made an ok gesture.
He must surprise her.
Chapter one thousand and ninety-six She got full marks for both doctors and wives.
It took a while for Cheng Beibei to arrive late. Fortunately, she called Fu Jingyun earlier and asked her to leave a place. She touched in while it was dark.
"How did you get here? "Fu Jingyun asked her.
Cheng Beibei suppressed his voice. "I just got back from signing a comic book contract in other places, and I was already in a hurry. But I heard that I would regret it for life if I didn’t come today, so I came anyway."
Former Soviet Union invited her. She read the itinerary and agreed, but she replied to him in the afternoon. She may not be able to come, and the signing was delayed.
Fortunately, the talk was good, and she arrived in a hurry.
Cheng Beibei didn’t take a seat until shortly after.
Like all get-togethers, the process host first looks back on the past and looks forward to the future with an old-fashioned field, and then all departments report on the performance.
Last year, obstetrics and gynecology was the finale, and this year, the pressure gave them a field.
The lights dimmed, then slowly the lights lit up on the stage, and then a row of retro microphones were placed on the stage, and then the music rose.
Graceful women in colorful cheongsam stand in front of the microphone from far to near jjbr >
It turns out that they are blowing cheongsam this year.
Although Xia Lu is petite, she is full of aura. She is standing in the middle position with her hands on the microphone, and this microphone is full of voice.
"Night sea and night sea …" The northern girl sings the soft language of southern Wu Nong, which also has a unique style. The key point is that her waist is twisted like a bone to look good.
Attract attention
Three classic songs, from Night Sea to Woman Flower to Jasmine Flower, made the whole hall feel like watching a visual and auditory feast.
The women swayed, the songs were sweet and moving, and even the lyrics were rewritten. When the general obstetrics and gynecology department came out, it was really invincible and the beauty was outrageous.
The pressure in the back department is absolutely too great.
To Hoai whale sitting at the bottom was surrounded by praise and his back was straight.
"That female doctor in this class is so beautiful. I don’t know if I have a date. I’ll ask my husband later. My brother is still single."
"You must be single at such a young age."
"Female doctors always marry late and have children late."
There are also a group of doctors’ families discussing the hexagrams.
To Hoai whale was in a positive color, and then he immediately rushed to the stage to present flowers to his wife during the curtain call of Xia Lu’s department.
Xia Lu leng leng stared at the grandiose man in front of her. "Didn’t you say you couldn’t come?" 」
"Can I come? If I don’t, I may be torn down by others." To Hoai whale handed her the red rose in her arms.
On the spot, a family member of Xia Lu offered flowers, and of course the host caught her.
The hostess of "Please wait for the man offering flowers to stay" has come to them.
"Excuse me, are you …" The hostess handed the microphone in her hand.
To Hoai whale pursed his lips and smiled. "Don’t you see? I’m a family member of Dr. Xia Lu." He put his arm around her shoulder.
The hostess answered again, "How do you rate Dr. Xia’s performance today? 」
"Of course, it’s 2 points, 100 points. Her performance is full marks, and the other 100 points are because she is full marks in my heart, whether she is a doctor or a wife." To Hoai Whale replied solemnly, which won the resonance of many female doctors’ families.
Family members of female doctors do bear more responsibilities than others, but it is also very important to understand them. Their work intensity is not lower than that of male doctors every day. Family members are their only sense of belonging, and they rely on them after they are tired.

Wentao had already explained the chaos when he left, and he clearly knew the rules.

"These are people from Shuxin clinic who will be here with you later, especially him. You should take him to make out and play boxing first."
"Ah …" Chaos trembled a little when he heard the boxing match.
"Don’t worry about the rules. You can decide the number of games in advance. Don’t kill him and bring it back to me later."
In the eyes of chaos, Luo Zhenfeng is like a baby, and Wen Tao gave him such good conditions.
"Gaga … boss … find you are really a good boss …"
"I …" Luo Zhenfeng just wanted to say what people have been taken away by chaos.
Wentao pointed away from chaos. "This is the god beast Chaos. He has no name now. Anyway, there would be no other god beast in the fix-up world. You can call him Chaos directly and you can’t mix it. You can also call the other side Chaos, and then you can practice it."
"Boss ….. but said before laojin … this chaos is worse than three times the peak scattered fairy! ! ?” Looking at Luo Zhenfeng being taken away, Ling Yunzhi also felt a chill behind him.
"It should be better. You all have to play boxing with him after you are not in a hurry."
"Ah …" Everyone in boxing matches already knows that it is Wentao’s method of calculating chaos.
Some things are explained, but they are boring and need to be explained. Just like the topic they just discussed, Wen Taogen will not explain it.
Directly decorate the people and give them the spirit gathering needle. Now the power of Wentao spirit gathering needle is much greater than before, and it is much more detailed, and it can be fine-tuned according to the different cultivation methods of different people.
After a few minutes, chaos brought Luo Zhenfeng back. He was badly hurt and didn’t die.
Wentao soon treated Luo Zhenfeng, but his injury was too serious, even if Wentao treated him for a few days, he could not recover.
Of course, after Wentao’s treatment and treatment, you can still participate in knowing soon.
"Chaos, after I have told them just now, you should always have a boxing match with them, and you should master the principle of active basis, just like just now, but I don’t want to be a little lighter any more, so that they can recover quickly. When Yanlin comes, you can leave a breath."
Everyone knows that this is the practice of Wentao, but when they hear Wentao’s command, they still feel cold and wooshing.
Looking at Luo Zhenfeng is an example of lying there in pain and listening, but … this guy is really not worthy of pity. Hearing that everyone should laugh like himself.
Wentao this way let chaos out of the shadows now that he has surrendered to himself, he naturally doesn’t worry about his things.
Obviously, it’s much better now that Luo Zhenfeng has paved the way for chaos.
Some reluctantly said, "OK … By the way, who is the boss Yan Lin?"
Wen Tao’s gathering needles and other medical skills make Chaos both surprised and afraid to listen to the boss. Can this person do the same thing?
"Guy … old … board … mother! ! !” Lying there Luo Zhenfeng is still unwilling to be lonely.
Chaos a listen to busy way "originally is the boss’s wife, boss rest assured that I will cooperate with the boss’s wife’s wife to say what I do"
At this time, everyone has a feeling that this chaos is like talking to him. What kind of beast does it look like? It is very similar to a pug, especially now that he is much smaller and less imposing, but the boss says this guy is fierce and evil …
Wen Tao knows that this guy is like this, and when he leaves, they will realize that the god beast is different from Beijing Ba.
With his own account, he won’t kill everyone, but he will never make them feel better.
"When it’s two years outside, it’s 20 years here. When it’s 20 years, everyone will make good use of it. In a few days, I’ll go out to the blue sea and let Yanlin come in. I’ll come in occasionally, but mainly I have to deal with some things outside." Wentao’s own practice here has reached the limit. He wants to make preparations for Du Jie in five years to further enhance his strength.
Wen Tao looked at Xiao Si again. "Xiao Si will wronged you first, and then I will think of a faster way to help you get promoted."
"Xiao Si didn’t dare" Xiao Si quickly fell to his knees after hearing what Wen Tao said. "Xiao Si is today because of the boss’s command to let Xiao Si do what Xiao Si should do."
"Well," Windows moved to let him up and didn’t say much. Once again, he gave a careful account to all the people.
"Boss …" Wen Taogang was about to take Xiao Si out to the secular world when chaos stopped Wen Taogang.
"Well … it’s like this … I play that game with guns and planes, which is quite interesting. I think …"
"You want to have some real fun."
"Uh-huh ….." Window a hit chaos busy nod.
"Looking for him" Wen Tao refers to Luo Zhenfeng’s body movement. He has gone out with his fourth year and soared for five years. I don’t know how far Shu Mountain has been arranged. How far has Yan Lin studied the seven-color rain in the blue waves and the sea?
Shushan jianpai secular world head office
The secular world of the Sword Sect in Shushan has become stronger and stronger, and it is also quite huge to rebuild the palace. They chose a mountain area and two hills, and then slightly disguised the array.
Luo Tengyun, the door of the main hall, quickly walked in.
When the guards on both sides of the "main manager" saw Luo Tengyun coming, they all bowed down and saluted.
Luo Tengyun is now a celebrity around Thunder, and he has been turned into his personal manager. After all, the things of Shushan Sword Sect need to go through many things, and the strength must be enough. Although Luo Tengyun’s strength has also increased rapidly recently, it is not enough to enter the management of Shushan Sword Sect.
The thunder temporarily ordered his head to be the private manager, and everyone knew in their hearts that Luo Tengyun’s future development potential line was respectful to him.
"Well" Luo Tengyun nodded and went in directly.
"The boss has heard from Mr. Wen, and he also said that he would discuss with us about the five-year promotion in ten days." The sudden disappearance of Wentao made the Shushan Sword Sect feel a little flustered. If Wentao does not appear five years later, it will become a target of public criticism.
When the time comes, there will be a lot of arguments.
The thunder they arranged a five-year appointment while looking for Wentao. This time Wentao disappeared for three years in a row.
"It’s true …" The thunder surprise finally arrived from the beginning.
"Just now, his agent just gave me the information." Luo Tengyun also didn’t see the leader smile for a long time. This matter is so important that the leader doesn’t blame him for his death.

The boss of the state construction group personally said that there is a shady inside?

A reporter looked at manager Feng sympathetically with a sigh
This is, of course, Chen Baizhou, a reporter from Virtual City Television University.
It took Jia Yelian a long time to remember to clean up the mess.
Mom, what might happen if Feng always makes such a noise?
Although the competition was lost to the virtual city tunnel construction and the Neng Manor, the state construction group is still one of the largest project builders in the state, and their technology has always been recognized as the strongest in the state.
It is very easy for them to influence public opinion by saying so.
Not to mention, General Manager Feng puts on his qualifications before he talks about his feelings. What he says depends more on his credibility.
Jia Yelian almost saw the stock market of the Atlas Group plummet. What can I do? How to clean up the mess
He hurried to the stage and reached for the microphone, but he took one.
I don’t know when Zhuang won’t come to Taiwan and smile happily.
"Ahem, everyone, please be quiet." Zhuang has also participated in several activities not far away. I still know that he smiled. "Let’s thank General Feng for his wonderful speech."
"The outline of General Manager Feng’s speech is highly thought-provoking. Everyone must study hard and try to figure it out carefully. Let us applaud General Manager Feng."
"pa pa ~"
Not far from Zhuang, it bulges first.
Everyone paused for a long time before remembering to applaud.
"This manager Zhuang is also a talent." Someone gathered around Glory Ann and whispered.
"Last night, I poured a face of wine on Mr. Feng in public, but the label in front of the reporter is decent and humble, and it is also a young talent …"
Modest and decent? Do you have any misunderstanding about these four words?
Even if you have no misunderstanding about these four words, you must have misunderstood Zhuang not far away.
Glory Ann really wants to cover her eyes if possible.
"Then the groundbreaking ceremony is over. The ceremony is a successful ceremony, a successful ceremony and a meaningful ceremony. Please applaud."
Not far from Zhuang, he took the lead again.
Everyone, this is all white.
Oh, Zhuang is not far away. This is to end the ceremony early and disperse everyone. Something more uncontrollable has to be done.
But how can reporters let him go?
They all pushed forward with cameras on their shoulders.
"Manager Zhuang, is there really any scene in this?"
"Will this tunnel really be dug up as General Manager Feng said?"
Facing the long guns and short guns, they clapped their hands not far away and said, "Don’t worry, everyone. Now that the groundbreaking ceremony is over, let’s have a rest and do it again and again."
"What? You don’t want to rest? As I think … Then we can save some time directly … "
"Completion ceremony."
Zhuang nodded not far from Taiwan. Someone pulled the fixing bolt on the back panel wall and then suddenly pushed it back.
"Boom" a wall dumped a deep tunnel and extended straight to the poor distance.
Chapter 496 I am an old vet specializing in bragging.
In front of the flip wall, the eyeballs are jumping around and the teeth are colliding
At that time, everyone didn’t know what to say.
This is false … Really false … Really true …
Don’t talk about reporters, even Jia Yelian, who is not far from Zhuang, has stayed away.
He knew that Zhuang would be built soon, but he didn’t expect Zhuang to be built so fast!
He is very ambivalent at the moment.
My first thought is, mom, I haven’t prepared the project payment yet.
The second thought is, oh, my God, today we bought those properties and they soared!
Crazy! Crazy!
Not far from Zhuang, he didn’t stay in Taiwan, but retired to Glory Ann.
Several reporters swarmed into the tunnel.
"Really dug through?"
"No, it’s more than 30 kilometers!"
"Which have so simple? Must have dug a part … "
"Then who’s the car? Let’s go first and have a look!"
"You ah you … you this is not give me trouble!" Zhou Xiangan couldn’t wait to stab Zhuang with one finger.
Zhang Dafan and others worked overtime yesterday and haven’t gone back yet!

The mysterious woman landed, and when her feet landed, the white bone spider monster had completely broken into a pool of bone residue.

Su Li could not help but take a breath of air conditioning when he saw all this.
Who is this mystery woman? It is so powerful that the first reaction is to move the "third eye" to observe her information.
I don’t want him to just peek at this woman, but I haven’t captured the message yet. The other party suddenly seems to have an induction, and suddenly a wave of his left hand.
Call to a terrorist red light directly lift the ground and instantly to Su Li and Xu Xuehui hiding place.
"How strong!" Su Li was frightened and immediately came up with this idea to launch the sacred field and the third talent with Xu Xuehui to retreat.
Rao is so still unable to be completely overturned by the fiery red light, giving a loud bang, and the sacred field was instantly shattered. He and Xu Xuehui were hit hard on the ground.
As soon as the mysterious woman turns her left hand, she is about to tighten her grip on the fiery light, and Su Li and Xu Xuehui will be swept away and killed suddenly.
Su Li felt the crisis of life and death, and was about to enter the state of sacred enemy, ready to take out the stone tools and fight back. I didn’t want this to contain terrorist energy fluctuations, and the red light suddenly converged. The mysterious woman stopped.
A pair of sharp eyes swept Su Li’s eyes with a hint of disdain.
"It’s a shame that you are not weak but so afraid of death to hide here. If everyone is so afraid of death, the Terran would have died long ago!"
A reprimand scolded Su Li with a face of annoyance, followed by a terrible red light that spread in all directions.
After this woman scolded Su Li, she turned into a fiery red light, which was like a comet breaking through the sky and disappearing in a flash.
She’s very busy. There are too many pauses here. Although she despises Suri, she can also reprimand the old Terran. It’s impossible to kill him with her own hands.
Looking at the mysterious woman disappearing at night, the four-level destroyer looked reverent and then turned his head to look at Su Li with a look of disdain and indignation. "Lord Huang is right. You are really a disgrace to the Terran. Although Brother Qian Fan died, he died of our Terran. He died a glorious death and a great death."
The more he said, the more excited he became. He pointed his hand at Su Li. "Look at your reaction just now, which won’t be much weaker than mine, but you secretly hid here and didn’t dare to shoot. It’s ridiculous. Haha, it’s really a shame on my terran. It’s really a death eater!"
"Brother Guo, let’s go and ignore this deserter who is afraid of death." The first-class guardian knight has already rushed over, and there is some anxious look in his eyes. "I just received the message that the third fortress is tight!"
"good!" This is called Guo Ge’s level-4 destroyer. As soon as he changed his look, he denounced Su Li and immediately turned around and gave a big drink. "Brothers, let’s go and support the third fortress to kill all those animals."
As soon as he screamed and jumped up, he immediately swept away to a distance of 100 meters. Those who were re-encircled killed the Skull King.
Su Li was inexplicably scolded by these people, and his eyebrows slightly wrinkled white. They misunderstood, and when they changed their minds, they had two thoughts. One was to pretend to be awakened by their scolding, and now they decided not to shrink back and join them to visit the third fortress with them.
The other is to bear with them and act alone with Xu Xuehui, which is more free.
Looking at the reunion of the skeleton monster Su Li in all directions, he chose the second one.
If you follow them, you will be greatly restricted, and the stone tools will not be easy to take out.
Even if you don’t join them, you can secretly follow and see what the third fortress is and what is going on here after you leave the base area.
Although she was scolded by the mysterious woman Huang Sheng’s adult and the four-level destroyer, Su Li didn’t blame them, but she felt a little shaken in her heart.
"It seems that there is a great crisis here. They are fighting to the death. They see me hiding. I’m afraid of death. That’s why I was scolded, but even so, they restrained themselves from giving me a hand …"
Su Li looked at the four men and quickly rushed to the other side of Skull Island. In the dark night, a dazzling light suddenly lit up again, followed by rumbling thunder and explosion.
There must be a fierce and cruel war at the far end of Sulibai. Look at this scale and momentum, it’s completely different from hunting monsters in Shoude City or attacking cities every night.
From these destroyers, he vaguely felt a tragic wave. They all fought with the belief of death.
There are a lot of skeleton kings in all directions, and it’s like they can’t kill them all, so they will reunite soon.
Su Li took Xu Xuehui by the left hand and took the stone tools out again, then rushed towards the place with the most skeleton monsters.
Chapter 73 The third fortress
Suddenly, a bright divine light shot out sideways and swept out toward these skeleton monsters.
In the terrible burst, a skeleton king was shattered and a large number of spiritual sources surged towards his forehead.
Sensing the message in my mind, Su Li suddenly found that the number of spiritual sources harvested by killing these skull kings and skull kings suddenly decreased by dozens of times as he became a first-class destroyer.
Killing a Skull King before the territory was broken can fully harvest five spiritual sources. Now killing one can actually harvest two.
Killing an elite skull king will yield five spiritual sources.
This blow killed less than 70 skull kings, and as a result, two or three hundred spiritual sources were harvested.
Entering the enemy’s state for eleven and a half seconds, Su Li took Xu Xuehui in his left hand and stone tools in his right hand, all the way towards the group of skeleton monsters in front of him.
Every time he swings the stone tools, he can harvest two or three hundred spiritual sources, and soon he has more than a thousand spiritual sources.
When the enemy ended in eleven and a half seconds, Su Li had killed the end of this skull island, and the number of spiritual sources reached three.
Put away the stone tools, Su Li took the ruler’s spear again, and the energy on the top of his head surged with the third talent, and the soles of his feet stepped on the sacred field of the underworld circle.
Being in the sacred realm, his fighting power is less and doubled, and now he can easily hit tens of millions of pounds of great power.
And the doubling of combat power is the most basic primary luck in the sacred field
Killed at the end of Skull Island, and from time to time there was a boom and explosion in the distance.
Su Li saw a dazzling white light rising like a flare in the dark night in the distance.
This is a special signal crystal.
Then at the end of the dark day on the other side, Su Li saw a huge ship, which looked like a floating warship from a distance. It was hidden too far away in the dark and was not noticed by him.
Until now, the warship at the end of the hidden darkness lit up with a thick light beam bigger than white, which exploded the place where the signal crystal was emitted.
The earth-shattering explosion is far away.

He also felt the power of "thoughtlessness" supported by the power of the yellow spring.

In case of a real fight, don’t say "robbery". The punch will definitely hurt Fluttershy.
Gu Qingshan is very sure of this.
Fluttershy silently listened to the corners of his mouth slightly become warped light way "your strength is really likely to hurt me".
"Don’t play" Gu Qingshan road
"Go back to eat at noon?" Fluttershy asked.
"I’ll go out and come back soon to cook" Gu Qingshan said.
"Good waiting for you to eat," Fluttershy said.
Gu Qingshan body weeks surges fog enveloped him.
He left soon.
Chapter three hundred and sixty-three Confrontation
Gu Qingshan and crow came to the bar to sit in the noisy music.
"Breakthrough?" Asked the crow
He pushed a glass of wine to Gu Qingshan and waved his body, which was somewhat enchanting.
-this is the show. It seems that the crow is also well prepared during this period.
Gu Qingshan heart silently way
He took the glass and took a sip.
"Yes, it took a long time this time, and it took almost ten days." Gu Qingshan said
"It’s always a good thing to rise in strength in the doomsday era-by the way, have you returned to the guild?" Crow continued to ask
"I went back to get the title of assassin and gave a big bag of money for many things." Gu Qingshan said.
The crow laughed and said, "They have got a preliminary contact with the Holy Spirit. They will be rewarded handsomely if you successfully fight against the end of the plague."
"Money is really more," Gu Qingshan admitted.
Speaking of this, he is also somewhat satisfied.
Always spend a long time for yourself.
"Come on," crow barked. "At that time, the allied forces were scared to death. Who knows that you have brought a new and powerful world to the virtual turbulence. This kind of reward can’t be generous."
"What makes everyone so happy?" Gu Qingshan has some solutions.
The crow took the cup and said, "Wine is on you today."
"Good" Gu Qingshan Road
Two people touched a cup.
The crow said, "You see, we are from that world and we succeeded in breaking through when we stayed for a while."
"Yes" Gu Qingshan nods
He has come here for nothing.
Sure enough, the crow continued, "Now that world has been reborn and has become a fusion of three powerful worlds, it will be stronger in the future."
"Such a powerful world is good for everyone, and they can go there to practice like us sooner or later."
"Let’s go again when the world integration is completed" Gu Qingshan said.
At this moment, a gentle man with glasses came in at the bar door.
"You’re early," Royal Roll said.
The crow handed over a glass of wine and said, "You are late."
Yu Juan ignored him and turned to Gu Qingshan. "Did you donate the bounty of the human trafficking group to the church this time?"