I thought, "It’s better to find a way to catch up with this aunt Yunzhi to learn those messy things. Wouldn’t it be easier for her to help me calculate when something happens?" He has more confidence in hitting on girls than learning from Liu Ren.

Yan Zi gauze looked at the vernacular, "Aren’t you the moon yourself? How can she teach? "
The little girl sighed, "I have already said that the vernacular is the vernacular, and the moon is the moon. I am different from her."
The night is getting deeper and deeper, and Yun Zhi finally fell asleep next to Zi Zhi.
The two girls even have the same sleeping posture, but one is left and the other is right, face to face, and even the breathing frequency seems to be synchronized.
Yan Zigan laughed. "They really can’t tell which is which if they don’t talk."
Tang Xiaofeng hey hey smile "there are more fun things" quietly jumped in the past with a pointed branch to non-success cheese face a poke.
He poked a sister flower, but at the same time he touched his face for a while and then fell into a deep sleep.
Lin Xiang wondered, "What is this?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "This is called telepathy. Hey, hey, hey, hey." If we can marry the sisters to the bed … it will be very interesting to think about it.
Lin Xiang and Yan Zi gauze looked at each other … Why did this bad guy laugh so evil again?
Tang Xiaofeng drilled the cave.
The night is dark and the surroundings are faint.
He looked up at the crescent moon and the scattered starlight and thought of his parents and sister.
Originally, he was in the whirlpool of history unconsciously with the mentality of fighting around. Although he thought it was quite interesting, after all, this kind of day when he never knew what big things would happen at a moment would not make people feel chatting, but occasionally he would wonder if it would be better to spend one day with his relatives and have a monk bump into one day.
Of course, I really want to live like that. Maybe he wants to run away from home again.
Yan Zi gauze and vernacular also emerged.
Yan Zigan asked, "Xiaofeng, where should we go after?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "I haven’t thought about this either."
Yan Zikun whispered, "I have an idea. We might as well flee to the east and go overseas. If floret can also take your parents and sister to take care of his court, such as Huang Tiandao, who is wanted for you, will kill you in the East China Sea. That is, if floret day, no one can help us."
Vernacular saying, "Otherwise, we can also hide in the Yuanjiao Secret Land and return it to me at the Xuantianbi. But it’s still a long way from the full moon night, and we’re chatting in the Yuanjiao Secret Land, but we can’t come out until a full moon night."
Tang Xiaofeng thought it was a changeable time, and when he came out for a month, the ghost didn’t know what would happen.
It’s not his wind to escape to the East China Sea with a lot of blame.
Besides, he can’t always flee south to Lingnan, which really leads the disaster to his doorstep.
"It’s not easy to escape anywhere." I glanced at the cave in the vernacular and laughed. "After all, Wang Qi is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that Wang Qi is a kind of luck and is the most lucky. The disadvantage of our side is that Wang Qi is like a vortex, which will unconsciously attract a lot of things. Even sitting at home, there will be a series of things pushing him away until he becomes an emperor."
Tang Xiaofeng said, "Is there any way to get Wang Qi out of her body? For example, go to the fairy pillow again? "
"Unless you want to kill her," he said in the vernacular, "If you get Wang Qi, once you lose Wang Qi, you will die. Just like Yang Guang, when his Wang Qi moves behind Li Shimin, he will die at once. Even if he survives, he will not be able to drag on for a few years. Wu Meiniang must have put Wang Qi into the fairy pillow because he already has a short life, but she has a magic knife in her hand. She definitely wants to kill Wu Meiniang with a magic knife so that she can smoke Wang Qi. I didn’t expect Wu Meiniang to have no Wang Qi."
Yan Zigan said, "What are you talking about?"
Vernacular sigh "On the other hand, if you are emperor by Sister Zi … it doesn’t feel reliable at all"
Tang Xiaofeng squinted at her with her eyes … much more reliable than you.
Yan Zi said angrily, "What are you talking about?"
Tang Xiaofeng suddenly looked up. "What is that?"
There are seven shadows in the west night in a circle, which flies rapidly.
Although you can’t see anything everywhere, it gives people the feeling that it is extremely gloomy and terrible.
The little girl exclaimed, "The secret of the dragon … the spirit-searching method of the seven seals of ghosts and gods?"
Tang Xiaofeng consternation "dragon? How can there be a dragon guy here? "
The little girl cried, "I don’t think it must be the ghost of the dragon general Yin Candle. I can’t stop the divination from searching for the soul solution. Run! Run!"
Tang Xiaofeng thought that the name "Yin Candle" was familiar, and then he reacted that it was the new Lord of the Three Emperors’ Father Zun Shengmen. He jumped into the cave and Lin Xiang was with his sleeping sisters. "What happened?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "Go!"
A picked up the purple cheese and let Lin Xiang picked up the non-success cheese and floated out at the same time.
The two sisters were awakened by the wind and Zizhi shouted, "What are you doing? What do you do? Molested … "
Vernacular "shh" a "purple elder sister don’t have enemies" Zizhi hurriedly shut up.
They turned their backs on the ghosts and gods, and the night fled quickly …


No, Chu Yun feels quite anxious now.
So I took out the soul crystal and chakra and poured it into the metempsychosis pool to speed up this speed
An hour later, fresh and bossy Nagato appeared.
A crimson head with long hair is different from others except for the hole in the eyes.
The soul fire order is not low. When the soul crystal catalyzes directly to turn 7, I believe it can evolve to turn when I stay in Clock Island for a while.
Yu Lingzhi’s transformation into a dream should be similar to that when he was alive.
Swift named it "and then you called it Xiaomen."
The undead Nagato looked at Swift. In his vision, Swift … was black …
Pure black
Chu Yun also has that smell, but her body is even more terrible.
Chu Yun didn’t talk to him when he didn’t, and he will continue to turn to the spot.
Spotted bones are complete, more like skinny mummies than skeletons.
It’s a little disgusting, and when you die, you’re old and you can’t be old.
Chu Yun threw the dried corpse spot into the metempsychosis pool and then threw the former Bai Jue into it.
White never wants to struggle for a moment and then split up in the rotation of his head.
There seems to be a hand twisting his head several times.
Blood fog ascending metempsychosis ceremony
Until then, Chu Yun didn’t have time to look at Clock Island, which hasn’t come back for a long time.
"Yeah, I didn’t expect Clock Island to have such a run-down place."
Broken walls, dark stones, rolling down, that’s all
"A little familiar feeling …"
"Is this also a failure to stop water?"
Swift shook her head. "I took a look at this place when you were busy just now … that is, stopping water and covering the capital of kings."
"Wocao! How did it become such a bird? Who was attacked? "
Chu Yun called an undead crow and then entered the other person’s memory to see what happened.
So Chu Yun saw that after the big guy left, the little guys threw a carnival party
The undead crow order is not low enough to turn seven times, and the matter is loosened for fear that Chu Yun will pursue it.
Chu Yun waved "I don’t care"
The dead crow slowly raised his head, as if the worst child had been forgiven by his parents.
Although there are no eyes, the soul is clear and full of hope
Chu Yun changed the subject "but someone will care".
Then he summoned the water stop. "Naughty little guys bear the anger of your uncle."
However, he was summoned to stop the water with a stupid face …
Huh? Don’t you care about stopping water?
Chapter five hundred and ten Fusion circle eyes
Don’t you care about stopping water?
No, like Chu Yun, he hasn’t reacted yet. Where is this …
When he saw twelve steel columns around Clock Island …
The ruins were in a state of shock, but there was no hurry to get angry.
Reason told him to know who did it first.
If it’s the boss … then lend him a few more guts and dare not say anything.
Then after a while.
Knowing the truth makes the soul restless …
Look at the Chu Yun appeared laughed "you don’t endure".
That’s a very definite instruction. You can … teach those guys a lesson.
As a result, the clock island was once again turbulent and once again set off a chicken flying a dog to jump.

As time went on, two days later, Xie Liaosha kept the price of gold steadily, but it seems that someone saw that Xie Liaosha seems to be keeping the price of gold to death, so some opponents joined in. Xie Liaosha could already feel that he was under pressure, but there was still no news from Churbanov, which made Xie Liaosha feel very upset. He was worried, but after calm thinking and thinking, what was the worst result? The big deal was that he directly broke the position and lost at most 500 million yuan, or lost more. Xie Liaosha sold yoa communication and had to remember these Xie Liaosha.

At this time, new news came from Churbanov again. The Soviet border guards led by Churbanov’s political department received an order to raise the alert level. As soon as Xie Liaosha and Churbanov settled down, Xie Liaosha quickly invested half of the funds, and the price of gold should go up. But it didn’t take long for Xie Liaosha to exert his strength on the opponent’s hand. Xie Liaosha continued to fund and maintain the price close.
On June 1, 1992, at 6: 00 GMT, a "Young Pioneers" took off from the silo in the Volga River in the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic at the Kapustin Yar launch site in Astrakhan. Fifteen minutes later, the missile accurately hit the target in Enba, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakhstan. The distance between the two places was 1 km, which officially kicked off the largest nuclear power exercise in the Soviet Union. The frightened western countries called it "7-hour nuclear war."
The "Young Pioneers" launched only a k92 strategic ballistic missile nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea, and successfully launched an r92 intercontinental ballistic missile. Soon after, the missile warhead successfully hit the target in the distant Kula shooting range in kamchatka peninsula.
So the gold market was encouraged by the Soviet Union’s nuclear missile test from the early morning market, and the momentum was like a rainbow, breaking through the previous high point. At the same time, the US dollar index should fall to the bottom of the valley, which was a rise and fall. Thanks to Liao Sha’s wealth, it also started a surge model.
But who knows that the drama has just begun, and the Soviet Red Army’s subsequent actions continue to stir up the western countries, and the Soviet General Staff has ordered two ur1 intercontinental ballistic missiles to take off in the silo of Baikonur Space Center. At the same time, the a35p anti-missile missile in Kazakhstan’s Tanzareshagan shooting range also intercepted and successfully hit the target in the near future.
Then, at 11: 00 GMT, the Soviets launched a satellite interception test from Baikonur Space Center. The Cyclone-2 rocket took the Cosmos 1379 interceptor satellite to intercept the Cosmos 137 Tianqi satellite, which was located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and imitated the American navigation satellite target. The two satellites maneuvered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at the same time and played a game of hide and seek. Unfortunately, Cosmos 1379 failed to achieve the interception goal before it exploded. A Cosmos-13 interceptor satellite was sent in too long, but it still failed. So the U-rocket of Baikonur Space Center Alliance was sent into Cosmos-131 interceptor satellite again. This time, two satellites finally succeeded. You chased me and rushed to the Federal Republic of Germany. There was an amazing explosion in "close contact" 16 kilometers high.
At 13: 00 p.m., Tass news agency informed the world that the Soviet Union had conducted a strategic nuclear power exercise. Previously, the North American Defense Command, NATO and the European Radar Early Warning Center had informed the Soviet Union of this move. At one time, the price of gold soared again like a rainbow, while the dollar index instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. The financial markets all made hedging needs in the shadow of war, and the thermonuclear war seemed within reach. Many residents in western countries were very eager to buy food and materials to cope with the possibility of war at any time.
At the moment, Xie Liaosha and Churbanov kept their eyes shining and listened to all kinds of news from Karim from the front. They were very satisfied with this income. Xie Liaosha finally reached the liquidation order one hour before the close to harvest the fruits of victory. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven The escalation of contradictions
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC "seven-hour nuclear war" has a much greater impact on the world than the second "whisky on the ice" incident * Pop-up window? @++www * c Plus the dollar and gold prices deviate from each other. Xie Liaosha’s income this time is far greater than the next time. With this money, many problems will be solved.
However, more money is just a number. It is urgent for Xie Liaosha to get rid of this inefficient way of money laundering as soon as possible. Xie Liaosha didn’t stop all his business without thinking about it, but this is unrealistic because even if Xie Liaosha doesn’t want to do it, he will force him to continue to do it. Let alone the border guards who smuggled oil with Xie Liaosha. Uzbek bureaucrats are used to Nikolai’s presence. If Nikolai suddenly disappears, Nikolai’s agents Mikhail and Yakov will be in great trouble.
Churbanov quickly got his due share of the account. A long list of Churbanov was very excited. He praised his account and said to Xie Liaosha, "Do you know what this means? Hope is freedom and a bright future!"
Xie Liaosha agreed and nodded. Now it’s his turn to envy Churbanov. Xie Liaosha also hopes that he can break away from money and live a worried life like him.
However, Selyosha probably didn’t expect that his plan for the Moscow Workers’ New Village would soon face a powerful challenge from Viacheslav, a Moscow law thief. Ivan Ivankov
The workers’ new village in Selyosha has considered all the problems except the problem of gangs in the south of the city. On the streets of Moscow, especially in areas far away from the city, the most annoying thing is not the political police, but the gangsters everywhere.
It is said that during the Olympic Games, Churbanov reached an agreement with the gangsters to temporarily solve the security problem in Moscow.
Selyosha Moscow Workers’ New Village is close to ivankov’s site, which makes ivankov feel uncomfortable. As soon as the project construction comes in, many strangers come in, which puts ivankov’s business at risk of leakage. He does not allow anyone to enter his site without his permission, even the government ivankov will not buy it.
Ivankov once sent his hand to warn the construction company that participated in this project, but his hand obviously didn’t understand the importance that ivankov attached to this matter. He only did a few small damages, and by the way, thieves made a little money to enrich their pockets, that’s all.
However, ivankov didn’t ask about it until four other construction companies joined in and the scope of construction was further expanded. ivankov didn’t notice what happened here.
Ivankov thinks he’s going to order Petrov one. He thinks this old guy is so unappreciative. Don’t you know what business he’s in? How can you do your own business when you break ground on your own site with such fanfare and build a new village for workers?
In the early morning, a heavy-duty bulk cement mixer was slowly driving from outside the city towards the construction site of the Moscow Workers’ New Village project. When the car was about to enter the large unfinished building in the south of the city, suddenly the driver found that the road ahead had been blocked.
A group of people wearing safety hats and holding iron bars gathered in the road. In front of them, several cement piles were placed with strong lights shining on the driver’s seat to blind the driver.
"Psst …" The driver stopped the car quickly when the brakes sounded. He didn’t know what was going on in front of him.
"You talk!" A man in a sports jacket pointed an iron bar at the driver and said maliciously
"Boss, what’s up!" The driver of the mixer knows that he has met gangsters, but he doesn’t know what these people want, so he can dawdle and do as the other party does.
"The boss has something to say!" The driver took out a few roubles from his pocket. It’s not that the driver is timid. It’s really late, and it’s in the middle of nowhere. Even if these people kill themselves, no one will know.
"Don’t come to this I tell you that our boss wants to ask you these drivers a favor! If you want to be obedient, there will be no business for you! " The other party threatened and put the money into his pocket.
"I’m sure I’ll get it done when you can let me go!" The mixer driver said nervously
"Well, now pull you over, pour out all the cement and get out of your car!" The man in the sports jacket said maliciously
"Ah pour it out? Where do you pour the road? " Asked the truck driver, half worried and half confused
"Why do you want to take a few punches when you don’t talk nonsense?" Jacket man shouted impatiently.
"Yes, yes, my horse will fall!" The driver quickly climbed the car jacket, and the man beckoned that two guys came again, one of whom climbed the car and the other commanded the driver to reverse the car.
The driver of the mixer truck can honestly turn the steering wheel and do whatever the other party tells him to do. Anyway, the cement is the country’s own life, so it’s not important for the state to make a mistake. Precast concrete puts itself at risk.
The car quickly changed direction in the open road, and the guy directed to reverse the car. The guy looked at the position of the car and gave himself an ok gesture to sit in the car.
"All right, now put that thing behind your car up for me. Come on!" The guy in the car said impatiently
The driver didn’t dare to hesitate. He pressed the car and quickly rolled behind. The mixing barrel was slowly erected, and dozens of tons of cement poured into the road.
Ten minutes later, the driver of the mixer finished dumping all the precast concrete cars according to the instructions of the other party. The guy said to the driver, "I remember that if you dare to come again, don’t blame us for being black-handed!" Go back to where you are now! "
"Never dare to come again!" The driver braved the cold sweat and said that he wanted to send the car as quickly as the plague, and then he fled here with one foot on the gas pedal as quickly as possible.
On this night, almost all the roads leading to the workers’ new village construction workers are performing this scene. The construction site is waiting for materials. The workers know that the dawn has not waited until a cement mixer arrives. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Dangerous hostility
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website for reading the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC The words of the Youth Industry Department of the Communist Youth League Committee of Moscow have been ringing all the time in the early morning the next day. Goldman, who is in charge of the project construction, has received calls from construction companies one after another. One reason is that ivankov retaliated last night. @++www* C
Ivankov blocked all the roads leading to the construction site in secret. They forced the drivers of mixer trucks to pour concrete on the road and unload steel bars into the moscow river. They also tried their best to destroy the roads around the construction site. The concrete has blocked the roads and vehicles. The construction company had to stop all the work.

All kinds of tactics, all kinds of possibilities, this moment flashes in my mind, and time is very slow but very fast

Xu tui was awakened by the breath of a newborn Weiling than a small universe.
I don’t know when the battlefield has a small universe atmosphere.
The small universe in the strong war twenty minutes narrowly died several times, and Ulla finally felt the thunder extraordinary rules source corner step by step into the breakthrough.
And do everything in your power to seriously hurt ulla, who is a small universe. Looking at the breakthrough to the small universe, ulla is desperate.
He couldn’t fight before the breakthrough. After the breakthrough …
What’s more, at least four small universes are watching him, and he has become a bluestar grindstone.
In an instant, before the Eldar small universe was desperate, the mental body rushed to collapse in all directions and could collapse to other bodies.
To be explosive!
He is going to blow himself up!
But it was only the moment he wanted to blow himself up that Erila, Qu Qingshan, Ji Si, Li Qingping, Wen Xinglun, Shang Long and others shot at the same time.
It will be nullified in an instant.
This scene makes another Wen Shao fight against the strong in the small universe to limit despair.
Despair, giving up fighting, running away, fleeing for life.
But Lei Guang has blocked his escape road first.
It’s still the same scale. There’s no suspense
Xu’s eyes are looking back at An Xiaoxue, who knows Xu’s meaning by looking back at An Xiaoxue.
"Six minutes. Six more minutes."
At the same time, a bloody battle is raging in front of the south gate of the small universe in heaven!
Chapter one thousand four hundred and thirty-one To capture the bloody plan
In front of Tianmen, the southern part of the small universe in heaven.
The skylight that came out from the sky was blocked by the three-dimensional array of celestial guards.
Weibin commanded the four Tianmen guards in heaven to stay in front of the southern Tianmen except for the necessity.
The number of defenders in Tianmen in the middle and south has reached 900 thousand
At the same time, there are still some low-level star officials and deacons left behind in the main departments of the stars and the palaces of the stars, and about 3 thousand people are also in the southern Tianmen.
The soldiers are magnificent
But Weibin did not have the slightest confidence.
This is a non-quantitative high and low world.
Or we must talk about quality before quantity.
Naturally, the divine power of the celestial universe can be brought into full play, and Wei Bin naturally got the accurate information of the Daxi Eldar Coalition forces through the divine power seal.
In addition to the peak of the small universe, there are 13 small universe and 240 people in the peak of Jiuwei, 150 people in the Eldar and 135 people in the West.
There are 410 ordinary nine guards, 120 Elders, 290 Westerners.
There are more nine satellite stars of Daxi nationality, so the strength of Daxi nationality is consumed very little in the pre-battle.
And the Eldar power is consumed a lot.
It can be said that there are more than 200 nine-guard stars in the Eldar here, which are already owned by the poor Eldar.
Besides the more than 400 nine-satellite stars who came here, there must be a certain number of nine-satellite stars in Daxi nationality.
This is inevitable.
There are 5,200 Elders from Jiuweixing and 5,900 Westerners.
A total of more than 11,000 people joined forces in the small universe of heaven.
It won’t matter if it’s purely nine Wei Wei Bin.
Even if the Eldar and Daxi allied forces are elite, the combat power at the same level is generally far stronger than that of the celestial guards at the same level.
However, the celestial guards rely on the southern Tianmen and the huge number can level all the gaps.
However, the nine satellite stars and the small universe are the keys to decide this big battle.
Of course, it includes Chu Ling and Yuan.
Counting these two, there are 15 small cosmic nine-satellite stars, a total of 650 people.
Everyone, especially the small universe, is a great threat to the small universe in heaven.
And there is no nonsense and no unnecessary movement in this big war.

"I’ll go and see how she is now. It’s estimated that something will be very sad." Qin Bai said to himself and quickly went to Shen Qin Bai Xuefu’s room.

Halfway through, Qin Bai’s board reacted again. Shen Qin Bai Xuefu can’t be in her room now. She should be with her daughter.
"I heard that some time ago, Jiang’s adult came back to accompany his wife. They have such a good relationship. If anyone can do this to me, I’m sure I won’t miss another man in my life." Two maids chattered and discussed.
"Who said not? I heard that Jiang’s adult came here for something, but he just waited until this side got better before leaving in a hurry. "Another maid also echoed."
After listening for a while for two hours, you discussed Qin Bai’s heart, and I didn’t know what to say. At that time, my thoughts were a little confused.
"Well, since Jiang Muhan can get back so quickly, he should still have her in his heart. So what do I have to do persistently?" Qin Bai laughed at himself.
"I wish she were happy. What does it matter if the person around her is me?" Qin Bai comforted himself.
After understanding this, he has decided not to pester Shen Qin and Bai Xuefu, so he let go, but he still can’t bless these two people.
While Qin Bai came back, Qin Baixue and Dong Donghe came back, but they came back not because they heard about it, but because they had other things.
"Why do you all happen to be back at this time? Is something wrong?" Shen Qin Bai Xuefu is puzzled by the three men coming back at the same time.
"I just want to come back. Why don’t you welcome me?" Qin Bai said with dissatisfaction
Shen Qin Bai Xuefu clearly felt that Qin Bai’s change was a smile but not disturbing. It was also a good thing that Qin Bai could think clearly.
"Why? I always welcome you to come and play with me, but it seems a little inappropriate at this time. Recently, a lot of things have happened. "Shen Qin Bai Xue Fu Nai shook his head.
"Don’t talk about my troubles at such a reunion. Tell me what you are doing when you come back." Soon, the hostess turned to a topic and didn’t want to say more about these troubles. It is enough for her to worry alone. These people don’t need to join in.
Qin Baixue and Dong Dong looked at each other and smiled. Shen Qin Baixue was keenly aware that there seemed to be something wrong with them, but she couldn’t get along.
"What’s the matter with you two? Is there anything to say that maybe I can help you solve it? " Shen Qin Bai Xuefu was nervous and looked at them.
"Don’t say that we really have something to do when we come back this time, but we also need your help." Qin Baixue sold a mystery and fully aroused Shen Qin Baixue’s curiosity
"We two horses are going to get married. I think I need your help. I may not be able to do it alone." Qin Baixue shook her head and felt a headache when she thought about those complicated procedures.
Shen Qin, Bai Xue and Fu Leng have never thought that two people will get married or it is a good thing. Naturally, she wants to support and see two people make a positive result. She is also very heart-warming.
"Then I would be more respectful than obedient, but Mu Han may not come back. He went to the night country a few days ago and Qin Baixue practiced for a short time and couldn’t come back." Shen Qin Baixue said with some regret.
For this matter, Qin Baixue and his wife would like to be very reluctant if they can’t make it back. After all, Ann is more important. It would be bad if something happened to the road.
"It doesn’t matter if he can’t get back. Aren’t you still here? Have you is enough, I believe that you can top several him "Qin Baixue smiled confidently said.
And Shen Qin Bai Xuefu is here to take care of her daughter. At this time, there is just one more thing to do, and she has not shirked it.
"Since you are not afraid that I will screw things up, what am I afraid of?" Shen Qin Bai Xuefu also laughed.
A group of people are busy preparing for their wedding, while Jiang Muhan on the other side has no good luck.
It is difficult to meet many dangers in the process of cultivation. Unfortunately, Jiang Muhan met this time.
"What is this plant? I have never seen anything? " Jiang Muhan was curious about a plant in front of him. He didn’t know what the origin of this plant was.
After thinking about it, Jiang Muhan decided to give this plant a try, thinking that there should be no danger, but it’s just a plant. If he wants to react quickly, nothing will happen.
However, the fact is not as beautiful as he imagined. As soon as he approached, he was stunned by this plant and fell unconscious.
When Jiang Muhan woke up, he found himself in the night country. When he just woke up, the whole person was still a little stunned, and some were not able to react to what he had experienced.
Jiang Muhan was in a daze, trying to sort out his thoughts and find out what had happened. When a man came outside the door, Jiang Muhan immediately became wary.
"After all these days, you are awake. If you don’t wake up, I’ll think of other ways." The mysterious man started to listen.
"So you saved me" Jiang Muhan tried to ask the mysterious man nodded and gave him affirmation.
"Thank you for this thing, brother. Otherwise, I don’t know what will happen if I am alone in that place. If there is anything to let me do, I will not refuse," said Jiang Muhan gratefully.
He knows exactly where his experience is, and he is even more grateful, but the mysterious man seems to have no intention of taking credit.
Chapter 274 The Emperor of the Night Kingdom
"What’s the matter? But I need you to meet someone." The mysterious man looked at Jiang Muhan with some complicated eyes, which made Jiang Muhan feel a little puzzled.
"Who do you want me to meet?" Jiang Muhan is a little puzzling, not too white. The other party just saved himself and let himself see someone? This is not a bit of a fuss.
Or is there anything that this person needs to go to other places, or is there anything that he needs to do? Jiang Muhan instantaneous alert.
"You’ll know this when you go. You can rest assured that I won’t harm you after wasting so much effort to save you." The mysterious man was unwilling to say more and succeeded in shutting Jiang Muhan up.
After thinking about it, Jiang Muhan nodded and agreed. After all, people can’t even promise such a small thing when they save themselves. What’s worse, he just said that it’s not too late to refuse anything, or to look at the situation first and then make a decision.
Soon Jiang Muhan was led by the mysterious man to a luxurious hall and met a man. Sitting on the throne, the man could easily see his identity.
But Jiang Muhan didn’t see what he was, and the other side was the emperor of the night country. It is reasonable to say that there is nothing to need him as a nobody, right?
And he looked at the emperor of the night country and his expression seemed to be a little excited. What was he excited about? Jiang Muhan suppressed his doubts and prepared to listen to what the night emperor could say.
Of course, if the emperor of the night kingdom is going to do something bad for him, he can also react in time so as not to suffer.
"Aren’t you curious about your own life?" The words of the night emperor successfully aroused Jiang Muhan’s interest, but it did not show that he did not know whether the night emperor was an enemy or a friend at this time.
"If you want to talk, I’m all ears. If you don’t want to talk, I won’t insist." Jiang Muhan said superciliously.
At night, the emperor froze for a while and then laughed so hard that Jiang Muhan was puzzled.
"It’s true to tell you that the night kingdom royal family has a adopted daughter, Night Cloud Yarn, who grew up with me." The night kingdom emperor said and looked at Jiang Muhan’s look.
Jiang Muhan listen carefully eyes flashed thinking look seems to be guessed something.
"We naturally developed feelings and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, but we didn’t agree with the royal family at that time. We also wanted to kill Yunsha." The emperor could not conceal his anger in the eyes of the emperor at night.
Jiang Muhan is still silent waiting for the night emperor to continue to tell the story, but he has already guessed that he needs the night emperor to continue to tell him to confirm it.
"I learned the news and wanted to protect Yunsha, but I was not strong enough to protect her at that time. Zhou Nai, I can choose a strategy to send her away or stay here, which will naturally reduce the danger."
"At that time, Yunsha already had you and I naturally wouldn’t let her fall into a trap. I let Jiang Chou take Yunsha away. At first Yunsha didn’t want to, but later you agreed."
At this time, Jiang Muhan has been white. Just at night, the emperor looked at his eyes and was so excited, but Jiang Muhan had no extra feelings in his heart.
It is false to say that it is not true, but after all, there has been no contact and no deep feelings for so many years, and naturally there will be no great emotional fluctuations
"After that? Didn’t you take people back? " Jiang Muhan said that he was not confused by the emotional card of the night emperor.

Everyone listened to each other and wanted to be sanctified?

It’s hard for everyone to imagine that Su Li can make such an understatement and help them achieve holiness.
"Su Ge … you’re just … too much …" Zhang Hao took a deep breath and finally completely white. Huge statues of Su Li were built everywhere. Now Su Li seems to be powerful in his eyes.
Helping these old friends break through Su Li was in a good mood. Looking at all the excited and excited faces, he felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction. Suddenly, he felt the body energy shaking, and the mother-in-law was printed with a reaction, and somehow broke through and entered the six-step sacrifice.
He was already about to break through, but he didn’t want to help the people break through this time. He even followed the breakthrough in his satisfaction.
"Do you really help others like yourself?" Su Li smiled and chatted with everyone for a while. He didn’t leave until everyone entered the sacred tower on the 1st of next month.
And they also dispersed one after another, ready to take things that will enter the sacred tower.
These people have grown up to have some loyal followers around everyone now, and they also need to settle down.
Su Li arrived at the burial platform.
He has a good impression on both the God of Burn and Yuntang, especially the God of Burn, who has a good talent and can achieve the race god himself. He is willing to help.
Two women still sit cross-legged face to face, constantly practicing hoping to promote themselves.
At present, the two women are twenty-five primary gods. If there is no special opportunity, it is not hopeless to break through to the intermediate god, but it is hard to imagine when necessary.
Su Li suddenly appeared and two women were busy with their eyes open.
"Zun …" They saluted respectfully. Su Li suddenly appeared. They were surprised to see Su Li’s eyes full of respect and worship.
Xu Haishui and Ding Shi’s brother and sister, they don’t know that Su Li has become a goddess. They don’t even know what a goddess is, but Yun Tang and Huang Shen do.
Now Su Li has replaced the King of Light as the master of all worlds, and this is something they couldn’t have imagined before, so unattainable that it will appear in front of them alive.
Two women are filled with emotion
Su Li gave a way, "You’re welcome. I’m still a former Su Li."
With a smile, I sat down and said, "It’s a little difficult for you to practice like this. After I help you improve Shinto, you all enter the sacred tower. It’s not difficult to cultivate into a level 30 limit god all the way … I’ll think of some way when I get there."
Two women are already twenty-five junior Shinto, and they need to be helped to improve Shinto. Not surprisingly, they can practice all the way to the ultimate Shinto level.
This kind of means can’t be done even by ordinary deities, but Su Li holds the state of super-dimension, and can enter the state of super-dimension and peel off their Shinto for tempering.
Can two women be trained as extreme gods by Su Li’s words that their hearts are pounding wildly?
What is the concept of limit god? They couldn’t even imagine before.
Su Li became unfathomable in their eyes.
After Su Li let them sit side by side in front of themselves.
The two women are obedient and sit quietly, then close their eyes and slowly enter meditation according to Su Li’s instructions.
Su Li went into a hyper-dimensional state, stripped their Shinto, and then forged her understanding of Shinto together with the power of the mother-in-law’s divine source into their Shinto, and finally reached the limit and perfection.
It’s not a problem that they are finally promoted to the limit god with Shinto perfection.
In order to speed up the promotion of two women, Su Li helped them to complete Shinto while constantly pushing the power of the goddess into their bodies. Otherwise, they slowly cultivated their promotion and growth fields, and they didn’t know that it would be possible to break through until June.
After everything is finished, Su Li quits the state of ultra-dimension, and the two women are still in meditation. The energy on the surface of the body is surging, which is the power of the mother-in-law God.
Suddenly, there was a fire in the body of God, and she broke through and was promoted to the intermediate God.
Chapter 924 Day will
Yuntang’s body energy fluctuates endlessly, and it is obviously about to break through.
Su Li secretly nodded, and the two women will definitely enter the sacred tower. Not surprisingly, they will continue to break through and eventually become the ultimate god comparable to Dafa God.
Help two women reach the limit of Shinto. Even Su Li has lost a lot of energy. After the end, her mouth is full of breath, and the energy of the gods is surging, and all the lost energy is restored.
After the recovery, Su Li suddenly felt that he had made progress again.
"Is there such a thing?"
The original Su Li wanted to help them get a breakthrough, but she didn’t want to help Xu Haishui and Qi Mengyu before. When they made their own breakthrough, they reached the realm of six-step sacrifice. Now they help Yuntang and the god of burn to lose more spiritual energy and make progress. This improvement speed is much faster than that of their own sacred tower.
"Maybe … this is a wonderful meaning? I hope I can help more people to make breakthroughs? "
Su Li holds the Sioupo seal and is surprised. If I think about it, it will be a little white.
This is the will of heaven
God will hope that he will help more people to make breakthroughs in promotion, and he will help these people to realize the perfection of the holy road and Shinto, and he will also have a deeper understanding.
Even if he entered the Senluo realm, his predecessors could help others to achieve perfection in the Holy Way or Shinto, and they finally achieved perfection in Senluo, and their successors appeared. After they entered the Buddhist temple, they would leave the Buddhist temple.
Su Li is the only one who has just entered the worship of Taoism and can only enter the ultra-dimensional state after entering the true God, which is a miracle.
Yuntang body a burst of energy rushed to the clouds and vibrated to bury the gods. She also followed the breakthrough and was promoted to the intermediate god.

The whole city of tears is a secret brother from Yaochi, next to Guanghan Palace, specially trained to assassinate the first generation of guanyu killer Mu Yunti. When he sees the whole city of tears, of course, he has to capture it and send it to Guanghan Palace to please him.

"It is almost impossible to say that the Guanghan Palace has released traitors, and … Wang Foer can’t take this gate, the two holy places, Guanghan Palace, even if he has a thorough ability!"
Yan Long Qingxue knew that the whole story had been discouraged and hoped. At this moment, a towering giant ape rumbled and appeared. Jin Futu, the general manager of Muyun City outside Muyun City, immediately drank a drink. "My hero in Muyun City will immediately deploy the array to prevent this fierce beast from breaking into the city and slaughtering our relatives and brothers!"
When giving orders, Jin Futu naturally has a commanding majesty. However, after giving orders, he turned to Yan Longqing and smiled bitterly. "In the first world war, the abbot of our family killed the Red Crescent Fulong Array or killed more than 100 soldiers by this fierce beast. This time, I was forced to flee. This time, my family’s abbot can’t bother Miss Yan Long. I have a thought of Miss Yan Long, a tens of thousands of koo people in Muyun City!"
Yan Longqing’s clear snow flatly refused, "You herded tens of thousands of people in Yuncheng, and the people of Dong ‘ao ethnic group are not sinners. If this person gives me great trouble, I don’t want to help you, but you have to tell me the truth."
Jin Fu Tu saw Wang Foer’s change, and the great ape was close to the gate, so he couldn’t help shouting, "If you want Miss Yan Long to keep my city, what should the people ask me? I’d better ask Miss Yan to help me herd Yuncheng."
! ! ! ! ! w! w! w! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
As soon as the words were finished, Jin Futu suddenly fell to his knees and slammed his head. Yan Longqing sighed in the dark. He was about to speak when a cold voice came from the sky. "Jin Futu immediately deployed the Red Moon Fulong Array. I’ll abbot this array. We Mu Yunjia can’t ask others yet!"
Yan Longqing snow suddenly looked up and saw a tall and thin man in a white robe. Although he was not very old, he brought an irresistible majesty.
"It’s Brother Mu Yun!"
YanLong clear snow just want to persuade this man, but then I thought of this man’s pride and stubbornness, and immediately swallowed his words back. "Since this matter has his head, I will leave it alone. It is best for MuYun family to head."
Yan Longqing’s snow drifted for half, but finally he couldn’t help but say, "Wang Foer’s body is big and rotten, and the Buddhist monks also have feelings for the teachers of Yixiu Jackson. Wouldn’t it be two beauties if Brother Muyun could bury the hatchet?"
The tall, thin man said coldly, "When I beat this fanatic to his knees and beg for mercy to compensate me for the loss of Muyun’s family, I am willing to make peace with him. Let me go first!"
Yan Longqing snow sighed and drifted away from the battlefield where the two sides were about to fight. Wang Foer seemed to be seriously injured, dragging the giant ice crystal stick and stumbling.
"Red Moon Fulong Array is the first nine fairy arrays in Bailudong, and a pastoral cloud family has been getting along with the door. How can even Confucianism learn to look after the housework? If all the forces in Muyuncheng can resist Xiaotian’s land robbery, plus the abbot of my 14th brother, the power of the large array will increase several times. I don’t know what kind of hard work it took for Wang Foer to break the Red Moon Fulong array and seriously injured Brother Muyun. He changed it, which is a few times different from Brother Muyun’s skill. Wang Foer is even doomed! "
There are three Xiaotian hijackers in Muyun Family, which is also the dominant talent of Muyun Family. Even if there is a war in Dagan Dynasty, they are nothing but a generation of two talented masters, Muyunmeng and Muyunti, who are engaged in Wushengmen, but Muyunmeng is the best four brothers in Wuzhuangguan. Many people have almost decided to give Muyunmeng the theme of Wuzhuangguan from generation to generation.
The flame in Wang Foer’s heart is hard to extinguish. Before Yan Longqing’s snow came, he had already had a battle in Muyun City, and something went wrong. Still, he forced Muyun Twips to leave this defeat and let him kill several times more.
Wang Foer, of course, didn’t know that as soon as he lost, Mu Yunti couldn’t suppress the injury and fell from the middle school. Now he has changed his horse and rushed to Mu Yunmeng’s abbot’s overall situation
"Old me, I don’t believe that these ordinary fighters can compete with me for endurance. This time, I will be exhausted by dragging my hands for three days and five days. Without these defenders, I will be able to nullify Muyunti and jump into the sea!"
Although it seems that Wang Foer, who is faltering, has already healed the injury caused by the storm of Muyun City, he made this gesture because he wanted to pick up Muyun Twips if he had a cheap one. If he saw that he was physically weak and went out of the city to invite the war and not kill this turtle grandson, where would there be justice?
If the two armies fight blindly and recklessly, it’s natural to be unlucky. At this time, it’s the right way to be extreme. Wang Foer has already calculated the key time to release the knife. This has also passed Xiaotian’s robbery. "Just now, there was no chance, but it was only ten times that I injured that fellow. It’s better to kill him once. Who will blame if he is shipped this time?"
Chapter 336 Sweep a horde with one foot in the door
"Pastoral cloud home dignity don’t offend! Get out of the city! "
MuYunMeng drink MuYunCheng defenders immediately rushed out of the city.
Wang Foer came to think about whether to stumble a few steps and then stumble and pretend to be even more awkward. But when he saw that the defenders of Muyuncheng actually wanted to form a formation outside the city, he suddenly came to the spiritual tunnel. "It was indeed a decapitation and I didn’t know how to live in such a field!"
Even if it’s a tough and good soldier, it will take some time. Although Muyun’s army is well trained, it will be as short as possible, but for a master like Wang Foer, it’s better to wait and give him a chance to kill.
Mu Yun twips have finally seen Wang Foer’s force and dare not do it so boldly. It was the first time that the city completed the formation before meeting Wang Foer. Even so, it was a lose-lose situation.
Mu Yunmeng and Mu Yunti have been fighting for the position of the Lord for a long time. It is incompatible with each other. He is backed by the first concept of Five Zhuang Villages. Master Heng Daozhuang is also the strongest in the world. Although he thinks that Wang Foer can defeat his brother, he should be considered a powerful role. He decided to lead the army out of the city to meet him and defend him. He refused to believe that he could not even hold off Wang Foer for a moment and let Mu Yunjun cloth the Red Moon Dragon Array.
"When the knife comes out, stall that high-heeled corpse!"
Mu Yunmeng’s expectation is similar to the fact that his martial arts can indeed stall Wang Foer for a while, but how did he expect Wang Foer to have a knife so fierce?
Calling out the knife, Wang Foer strode and rushed, and the decadence was gone.
There is a famous classical novel that once recorded an extremely heroic strategy. The guy who is also a monkey once said that the Lion Rock Ridge is just 47,000 small demons. My stick is 45 feet long and 7 feet thick when pulled at both ends. When Nanshan rolls and kills 5,000 Beishan, it rolls and kills 5,000 from east to west. Even if you doze off, you will kill 40,000 small demons into a paste in less than half a day.
Wang Foer saw this many herding Yunjun and somehow remembered this allusion. Indeed, he pulled the ten murder gods and became ten meters thick. On the spot, he rolled up and released the number of corpse soldiers in the carry-on weapon to help him push this great stick.
There are also many good players in Muyun Army, but they are helpless in the face of such an extremely fierce strategy. If they have higher martial arts skills, they can also avoid being driven out and killed. But most of the sergeants have not even joined the force. How can they resist such a fierce killing method?
In a moment, Wang Foer killed more than a thousand men, and his hands and feet were numb when he was entangled in a knife. If he was killed by Wang Foer because of his strategic mistakes, the status of Mu Yunjia would turn sharply.

At this moment, Tang Rouzheng murmured, "I’m very upset these days. If there’s anything you can tell my friend to stop practicing’ Mother’s Away from the Soul’ for me, it will be very harmful-"

And Zuo Qiu detached Deng Yuhan’s long body caused by the fact that the old man and the three big men had drunk seven points of cheese ding and scolded each other, so the three big men went out to beat the old man-
Such a thing Zuo Qiu detachment Deng Yuhan nature can’t ignore-
At this time when Xiao Qiushui was about to shoot chopsticks in the middle building; When Tang Rouchen faced his story; When the building is noisy; Zuo Qiu detachment Deng Yuhan was about to stop the fight-
Dusk is over.
The drinking teenager suddenly threw a cup and drew a sword across the table, and the sword was like a snake stabbing Xiao Qiushui vest!
This sword is ahead of the sword wind!
But this time it is Xiao Qiushui whisking to send chopsticks.
Young fierce see Xiao Qiushui hand a young a surprised can’t help but slightly a sideways sword potential also slightly a lag sword wind has been ahead of the tip!
Xiao colchicine suddenly felt the sword wind and he immediately rushed forward.
He saved himself and flew out of the window!
But Jianfeng has cut a four-inch blood hole in his back!
Xiao Qiushui flew out of the window and grabbed the window lattice with both hands.
A teenager misses a move and sticks his sword again!
Xiao Qiushui shoots chopsticks with one hand!
The teenager cuts out the chopsticks with another sword and rushes close to the sword!
But at this time, Tang Rou has made moves!
Tang Rou flew up as soon as he whisked a teenager!
Listen to "grab" a post and nail a flying knife!
The young man evaded Tang Rou hidden weapons!
When the teenager saw that he had succeeded, he flew out to another window opposite.
But "shout" to a person over his head and fell to the window.
The teenager looked intently at Xiao Qiushui.
Xiao Qiushui grabbed the window root with his hands and flew out to stop the young man’s way.
Young eyes flashing but then Zuo Qiu detachment has stopped the stairs Tang Rouji behind him.
The teenager took a deep breath and relaxed, but he didn’t move.
Deng Yuhan over there has slowly solved the sword and faced the three big men and an old man.
The four men also slowly pulled out their weapons.
Xiao Qiushui caressed the sword wound behind his back and said with a wry smile, "Are you a murderer?"
The boy nodded.
Xiao Qiushui’s "Hello, quick sword"
The boy said faintly, "You are so quick!"
Xiao Qiushui said, "If my hand didn’t just move, I’d be dead if your sword was in one go."
The teenager said, "You are lucky."
Xiao Qiushui said, "Since you have chosen me among the four people, I will fight with you for life and death."
The teenager said faintly, "Four to one is not welcome!"
The teenager’s face turned blue in an instant, and the veins stood out in his hands.
Xiao Qiushui left Qiuchaoran way "Zuo Qiu face someone bullied an old man you to solve a"
Zuo Qiu detachment should be a flying floor.

A silver light like a meteor blasted into the gene evolution environment, but it was extraordinary, but Xu retreated to fly sword.

He can cope with the water’s extraordinary gaze, but if he doesn’t care, it will cause him fatal damage.
A huge water whirled to meet him.
As if leaning out of the snakehead, it’s more accurate than holding Xu’s flying sword back.
The gushing of layers of water whirls sharply reduces the speed of Xu Fei Jian.
"Xu retreat!"
Just broke through the water extraordinary blockade Luo Shifeng abrupt explosive roar a whole person instantly into a light flash to the front.
The mutant of this ability gene comes out in an instant and spans seven meters.
But Luo Shifeng, the gene evolutionist, came out and quickly broke into a distance of 20 meters.
Directly appear this water extraordinary side.
The water curtain water whip attacked Luo Shifeng at the same time.
At the same time, the water suddenly rose rapidly when the water column stepped on it.
Height difference of maple when rapidly pulling Tarot.
Luo Shifeng can be chased close, but the height is still the genetic evolution. Once Luo Shifeng is pulled, there is really no way.
But at the same time, the extraordinary eyebrows of this gene evolution water suddenly wrinkly.
In telepathy, a seven-meter-long Fiona Fang mountain suddenly appeared on his head and smashed it straight at him.
The figure tilted, and the water transcendent jumped directly on the water column, which was blocked by the soaring water column. Xu retreated directly and smashed the mountain.
At the same moment, another water column rushed out of the ground steeply and caught the extraordinary water falling from the low.
The water rises again.
Just break through the water and attack Luo Shifeng suddenly some despair.
If you can’t kill this extraordinary water, there will be no chance to live if you retire today!
A gene evolution in the offshore area is so powerful that it can almost seal off all chances of survival.
JI Wang, who has just been dumped by Luo Shifeng in the distance, has stabilized his body and the horse can be killed back.
Seven other gene mutants are also coming in formation.
Finally, the vitality is rapidly passing!
Although the huge wound in the waist is bleeding, there is no pain.
Feng Qian’s blow was poisonous!
However, the crazy expansion of the body, the hot feeling and the sense of strength make Luo Shifeng particularly desperate!
He’s desperate. He’s been injected with a genetic chain fission drug.
However, the rapid rise of this super-water makes him lose the chance to fight to the death!
But it’s only this moment that Xu retreated and roared.
"Go straight!"
Xu back roar Luo Shifeng didn’t want to white at the moment.
What does it mean to go straight for a refund? What should I do?
But the opportunity is fleeting
Once JI Wang comes again after ten seconds, he has absolutely no chance to cooperate with the extraordinary genetic evolution of water, which has seriously injured him.
Even if it is injected with a gene chain fission agent!
When I heard the roar, Luo Shifeng did not hesitate to choose 100% letter to make a refund.
His long-term credibility with Xu tui’s teachers and students is comparable to that of others.
Luo Shifeng suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed directly to the extraordinary water that was rapidly rising at his height.
Body gene evolution Luo Shifeng jumped more than ten meters high is the limit.
But the water extraordinary at this time through the water column height has exceeded 20 meters.
Luo Shifeng’s touch
But Luo Shifeng instantly rose and the soles of his feet suddenly became solid!
Still one thing, but suddenly the down-to-earth feeling makes Luo Shifeng have a place to borrow.
Luo Shifeng stepped out and made more than 20 meters low and instant close to the extraordinary water in the gene evolution environment.
Once a mysterious practitioner is extremely close, it represents extreme danger!
What’s worse, Luo Shifeng’s personal strength was temporarily increased by injecting gene fission drugs.
In the sky, Luo Shifeng’s ghosting is instantaneous, and the gene evolution is intertwined with water.
Accompanied by the roar of water and light energy field force
Entanglement of two people is almost instantaneous.
But in a split second, the genetic evolution of the transcendental water becomes two pieces!
Separation of head and body
Blood spilled from the sky.
Luo Shifeng situation is also very mess.
The wound in the lower back was directly hit by an extraordinary attack, and blood poured out of it!
Luo Shifeng jumped directly from more than 20 meters to the middle of the time, stomped on the extraordinary body of the water and stumbled down to Xu’s side.
Blood is pouring from the big hole in the lower back!
"Teacher Luo, I will help you cure …"
Luo Shifeng looked at it. It was dozens of meters away. JI Wang directly grabbed Xu’s retreat and ran towards the sea.
It may be that Luo Shifeng was injected with the gene chain fission agent. Even if he was seriously injured, the explosion speed was even faster than Wang Ji!

"hello, sister-in-law"

His voice is hoarse, as if he had caught a cold.
"Are you still in the hospital? How’s the little darling?"
"I’ve already gone home," Han Zhaolin whispered. "I just got out of the hospital and it’s not a big problem for the time being. I fell asleep."
Gao Ge was relieved and whispered, "When the little darling wakes up, please tell her that I will visit her in a couple of days."
Han Zhaolin should be in a hurry. "Sister-in-law, I have to hang up. I have work here."
Song dazed, just when Han Zhaolin hung up, there was a hysterical word "roll" in the microphone, which was the essence sound.
It seems that the two people have not been relieved by the improvement of their children’s health.
Sing with a sigh put away the phone.
"Come on, every family has difficulty chanting scriptures. They must have had problems a long time ago, and they can’t solve them overnight."
Sugar cube reminds her with a makeup brush, and while giving her makeup, she says, "It’s enough for you to bewitch your president if you see such a thing or stay away."
Speaking of MuYunZe singing, I thought of Xu Anyan. She drooped her ears and sighed, "MuYunZe’s childhood is back."
Sugar cube Zheng "You mean what’s that called?"
I nodded in a high voice. "I met someone at the party last night who was very beautiful, with big breasts and big hips. I should be thin and fleshy."
"Gee, is this to boost others’ morale and destroy their prestige?"
"I mean, really, she speaks in an orderly way, and her voice is as smooth as water, which makes your bones crisp."
Sing a song and smash it. "It turns out that the president likes this kind of tone before."
Sugar cube looked at her again and asked, "Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself?"
"Of course not!"
Singing is very serious. "Of course, I admit that she is a little worse than me."
Sugar cube.
"No one is more suitable for you than you and MuYunZe."
Laughing loudly and bending your eyes "Thank you for your compliment"
Two people chatting one build what did not build.
Today’s itinerary is simple. There is a fashion magazine interview that can be done before noon.
No sooner had the makeup been painted than the cell phone rang.
She wiped her hands and pressed the answer with her mobile phone.
Singing in front of the mirror and stroking the folds of the clothes, the sugar cube had finished speaking when I turned around.
"Ge ‘er may go back to the company in the afternoon."
"What is it?"
Singing doubts
"The role of" Flame "has changed, as if it is going to be replaced."
Chapter 154 Can’t be a man and talk about acting
Chapter 154
Since she was drugged by Su Jinghuan at the hotel, she has been avoiding going to the company so that she will be uncomfortable if she doesn’t meet.
After the magazine interview, Fang Tang drove back to Borui singing loudly.
Just entering the hall, I saw Sister Chin waving to them.
Two people tandem walked past.
Section 17
Singing and lip-licking, "What’s the matter with Sister Qin?"
Sister Qin whispered, "Flame has attracted investors. At their request, they need to install several actors from other companies. I’m not sure about the details. The crew of Flame is meeting you in the building to have a look."
"Why didn’t they all sign the contract before? They said that changing actors would make fun of people?"
Sugar cube frowned in a bad tone.
She has been in the circle for a long time, and she hates this kind of role being cut off halfway.
It’s not easy for anyone to work hard to get the role, and someone else will change it for you in a few words. Who wants it?
Singing is calm. She pressed the sugar cube and whispered, "Let’s go and have a look first."