I wanted to see where Qin Shujuan was, but when I looked up, I saw Qin Shujuan falling fast.

I will not make a sign to ask what’s going on.
Qin Shujuan made a gesture of pulling away, then waved as if to say goodbye, and finally made a thumb as if to encourage him to move on regardless of her.
Seeing this scene, I will not say to myself, "I am Cao … can I care about this?"
I almost didn’t want to take out a paratrooper knife and cut off the main umbrella. I bowed my head and plunged like a sharp arrow again.
Qin Shujuan tried to solve the problem that the umbrella bag could not be hit when she was fighting for it, so she went sideways to help the wind and lift her body to stabilize her body and reduce the falling speed.
I will not be plunged to fall faster than her, and I will soon catch up with a pull Qin Shujuan.
Then, regardless of Qin Shujuan’s surprised expression, she threw herself into an umbrella bag directly.
Qin Shujuan struggled hard, but if she was pulled too much, would she be wrong?
I will not help Qin Shujuan pull the umbrella directly after giving her an umbrella. Looking at Qin Shujuan being pulled up by a parachute, I will also be relieved to make a reassuring gesture at Qin Shujuan, then turn around and plunge into the island head and land …
Qin Shujuan didn’t know that I couldn’t come back from the dead, but she felt that I couldn’t move. She was moved by tears and couldn’t stop flowing out. She said firmly in her heart, "Don’t worry, brother, I will take care of your family!"
At the same time, the rest will not be here.
He didn’t worry about falling to his death, but now he is wondering whether this gluttonous island theory is just a slap in the face of the sea reef from the map or nearby.
It’s only a few hundred meters long and a few hundred meters wide. There’s not even a coconut tree in the big place.
It happened that there were five big ships parked around there, and it was very easy for each ship to come with 20 or 30 people at will. Now it seems that the ships are all on the island.
But you can’t see anyone from a high altitude.
There’s not even a trace of anyone moving.
Where have so many people gone?
When Yu Huifei fell to the gluttonous island, he felt a virtual distortion for a moment, and the world before him changed dramatically.
Yu Huifei exclaimed, "Really? It’s not the current situation again, is it? "
Blink of an eye, the palm-sized island is enlarged and directly transformed into a forest. There is a huge island forest with no end in sight!
"I … Shit!"
I will not be very sweaty, of course. The third floor of his home is also a small world where Sumeru evolved.
He’s not surprised to see this kind of thing.
What he shouted was that in the face of such a big island, he could fight quickly, and it seemed to be troublesome …
At this moment, the face came with a dense gun.
Yu Huifei looked down to meet a group of people fleeing in panic. I don’t know what it is. The huge shadow and the tall canopy cover up and down, constantly harvesting human life.
"Let!" I’ll have to come or not. He’ll come and yell.
As a result, he saw that the face didn’t stop, but the shadow stopped and looked up just to see Yu Huifei.
I will not finally see each other’s appearance. It’s a huge black wolf!
This black wolf is five or six meters long, and his mouth is like catching a ball, so I will fall into his mouth when I wait.
I will not see this and curse "evil animals!"
Then Yu Huifei took out a pan and polished his teeth like a steel knife at the black wolf.
I will be strengthened four times, and the physical strength has long gone far beyond the ordinary people’s rapid evolution to the limit of human beings. With the help of high falling force, he has no idea how powerful the super alloys pan force is.
I feel that my pan is like patting a glass, and my discerning teeth snap, and then the giant wolf’s mouth snaps like crispy fried chicken.
When the chased soldiers heard the noise, they turned around and saw a man descending from the sky like a god. Then a pan slapped the big black wolf’s mouth with teeth flying all over the sky, and the mouth was half short.
Follow that man. He’s more fierce than hitting a copper head. He’s famous for his black wolf head …
Chapter 356 Night terror

It’s a pity that no matter how toss and turn, it’s no match for Huei-fang.

The soldiers around him sighed for a long time. "I didn’t expect the princess to be so good. No wonder the new emperor was so afraid."
It’s not stupid. Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.
The new emperor’s name is not good, and it is urgent for someone to hold it down.
Another soldier frowned, hoping not to drag his brother down. "Hey, what’s all this?"
"You say the princess is really a traitor?"
Middle-aged general officer sneer at a look strange "have you ever seen a swagger traitors? What does she want? "
She is already a princess of the town, and ten thousand people have to commit treason?
The soldier was confused and shook his head and sighed, "I really don’t understand."
Several Fuzheng ministers accompanied the new emperor back to Beijing with the coffin of the first emperor, and then the grand ceremony of enthronement was followed by the funeral ceremony of the first emperor.
After the first emperor was buried, everyone was tired, so was the new emperor, who was even more tired than others.
Because he wants to be filial, he can’t be separated from every occasion.
At the moment, he was tired and wanted to lie down, but he heard a very bad news and suddenly became angry. "What did you say? She succeeded in going to Qin? "
The head also dare not lift "yes"
The new emperor’s face flushed with anger. "What do you have with a group of waste?"
It took him so much trouble to avoid the sight of the punishments, and as a result …
His hands are so angry without thinking about it
It’s all because my father gave the phoenix order to Mu Jiyue, but he got the dragon order, which can mobilize the half of the dark guards, but what?
The other half of the dark guard is watching, and this part of the strength is equal to offset.
It’s not good to do great things like this by collecting confidants over the years.
He scolded for a long time and didn’t dare to say anything. Suddenly, his eyes turned to "go and ask Wang Shi of Yongning to come over."
An hour later, the Nangong Hanxi arrived late, looking haggard, and the whole person lost a big circle of clothes.
The new emperor came without greeting and forced him not to tell him, "Cousin, you are finally here. Do you know that Mu Ji went to the State of Qin? What the hell does she want? Will she collude with Qin to attack us? "
Moon? The Nangong Hanxi was in a trance for only two months, but it was like being separated for 20 years.
The new emperor shouted angrily, "Yes, she bears a grudge against me and will lead the enemy to harm me."
The more he talked, the more excited he became, but the other party didn’t respond. He looked straight and his eyes were strange.
The new emperor consciously touched his face. "Why are you looking at me so much?"
Nangong Hanxi looked at him like an idiot and looked indifferent. "It’s easy for her to kill you, so don’t bother."
Mu Ji’s skill and poison can easily kill a person without being discovered.
What the hell is this? The new emperor was furious. "Cousin, how can you say that?"
He was very angry and scared at the same time, because it was true.
Mu Jiyue does have this thing.
Nangong Hanxi was very unhappy. "This is the truth. You are still alive. She thinks you are not worthy of her hand."
Chapter 112 Suffering from hardships
He misses her very much and wants to go crazy!
He regretted saying that about her!

Li Suiyun put his hand into the sleeve after waiting for Xingtian’s head to return to its place, and caught the prisoners. He was angry that several people were small and bullied, and every time they caught one, they would be punished with heavy slaps.

The children in the door have already prepared ropes to treat people. When they are caught, they will come out. They will be tied up with tendons and want to wear iron locks to prevent them from casting spells.
Li Suiyun shook his head and smiled gently. "Can’t be so, can’t be so? These are genuine fairies. How can such tricks be used to greet people? Although some magical powers are familiar with change, but I can’t do it here. Do you need a special lock? "
Say and then take out a few pieces of Taoist symbols from the sleeve, hand in the children’s orders and stick them on the mud pill palace above several people’s heads, but they are as heavy as Mount Tai and immediately seal the mud pill palace, so that they can’t move, even the five senses and six senses are closed, and they can’t look at their eyes and speak, and they feel that the gangsters in their minds are just like drinking too much.
Li Suiyun looked at them with a cold smile, and just got out of his chest. He felt quite comfortable and immediately ordered his brother to be escorted to the cell for good care.
After several children left with the prisoners, Li Suiyun took out a bunch of magic weapons from his sleeve, but it was these fairy closet treasures. These magic weapons shone brightly and dazzled the eyes at first glance, and they knew that they were good things.
Li Suiyun also ignored all the expressions, reached into his sleeve and pulled out a few magic weapons, but it was from the Heavenly Palace that he got the baby in the mirror of heaven of science.
Without waiting for everyone to talk, he took a few small bags from his arms, which were full of stolen flat peaches, and the aroma of the flat peaches that had not been beaten had already spread.
Kong Xuan was not interested in flat peaches. His eyes were fixed on the mirror of Heaven of Science, and he couldn’t help exclaiming, "A good baby is a good baby, Master. How did you get this treasure? It seems that the bodhi old zu Hongjun personally gave it to Emperor Heaven of Science for protection!"
Li Suiyun is also smiling and stroking this baby. "That guy in Heaven Science is so good-faced that he actually hangs this thing outside the dedicated hall, and ten thousand people pay tribute to it. He also knows that no one dares to have a windfall in heaven. Yesterday, I wandered around in heaven and cocoa hit such a treasure. How can I make it dusty in heaven? Besides, if heaven’s wealth doesn’t hurt honesty, I’ll naturally put it away. Why don’t I leave it there to be blown by the wind and rain? "
Kong Xuan and others don’t laugh when they hear it. They are generally arrogant about the high things that can laugh at heaven. This is also the reason why Emperor Heaven of Science is looking for Yuan instead of Li Suiyun.
Li Suiyun was obviously satisfied with this harvest. He gently stroked a few magic weapons and said to his brother, "These magic weapons are also rare things. I will not go out to handle affairs in the future with my bare hands, and people will laugh at my poverty in the floating cloud island. I can’t even get a decent magic weapon."
Tooth chuckled, "Master, you have searched so many magic weapons treasures that you can hardly put them inside. It’s really hard enough that it’s not enough. Hehe, if you search again, even the magic weapons of Tianqun Fairy will go into the treasure house of Floating Cloud Island, they will cry."
Li Suiyun shook his head and smiled and immediately said to Xingtian, "Your axe will come here. I don’t think it’s too easy to take a look at it. What magic weapon is it? It’s so domineering that even Hung-jun can’t stand the axe."
Xingtian guileless also didn’t think much of holding an axe in his hands and handing it to one side. The boy also had some repairs. He didn’t know that the axe had been stretched out his hand for thousands of years and then answered it.
When Xingtian let go, he felt that there was a strong pressure to make him unable to grasp the axe in the future. A loud noise made the ground so hard that it was difficult to refine the samadhi fire.
Li Suiyun’s four eldest brothers did not lose color, even the absent-minded Yunlan changed his face with a face of surprise. They knew that the ground was solid and that Tong Xiu had no idea that this axe was so terrible.
Xuanpu played it by ear and blurted out, "Master, is this treasure …" When he said this, he suddenly shut up and muttered with a pensive face, "But that weapon is not like this? This baby Hugh said that compared with the fairy soldiers of heaven and earth, he is now more corroded than any weapon. How can it be that magic weapon? "
Kong Xuan heard Xuanpu say this, and he was taken aback and worried. "Teacher younger brother, are you not confused?" The magic weapon has disappeared since the beginning of time. How many great gods tried every means to find the final fruit? Di Jun relied on the river map and Luo spent several hours without touching his heel. How could he suddenly come out? If it’s this treasure, I’m afraid it’s a bloody rain to wake up the wind. "
Xingtian didn’t know the origin of this axe. He was happy when his head returned. He didn’t think much freely. "This thing is the beginning of the world, and the baby doesn’t know where it came from. In those years, the twelve Wuzu got it, but they didn’t know that it had fallen into my hands like an axe. Over the years, it followed me in the battlefield and I didn’t know how many people were killed and how much blood was stained."
At this time, Yunlan’s reality also recognized that everyone hesitated at a glance at her. "What is this treasure that actually makes you so rude?"
Li Suiyun glanced at Yunlan with a sigh. "If I didn’t guess it wrong, it was Pangu who broke the chaos and created the world, and Pangu axe was the most powerful and destructive of all the congenital artifacts. It was one of the reasons that Pangu Great God could break the chaos, and his power was tough and profound. This Pangu axe was powerful and terrible, but it also accounted for half of the credit."
Xingtian also shook his head one leng and smiled at this. "If this thing is an ancient axe, I really can’t believe that this baby is not short of following * * except that it shows unusual power today. There is nothing unusual in the past and there is no difference between it and a piece of iron. If it hadn’t been heavy and sharp, it would have been abandoned long ago. Is the island owner wrong?"
Li Suiyun snorted and shook his head lightly and sighed, "I have witnessed this treasure of Pangu Great God that day, and how can I be wrong?" Besides, this baby breath is so familiar. It is the breath left by Pangu Great God. "
After that, he ignored all the people touching the axe gently, but seeing Guanghua flashing like running water, Guanghua was full of vinegar. The axe was suddenly changed, and the original ugly appearance disappeared. The face of the axe was carved with primitive patterns in bronze, and even the handle of the axe was made of bronze, but it was wrapped in a layer of wood.
This ancient axe is in the hands of Li Suiyun. Li Suiyun’s heart is excited and twisted with a spell tactic, which actually conjures up Pangu’s real body. However, he sees a man with a muscular knot and bronzed skin, showing a fierce attitude and holding a big axe to look at the distance.
Although knowing that this is a virtual shadow, Xingtian and phase liu are still involuntarily kneeling to look very respectful. Li Suiyun’s four brothers are also happy to kneel in the future.
It’s the first time that Li Suiyun has cast such magical powers. He is delighted and suddenly feels that his axe is shaking violently and he wants to sell it.
Li Suiyun was so frightened that he almost couldn’t control the method. Pangu himself almost collapsed. He was so angry that he cast spells to appease this ancient axe, but where could he appease it?
Generally, the treasure has a spirit to choose its master and serve it, and it is best to be faithful to it. This ancient axe believes that Xingtian’s master naturally does not want to be driven by others, so there will be such fierce resistance
Li Suiyun was unwilling to recite the formula in his heart and tried several times, but the effect was that the axe was extremely spiritual and strong, which meant that it was very similar to Pangu Great God in those days. Generally, the Lord had what he wanted.
Li Suiyun’s heart felt helpless again. Anyway, this precious floating cloud island is not afraid of falling into other people’s hands and adding an enemy to himself. He sighed lightly and the method disappeared. He sat in the future and stroked the ancient axe with his hand, but he couldn’t say how sorry he was.
Chapter ninety-one Too b peep island disputes
Li Suiyun has a bumper harvest here, and the Jade Palace is not peaceful there. It is said that people are angry and don’t face it, but it depends on how angry they are. If their door is bullied, how can this master not be angry? When Yuan heard that his brother had been taken away, he was so angry that his face turned purple and his face was murderous. There was a saying that Li Suiyun did it without hitting his face, but he seemed to give him a slap in the face.
Next to Taiyi’s reality, he saw Yuan’s anger and said, "Master, put out the thunder and anger. The Taoist Qing Xu’s mana is high. Although it has been done a little too much, it will be the same as the master’s. Those disciples will not suffer any humiliation. Besides, I don’t know why the Taoist Qing Xu suddenly started to bully and tear the dough. If the master doesn’t figure out how to kill the door directly, he will even lose his sense. Instead, he will run on the dough in vain. It is difficult for both sides to start hands in the future or theoretically to master it."
Yuan slightly hesitated at this and immediately said, "What you said is also reasonable. You can hold my symbol to meet my teacher younger brother on the floating cloud island and ask him to put it back to my younger brother. By the way, you can inquire about the reason for a thing. If it is convenient for you to go here and find out the truth of his floating cloud island, if he refuses to put it back to our door, you don’t have to argue with him. If you come back, I will go to his theory."
Taiyi real person is not afraid to nod, but he asks, "Master, if I expect it to be good, it’s not hard to think that Taoist Qing Xu will always be a master and younger brother. Since he belongs to the same family, he won’t go too far. This matter should not be refuted, but he has a nickname, the sky is three feet high, but it is the best magic weapon to rob others. However, if the treasure is returned to him, I don’t know how many people have been blackmailed by him. What if he refuses to return it to our magic weapon?"
Yuan listen to cold way "if he refuses to return the magic weapon, you don’t have to argue with him-even if it is an argument, he may not pay attention to you. If you leave the island, you don’t have to come back to me first. You can take his cousin, no matter which tube will be caught, and let him come back to lead people in person." Say and take a thing and let the crane boy take it to Taiyi reality.
Taiyi real person wanted to leave, and red essence flashed next to him and stopped him. Taiyi real person knew that he had something important and stopped to see him.
Red essence nods to Taiyi first, and this is the only way for Yuan to salute. "Master, I have heard people say that the cloud island is sealed, and the martial uncle Qing Xu is extremely strict. Several brothers are expelled from the island without permission, so it is so strict that ordinary people want to dare not violate it. If the younger brother of the Taoist Qing Xu refuses to leave the island, what should be done?" It’s better not to ask Taiyi to kill the generals and go in and catch some clean masters, is it? "
Yuan nodded thoughtfully at this. "If even his master can’t catch it, forget it. If his younger brother’s skills crush people, you can’t lose my title."
Taiyi real person immediately said, "I dare not think that the Qing Xu door repair is shallow, as compared with my explanation?" In addition to Kong Xuanyu’s younger brother, a clear pulse is not afraid, but the five-color divine light behind Kong Xuan is really fierce. It is said that everyone can resist his brother’s fear that it is not his opponent. "
Yuan listens and nods, "That Kong Xuan is an ancient peacock. He has a profound training end than he worships the Qing-Xu Gate to practice the Dafa, and his body is quenched and his spirit is refined. The magical end is miraculous. Then the five colors of divine light behind Kong Xuan are blue, red, red, white and black according to the five elements. No matter what magic weapon you want, you can’t escape from him. Godsworn brothers are all Jingxue plastic bodies, and they can’t escape from him. If you have a great magical power, the mixed Taoist fruit will also be poisoned by him."
Hearing this, the real Taiyi worshiped again, saying, "Please be merciful and give my brother a magic weapon to exercise restraint. Kong Xuande made me fall into his old school."
Yuan Shen Lin remained silent for a while, but he ordered the crane boy to take out a thing, but it was an apricot-yellow flag to pay Taiyi reality.
He charged, "The five colors of divine light behind Kong Xuan are really powerful. Generally, it is a magic weapon. He can’t get this thing to protect you. This treasure belongs to the original heaven of the Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner. On that day, the five demon gods of the demon family split up the five flags and were killed by the ancestors at the end of the battle. The five flags were scattered again. You can go to my apricot yellow flag to protect yourself, so Kong Xuan can’t scatter you."
Taiyi reality was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked Fang for wanting to go, so he woke up and turned back and said, "Master, this treasure is so powerful that my brother doesn’t know what other flags are, but he has fallen to Fang?" Please also ask the teacher to point out that if you bump into your brother, it is better to pay attention. "
Yuan listened and nodded, "The Central Wuji Banner has a flaming light flag in my hand, but the violet and precious color flag in the hand of Master Brother Xuandu Cave in Jinggong is allowed by the causeway people, and the plain cloud boundary flag is the mother of Yaochi, also known as the Juxian flag cover, so when the flag comes out, all the immortals gather in the hands of the Xuanyou nonyl Kwai flag."
Taiyi reality listens and nods, "If so, I’m going to bump into this mysterious nonyl kwai flag. If it’s convenient to directly grab it, it’s a teacher’s decision." This Taiyi reality is also refined, but it implies that you gave me a magic weapon, although the other party has restraint. If this is going to really bump into this magic weapon, should I be so good?
“ ` ` w w w ““ ` “ C`O`M

The enemy doesn’t need it!

Wen Shao slightly surprised eyes Xu back suddenly pulled up a chair to sit face to face with Wen Shao.
This move has some courtesy!
But there is nothing wrong with the existing rules and regulations.
Wen Shao’s round face is still smiling, a winner’s unique smile
"Teacher Wen, do you think this is fun?"
"A comprehensive freshman evaluation first in the school allocated to the college research by digging such a big hole for me?
Is it fun? Is it fun? "
There is still a key word-extra-terrestrial quota!
The key point should be that the first individual comprehensive evaluation represented by An Xiaoxue is another place that can be directly obtained.
An xiaoxue said that the refund involved in the confidentiality regulations was not pulled out face to face
The actual root is this extra-terrestrial quota!
Wen Shao still smiling "Xu back classmates this warning is to let you correct a learning attitude.
It doesn’t mean anything
And it doesn’t affect you.
The three-month warning period passed quickly. "
Xu back force nodded his head.
"Teacher, you’re right! The three-month warning period will soon pass! But teacher Wen, I want to tell you one thing. "Xu tui looks very serious!
"Teacher Wen, I am very picky!
Especially what’s in my pocket. If others take it away without my consent, I will fight them hard! "Xu said very quiet like a joke and it’s not like a joke at all.
"Xu, stop that now. We didn’t take your things." Wen Shao laughed.
"You took it!"
Xu tui said that he was very determined!
Wen Shao frowned!
"As soon as the warning punishment falls, my personal equal evaluation will be downgraded. According to the treatment I currently enjoy, a bottle of E-class energy supplement will be deducted for one month!
I will be detained for three bottles of E-class energy supplement!
It’s your fault and you asked for it. Remember that! "
Say that finish xu turned away from slamming the door!
All the anger at the moment of the gate has been forced to retreat with this bang.
Xu retreated with calmness in his mind.
There is also a plan that needs to be supplemented and improved!
Wen Shao in the office smiled and shook his head.
This retreat talent is good, but it’s still a little immature if you make a mistake and don’t say experience.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five Xu back ready to make things.
From Wenshao’s office to the restaurant, Xu Xu has gradually calmed down and made a preliminary plan.
The fact came out of Wen Shao’s office. The first thought was whether to call his teacher An Xiaoxue.
After thinking about it, Xu retreated and pressed the idea.
there’s no need
Talking is asking for help from An Xiaoxue.
And it’s meaningless to ask An Xiaoxue for help, let alone change anything.
There is a fact that there is no violation of procedural justice, and this matter cannot be turned over.
The only flaw is that it is too gentle to wake up twice by SMS.
But also awake!
Solve it yourself.
But Wen Shao this means makes Xu back aware of another problem.
It should be really important for that freshman to comprehensively evaluate the first overseas quota.
Of course, the research funds allocated by Huaxia University of Gene Evolution to Mystery College are another important incentive.
Since it is teaching, even the top Chinese University of Genetic Evolution can’t escape an assessment cycle.
How to quantify the assessment of teachers’ teaching achievements?
The practice of talking about scientific research achievements a hundred years ago has long been eliminated.
However, there has never been a complete and reasonable assessment method, but it will be assessed after all.
The recognition of teachers’ teaching achievements at Huaxia University of Gene Evolution is closer to the root.
What is the root of a school?
Then the teacher’s teaching performance will be reflected by the students’ performance.
It’s like a senior three college entrance examination class.
Students’ grades are awesome, and your class leader and teacher are awesome.

The whole city of tears is a secret brother from Yaochi, next to Guanghan Palace, specially trained to assassinate the first generation of guanyu killer Mu Yunti. When he sees the whole city of tears, of course, he has to capture it and send it to Guanghan Palace to please him.

"It is almost impossible to say that the Guanghan Palace has released traitors, and … Wang Foer can’t take this gate, the two holy places, Guanghan Palace, even if he has a thorough ability!"
Yan Long Qingxue knew that the whole story had been discouraged and hoped. At this moment, a towering giant ape rumbled and appeared. Jin Futu, the general manager of Muyun City outside Muyun City, immediately drank a drink. "My hero in Muyun City will immediately deploy the array to prevent this fierce beast from breaking into the city and slaughtering our relatives and brothers!"
When giving orders, Jin Futu naturally has a commanding majesty. However, after giving orders, he turned to Yan Longqing and smiled bitterly. "In the first world war, the abbot of our family killed the Red Crescent Fulong Array or killed more than 100 soldiers by this fierce beast. This time, I was forced to flee. This time, my family’s abbot can’t bother Miss Yan Long. I have a thought of Miss Yan Long, a tens of thousands of koo people in Muyun City!"
Yan Longqing’s clear snow flatly refused, "You herded tens of thousands of people in Yuncheng, and the people of Dong ‘ao ethnic group are not sinners. If this person gives me great trouble, I don’t want to help you, but you have to tell me the truth."
Jin Fu Tu saw Wang Foer’s change, and the great ape was close to the gate, so he couldn’t help shouting, "If you want Miss Yan Long to keep my city, what should the people ask me? I’d better ask Miss Yan to help me herd Yuncheng."
! ! ! ! ! w! w! w! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
As soon as the words were finished, Jin Futu suddenly fell to his knees and slammed his head. Yan Longqing sighed in the dark. He was about to speak when a cold voice came from the sky. "Jin Futu immediately deployed the Red Moon Fulong Array. I’ll abbot this array. We Mu Yunjia can’t ask others yet!"
Yan Longqing snow suddenly looked up and saw a tall and thin man in a white robe. Although he was not very old, he brought an irresistible majesty.
"It’s Brother Mu Yun!"
YanLong clear snow just want to persuade this man, but then I thought of this man’s pride and stubbornness, and immediately swallowed his words back. "Since this matter has his head, I will leave it alone. It is best for MuYun family to head."
Yan Longqing’s snow drifted for half, but finally he couldn’t help but say, "Wang Foer’s body is big and rotten, and the Buddhist monks also have feelings for the teachers of Yixiu Jackson. Wouldn’t it be two beauties if Brother Muyun could bury the hatchet?"
The tall, thin man said coldly, "When I beat this fanatic to his knees and beg for mercy to compensate me for the loss of Muyun’s family, I am willing to make peace with him. Let me go first!"
Yan Longqing snow sighed and drifted away from the battlefield where the two sides were about to fight. Wang Foer seemed to be seriously injured, dragging the giant ice crystal stick and stumbling.
"Red Moon Fulong Array is the first nine fairy arrays in Bailudong, and a pastoral cloud family has been getting along with the door. How can even Confucianism learn to look after the housework? If all the forces in Muyuncheng can resist Xiaotian’s land robbery, plus the abbot of my 14th brother, the power of the large array will increase several times. I don’t know what kind of hard work it took for Wang Foer to break the Red Moon Fulong array and seriously injured Brother Muyun. He changed it, which is a few times different from Brother Muyun’s skill. Wang Foer is even doomed! "
There are three Xiaotian hijackers in Muyun Family, which is also the dominant talent of Muyun Family. Even if there is a war in Dagan Dynasty, they are nothing but a generation of two talented masters, Muyunmeng and Muyunti, who are engaged in Wushengmen, but Muyunmeng is the best four brothers in Wuzhuangguan. Many people have almost decided to give Muyunmeng the theme of Wuzhuangguan from generation to generation.
The flame in Wang Foer’s heart is hard to extinguish. Before Yan Longqing’s snow came, he had already had a battle in Muyun City, and something went wrong. Still, he forced Muyun Twips to leave this defeat and let him kill several times more.
Wang Foer, of course, didn’t know that as soon as he lost, Mu Yunti couldn’t suppress the injury and fell from the middle school. Now he has changed his horse and rushed to Mu Yunmeng’s abbot’s overall situation
"Old me, I don’t believe that these ordinary fighters can compete with me for endurance. This time, I will be exhausted by dragging my hands for three days and five days. Without these defenders, I will be able to nullify Muyunti and jump into the sea!"
Although it seems that Wang Foer, who is faltering, has already healed the injury caused by the storm of Muyun City, he made this gesture because he wanted to pick up Muyun Twips if he had a cheap one. If he saw that he was physically weak and went out of the city to invite the war and not kill this turtle grandson, where would there be justice?
If the two armies fight blindly and recklessly, it’s natural to be unlucky. At this time, it’s the right way to be extreme. Wang Foer has already calculated the key time to release the knife. This has also passed Xiaotian’s robbery. "Just now, there was no chance, but it was only ten times that I injured that fellow. It’s better to kill him once. Who will blame if he is shipped this time?"
Chapter 336 Sweep a horde with one foot in the door
"Pastoral cloud home dignity don’t offend! Get out of the city! "
MuYunMeng drink MuYunCheng defenders immediately rushed out of the city.
Wang Foer came to think about whether to stumble a few steps and then stumble and pretend to be even more awkward. But when he saw that the defenders of Muyuncheng actually wanted to form a formation outside the city, he suddenly came to the spiritual tunnel. "It was indeed a decapitation and I didn’t know how to live in such a field!"
Even if it’s a tough and good soldier, it will take some time. Although Muyun’s army is well trained, it will be as short as possible, but for a master like Wang Foer, it’s better to wait and give him a chance to kill.
Mu Yun twips have finally seen Wang Foer’s force and dare not do it so boldly. It was the first time that the city completed the formation before meeting Wang Foer. Even so, it was a lose-lose situation.
Mu Yunmeng and Mu Yunti have been fighting for the position of the Lord for a long time. It is incompatible with each other. He is backed by the first concept of Five Zhuang Villages. Master Heng Daozhuang is also the strongest in the world. Although he thinks that Wang Foer can defeat his brother, he should be considered a powerful role. He decided to lead the army out of the city to meet him and defend him. He refused to believe that he could not even hold off Wang Foer for a moment and let Mu Yunjun cloth the Red Moon Dragon Array.
"When the knife comes out, stall that high-heeled corpse!"
Mu Yunmeng’s expectation is similar to the fact that his martial arts can indeed stall Wang Foer for a while, but how did he expect Wang Foer to have a knife so fierce?
Calling out the knife, Wang Foer strode and rushed, and the decadence was gone.
There is a famous classical novel that once recorded an extremely heroic strategy. The guy who is also a monkey once said that the Lion Rock Ridge is just 47,000 small demons. My stick is 45 feet long and 7 feet thick when pulled at both ends. When Nanshan rolls and kills 5,000 Beishan, it rolls and kills 5,000 from east to west. Even if you doze off, you will kill 40,000 small demons into a paste in less than half a day.
Wang Foer saw this many herding Yunjun and somehow remembered this allusion. Indeed, he pulled the ten murder gods and became ten meters thick. On the spot, he rolled up and released the number of corpse soldiers in the carry-on weapon to help him push this great stick.
There are also many good players in Muyun Army, but they are helpless in the face of such an extremely fierce strategy. If they have higher martial arts skills, they can also avoid being driven out and killed. But most of the sergeants have not even joined the force. How can they resist such a fierce killing method?
In a moment, Wang Foer killed more than a thousand men, and his hands and feet were numb when he was entangled in a knife. If he was killed by Wang Foer because of his strategic mistakes, the status of Mu Yunjia would turn sharply.

The rest of the family doesn’t have it either, but they usually borrow it occasionally. However, there is nothing to make money now, so it is somewhat unreasonable.

This can be taken back and processed to make money, but it is reluctant to give up.
Listen to Qiu Ping continue to say, "We all live in the same hospital with sewing machines. This thing is dead or alive. After collecting everyone’s opinions just now, we have worked out a way to simply set up a small factory!"
Qina listened and nodded secretly, and there are still some mixed quality estimates. It would be a good idea to set up a factory.
Some people can move forward by themselves with a push, while others are too lazy to move when they want others to carry them on their backs.
This is obviously Qiu Ping, they are the former.
"We don’t have many sewing machines, and everyone’s situation is similar. There is no way to lose the baby doll and put it in kindergarten. The rest of them have been read. I calculated that the workload is not large. I set up a small factory in the corner. There is an idle warehouse to clean up and move the sewing machine, and then we will bring back the cloth. Then someone will specialize in sewing straps. Someone will specialize in zipper, so that practice makes perfect and it will be energetic. The sewing machine can also be rotated. If you don’t do well, you can’t lose face," said Qiu Ping.
There is no sewing machine, so naturally, I agree to breathe a sigh of relief.
Qina listens and thinks that this method is feasible at present. It is necessary to divide the work. They will manage the big pot of rice themselves. The most fear is to compare who does more and who does less. If they are all capable, they don’t have this concern.
At present, the workload is not very natural, and it is not their turn to work overtime to catch the goods.
The first batch of people are actually individuals. Some people have arranged jobs in the courtyard. Some people think it is safer to work in kindergartens. Others wait and see and think that such things will not last long. Like Awen in the courtyard, the teacher didn’t plan to pile up his sewing machine with them, and naturally he didn’t want to take it out. Qinan naturally didn’t plan to come to Xiufang and had his own special things.
At the first meeting, no one had any opinions, so everyone was so happy.
Laughter of the whole hospital
The evening breeze flickered across the stars.
Nothing seems to have changed before, and everything seems to have changed.
Chapter 411 Carry forward
A small factory is actually a small workshop.
It’s rare for everyone to be enthusiastic and encourage them to apply for starting their own business, so that the warehouse will be approved soon
Qiu Ping, a few people used to be good workers, cleaned up the warehouse inside and outside, which should be paved and cleaned up, but it took most of the time to get some appearance.
Three sewing machines were moved in, and the homespun was put in place, and then the work was divided.
At this time, everyone who has a job arrangement has gone to work.
Everyone has different attitudes towards this small shop that suddenly appeared.
Some people think that this matter is not very reliable. Liu Zhaodi’s representative is not as extreme as her. When watching them work, they will still talk behind their backs.
"It is said that after running a small factory, it can be bigger, and I don’t want to think that nothing has been done for so many years, and then draw water in a bamboo basket."
"But to tell you the truth, there is nothing wrong with this. I hope it will be good for us after the factory is completed. They are much more profitable and don’t want to come here to work. It is impossible to wait until the other side closes down and then want to rotate."
"It’s still safe and important, even if I go to the canteen to help, I don’t want to do these things, and a little profit will blind my eyes."
I sincerely hope that this matter can be represented by Xiufang.
"It would be nice if this could be done. There are so many people coming and going."
"If you want me to say that you are still good at this craft, you can’t take it away by yourself. This is safe."
Some people think it’s not simple. Awen means that she can’t see these people in the hospital. They are all uneducated and won’t say what they think
Is at home or muttered to her husband "you say this is not to buy people’s hearts? If you want me to see it, it’s just to gild it. Who makes people have a background? I’ve never seen anyone who likes to show off so much, but I haven’t got a good name. After two years, she patted her ass and left such a big booth? "
No matter what, the small factory is still up.
Qinan’s life has also become regular, and there is another place to go every day. She is an extremely self-disciplined person. She works for two hours every morning when she is full of energy, and then rests after noon, and then tidies up day by day.
Xiufang is busy and embroiders in the small factory.
Look here, she is very envious of the idea in her heart, but she still can’t make up her mind. Some things are a little depressed once they are stirred up. She is a little upset and often pricks her hand. She just stops and turns around to find Qina.
"Xiao … Xiao Nan, do you have it now?" People in the house to see Qina looking at her and some embarrassed.
Qina let people in to see Xiufang, a face of awkward and some faint speculation in my heart.
Originally, I came to ask for an idea. Xiufang came straight to the point and said, "Did your friend discuss it that day, Xiao Nan?"
I syle=’lor476ff’ This is the gorgeous dividing line I.
Friends ask for recommended reading.
I syle=’lor476ff’ This is the gorgeous dividing line I.
Nan leng wanted to think about it for nothing, but asked if it was chubby that day. That is to say, Xiufang can embroider by herself, and then she can teach some disciples and carry forward this craft. In the near future, these Chinese crafts will be carried forward, no matter who is good.
Seeing Xiufang like this is not over, but she is still hesitating.
The predecessors all paid attention to a man who inherited many skills, especially men and women. Of course, there are some exceptions because of embroidery, but it is really not easy to hand over your own things.
After all, even factory apprentices have been following their masters in recent years, and they are paying attention to their teachers and being fat, which obviously doesn’t mean this.
"Then what do you think?" Qina asked some things can’t be forced.
Xiufang is still a little ignorant. "I didn’t think about this problem before this craft was worthless. You all have something to do. I must have seen it farther than us. I was actually a little unhappy when I was chubby with me that day."
Qinan smiled and said that it is understandable that everyone has their own ideas, and it is nothing to hurt others.
Xiufang went on to say, "But when I came back and thought about it, I thought I was a little narrow-minded. I can’t compare with you. Look at the present situation of our compound. I don’t know how much better it is than before, but what have you got for you?"
Qina quietly listening to the sample Xiufang seems to have a plan.
Sure enough, she went on to say, "So I’ll tell Dahei about it. He said, listen to me. Isn’t the former doctor also a ancestral doctor?" One party is a precious carpenter, and so are these, but times are different now. Look at how many people have been trained in the school so that we can live so well today. This is not a craft for me. If anyone wants to learn, I’m not sure whether it’s right or not … It’s a little difficult. If people don’t learn, they will take the time to learn it. In case there is nothing to embroider on the fat side … "
Qinan understood what Xiufang said. She was not worried about her craft, but worried that she would not benefit from learning this root. According to Xiufang’s life track, it was not easy for her to achieve this step.
She said, "Xiufang, it’s good that you can think like this. Since you have the will, it’s not a problem to finish. Many things can be solved slowly."
I’m not trying to comfort you. I’m just saying that since this skill has been inherited to this day, there must be something that can’t be replaced. Do you think that you could make money when you first studied? If you don’t say that others are fat, you will be very interested in this, no matter if you really like it later.
And it’s not completely useless to teach others about your craft. You also saw those drawings of Pangpang. Only by constantly absorbing new things can you continue to make progress. If it really becomes a climate to a certain extent, whether you say this stitch, pattern or type, there will be new innovations and learn from others. Then you may be a generation of masters! "
Xiufang laughed. "How can I have this ability!"
Chapter 412 Fashion
Xiu-fang listen Qina said these words don’t like a joke, she also some longing in my heart.
In my heart, I am sure that she is particularly impressed that this problem is different.
At most, she didn’t think it was good before. What did people want to learn? What can you do? Be an embroidered mother?
From the moment she first learned embroidery from her mother, that is, a group of sisters learned it together, but at last she insisted on it, that is, she felt sincerely happy when she watched the stitches turn into graphics alone.

Although I don’t know what Chixiao is doing here in Xu Le, I always have something to do and don’t bother.

It’s also a coincidence to meet here
Thought of here, Xu Le glanced at the remote Xu Dajiang.
"Well, it must be a coincidence."
He sat opposite Xu Daqiang with his bullwhip soup.
This beef soup shop has a good business, and there are many places where Xu Le chooses to sit here. There is no problem. Although Xu Daqiang’s face has changed, he will not say much.
"Hey, move over. Why do you occupy such a big position alone?"
Xu Le shouted at Xu Dajiang to keep his arrogance.
Xu Dajiang side also some angry, he accounted for half of the seats in front of Xu Lexian is go looking for trouble.
Lenovo, what he did just now was probably a slip.
If it is normal, he will definitely have a good talk with Xu Le, but his eyes … No.
He had to wait for the auction house downtown to sell the fruit as soon as possible.
Everything is empty, and money is real.
Be patient!
Xu Daqiang turned aside. Fortunately, the opposite Xu Le didn’t continue to push his luck.
After sitting, the other party ate bullwhip there.
Is Xu Le eat bullwhip sound some big provoked Xu Dajiang a fidgety.
"It’s so big to eat a meal … it’s really brain-dead."
When Xu Daqiang bet on Xu Le, Xu Le also bet on him.
[Ash Fruit]
In Xu Le’s perception, this is a soul fruit with level fruit energy.
The intensity is far more than that of the two nightmare intermediate. Although it is mysterious, it has the flame and dark atmosphere.
Very special fruit …
According to the previous night, he can resist not interfering, but he can’t help but pay attention.
After all, everyone will be curious about such a fruit.
"In what direction will it develop …"
When Xu Le injected Xu Daqiang, Chixiao also injected this mercenary here.
The smell of ashes attracted Chixiao’s attention. She had never seen the same power as herself.
Such an ordinary mercenary body has appeared this kind of power, which is very unexpected for Chixiao.
"Very special feeling …"
"Chixiao, who are you looking at?"
Zhang Ji interrupted Chixiao’s thoughts, which made her a little annoyed.
"Let’s eat"
Didn’t answer Zhang Ji’s meaning, didn’t answer Yi Chixiao’s simply eating hard and scanning Xu Dajiang out of the corner of his eye.
Zhang Ji also sensed Chixiao’s impatience.
He attribute all this to Xu Leshen, if it weren’t for Xu Le …
This is a good chance to get in touch with Chixiao. It’s all the fault of this bastard. Don’t let him find each other after the meeting …
A lot of revenge thoughts flashed through my mind, but I was still attracted by the corner of the sky.
"He note that person? No, it’s not that man, it’s the mercenary across the street. "
Zhang Ji also noticed Xu Dajiang at this time.
And he found one thing, not only Chixiao, but even Xu Le also noted this mercenary.
"Is there anything special about this mercenary?"
Zhang Ji is not an idiot. He has already felt that Xu Le is not a mortal since he met just now.
The specific level can’t be said, maybe it’s already level 5 when it’s less than 3, but the gap is not as big as I thought.
Not to mention Yu Chixiao, all forces of the strong, including the earth forces and the Red Crescent Temple, should be noted.
These two people note this ordinary mercenary at the same time. That can say one thing.
What is unusual about this ordinary mercenary …

Su Li summoned the six-armed demon, the virtual shadow arrival, to meet these spider silk

Gong Xiao summoned one shield after another to protect himself.
Water’ beast let out a scream and jumped up from the crocodile turtle’s back and fell to the top of the building. The huge golden flash was released in all directions. These blood spiders screamed and were chopped over.
The people came to the roof one after another, and an endless stream of three and four blood spiders appeared.
Su Li’s attack is mainly aimed at the middle and fourth blood spiders. Every time they kill the first and fourth blood spiders, they can harvest a spiritual source.
Soon, more than 34 blood spiders died and released their own thunder. The number of spiritual sources he had has become 16, and the distance breakthrough is getting closer and closer.
Suddenly, a very strange spider appeared among the blood spiders. This spider is about the same size as a four-level blood spider, but there is an extra layer of spikes on the red carapace outside its body, which makes it look particularly ferocious.
Su Li hit the "peep symbol pattern" and immediately captured its message.
"The name bloodthirsty spider level 4 bloodthirsty spider evolved from the blood spider, and the elite beast will have faster speed and stronger power than the blood spider bloodthirsty spider. Spitting out the silk contains stronger neurotoxins, and the bloodthirsty spider has a certain probability of evolving the leader-level bloodthirsty giant spider to kill the bloodthirsty spider to gain special abilities."
Su Li’s induction message secretly nodded. A more powerful four-level elite bloodthirsty spider finally appeared outside the three-level and four-level blood spiders.
Since this is a monster’s lair, it will certainly not simply hide some ordinary blood spiders. There should be more powerful monsters. Perhaps there are more powerful monsters besides this elite beast-level bloodthirsty spider, such as the leader-level bloodthirsty giant spider, which may appear soon.
Suri read this. The first bloodthirsty spider has quickly climbed to Suri. Now it is released. The power of thunder attack is not inferior to that of general skill attack. This bloodthirsty spider was immediately killed and brought him two spiritual sources. It immediately emerged in my mind.
"Level 4 Holy Knight Spirit Source 14/2"
Behind this bloodthirsty spider, there are more and more blood spiders on the water surface, and the number is less than 1000 in a short time, while bloodthirsty spiders appear around this building one after another.
Five people and one beast surrounded a small circle, surrounded by an endless stream of monsters.
More and more spider corpses piled up around the crowd.
"How much is Su Li still short?" Ding Longyun’s continuous launching of "air missiles" can harvest a large number of spiritual sources, but a few of them are fighting for a long time because of their limited physical strength, unlike the ancient city, when they encountered more monsters, they were not afraid that they could be replaced in shifts.
The existing five-person and one-beast method is replaced.
Su Li’s harvest spiritual source has broken through 1,900 pieces. Ding Longyun asked, "It’s almost a few dozen pieces short."
Conveniently, the Red Crescent Dragon was cut and pulled out. From just fighting to now, he didn’t move the Red Crescent Dragon. He attacked with "black thunder energy" and "high pressure strike" to save physical strength.
When the red light flashed, the red crescent dragon cut and so on, a bloodthirsty spider was split in half, and Su Li’s mind immediately reappeared the message.
"Level 4 Holy Knight Spirit Source 1912/2"
Now he still needs a spiritual source.
A scream sounded, and a huge giant spider suddenly jumped on the edge of the roof behind the bloodthirsty spider he killed.
Some of these giant spiders and bloodthirsty spiders are covered with ferocious spikes like their backs, but they are twice as big. It’s like having a car there.
Su Li can guess that it must be a leader-class bloodthirsty giant spider without moving the "peep symbol pattern"
Followed by his "peeping symbol pattern", he captured the information of this giant spider in front of him. As he guessed, this is a level 1-5 bloodthirsty giant spider.
The bloodthirsty giant spider is a five-level leader. The strength of the beast is almost comparable to that of the four-level rare beast. It is absolutely not weak. It has a sharp mouth and claws, and its huge body leaps up and presses against Su Li, with a faint wind.
Su Li summoned the six-armed demon’s virtual shadow to appear and take the initiative to meet this blood-thirsty giant bead. He put his hands together and cut the red crescent dragon into the first form of "devil muscle"
Before, he has always been in a normal state, and he can deal with these ordinary or elite spider monsters with his realistic strength without moving "devil muscles", which can also save physical strength.
If it is a normal combat, you can fight for 45 minutes with Su Li’s abundant physical strength.
However, the first form of "Devil’s Muscle" was seriously entered by the five-level leader beast Su Li, and the physical strength was doubled, and the strength and speed were doubled.
Whew, a red crescent dragon chop faster speed and power. This five-level bloodthirsty giant spider root doesn’t dodge, and I didn’t expect its strength and hard armor, Su Li strength and monarch weapons to be vulnerable.
Five leaders beast will be a cliff was killed a lot of juice spilled out.
As Lingyuan sank into his forehead, new information appeared in Su Li’s mind.
"Level 4 Holy Knight Spirit Source 192/2"
Slaughtering this five-level bloodthirsty giant spider once gave him a spiritual source.
Entering the first form of "devil’s muscle", Su Li became faster and killed the bloodthirsty giant spider. After he shook his body, he flew around the edge of the building like a disease arrow, and red light flashed everywhere, one after another, and the blood spider or bloodthirsty spider broke.
In an instant, Su Li killed four or four blood spiders and three or four bloodthirsty spiders and harvested one spiritual source in one breath. The number of spiritual sources he now owns has become 193.
"There are still 70 pieces left!" Su Li silently thought that there was a scream and a low noise around the roof, and suddenly five giant spiders appeared, all of which were bloodthirsty giant spiders of the five leaders.
Chapter 434 Monty
"There are so many chief spiders in this little spider nest?" Su Li’s eyes were slightly surprised.
In addition to his initiative to meet a water’ beast also jump towards a rush to the water’ beast strength is very strong, let alone the five-level leader spider, even the five-level rare beast will be able to fight it.
Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuijue also blocked one after another, and Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui dealt with it together.
Su Li first succeeded in slaying a bloodthirsty giant spider and harvesting a spiritual source, followed by Jiang Shuixuan.
Now, she can use three or three Jiang Shuijue’s "fog doppelganger" respectively, and nine figures formed by black fog surround a bloodthirsty giant spider, which will soon succeed.
Su Li secretly nodded in his eyes. Jiang Shuixuan succeeded before Gong Xiao. From this small detail, it can be seen that if Gong Xiaojun’s main skill is not counted, Jiang Shuixuan’s strength has surpassed Gong Xiao.
Of course, this Gong Xiao body combines part of the energy of the mysterious blood. That blood does not evolve her immortal spear into a monarch-level immortal spear. It also strengthens her strength in all aspects of her body and gains a substantial increase. Compared with Jiang Shuixuan’s ability, it is a lot worse.
Su Li feels that Gong Xiao can be judged by the "peeping symbol pattern". Perhaps she has occupied the monarch’s skills alone. Otherwise, it seems that it is still difficult to crush the leader and the strong by her realistic strength. It is a bit reluctant to judge the medium strength.
Three howls, three howls, and suddenly three bloodthirsty giant spiders jumped on the edge of the building.
Along with them, there are more bloodthirsty spiders, because there are more and more bloodthirsty giant spiders, and they are almost impossible to insert.
"There is something wrong with this. Why are there so many leaders and beasts hidden in this spider nest?"
Su Li looked at the three bloodthirsty giant spiders again. It seems that this nest still doesn’t know how many leader beasts are hidden. This situation is somewhat abnormal. Don’t say that it looks like a small monster nest. Even every time a monster attacks a city, there are not many leader monsters.
Not Su Li, several of him also realized that there was something wrong with this spider nest.
Su Li’s figure, if attached to slay two giant spiders, will slay several elite spiders. He is now short of 40 spiritual sources to break through the opportunity, so he can’t give up naturally.
In order to kill these leaders and elite spiders faster, he suddenly entered the second form of the more powerful "devil muscle", and his fighting power suddenly rose to three times, which made the speed a little scary. Spiders broke one after another everywhere.
And a more amazing scene is also constantly emerging. There are fewer and fewer ordinary blood spiders and elite bloodthirsty spiders. On the contrary, the number of this leader-level bloodthirsty giant spider is increasing. Soon, this area is not large, and the number of bloodthirsty giant spiders on the roof has reached ten, which does not include the fact that they have just been killed by everyone.
More than fifteen leaders beast Ding Longyun, Gongxiao several people felt a little pressure Ding Longyun strength this bloodthirsty giant spider is able to do harm to him.
Su Li prevented him from having an accident. The second form of power broke out and ran all over the place. He showed the crushing power of this five-level leader spider, and even the five-level leader bloodthirsty giant spider immediately shattered and killed, and he felt that messages kept coming to his mind.
"Level 4 Holy Knight Spirit Source 1973/2"
"Level 4 Holy Knight Spirit Source 191/2"
"Level 4 Holy Knight Spirit Source 19/2"
Every time you kill a bloodthirsty giant spider, you can get a spiritual source. The number of spiritual sources in Suli is changing at an alarming rate.

Duke seems to be awake. He consciously raised his hand and touched his face before he found that there was no wound at all.

"Hear my words? Duke! You don’t move and then accept me [holy light] "Gavin Rudd turned to glance out of the next room Ilyushia big drink a way" immediately notify Wu Seer to come over! It is best to call antonidas! "
Duke opened his heart, and the massive light rushed into his body and soul.
Inhalation and exhalation
Inhale and exhale, then inhale and exhale.
The original heart beats and the lungs breathe, which is absolutely common for a living person, but for Duke, it is necessary to force the body to move by its own will, and every movement is bound to be accompanied by pain.
Beads of sweat the size of soybeans billowed from every pore in Duke’s forehead, and Vanessa, who was waiting next to him, could not be wiped away even if her skill was faster than agility.
On the contrary, antonidas, the number one human exorcist, came quickly and brought Wu Seer directly to the door.
Fortunately, Duke accepted Gavin Rudd as a bodyguard, and fortunately, several key figures in the league had Duke, and the situation quickly stabilized.
Except Alonso, a group of big shots came to a chilling conclusion after consultation-if we leave Duke alone, he will die in a month with exhausted vitality.
Chapter 46 The Last Hope
Duke will probably die! ?
The league is really shocked these days.
Alonso Fao was once critically ill, which brought only surprise to the league level.
After all, the Holy Light Church has the greatest influence only in Lordaeron and Storm Kingdom. There are Holy Light Churches in other countries, but believers are still in the majority.
When the kings heard the news of Alonso, they said, "I’m sorry to hear that."
But Duke is different.
Almost every king except Aiden, who has already hung up on the king of Outlak, is a soldier. They know very well that it is more straightforward to act boldly than upright. Anduin Losaduk is the one who integrates the countries of the alliance into a glue and command tower.
Terenas Lordaeron is the target of public criticism. Everyone knows that Terenas’ motives are a little impure. It should not be said that Terenas’ intention to be Soladine II is simply well known.
Less troops. That’s the Lordaeron pot.
If you send troops to pay too much, you have to worry about whether Lordaeron’s plot is a condescending charity, and no kingdom is comfortable.
With Duke, kings of all countries are much more comfortable.
The support force, manpower and material resources are absolutely sufficient and on time, and anyone can see that Duke’s killing strategy is the key to the alliance.
If Anduin is the spiritual leader of the League, Duke is the brain of the League, which is second only to Anduin in importance.
Now when the alliance is about to turn into the counter-offensive stage, the news that Duke is dying suddenly comes out. Kings of various countries are really anxious.
Visit the Archbishop of the Holy Light. That’s when the world’s bosses choke, they go to express their condolences one by one.
Where’s Duke?
A state guesthouse almost turned into a throne meeting.
As a result, Duke had to be moved directly to the Royal Palace in Lordaeron. Otherwise, what would it be like for six or seven kings to surround a small state guesthouse?
Even so, even King Dai Lin Proudmoore, who is in charge of the navy, came here on a Griffin, which shows that Duke is very important.
To everyone’s surprise, we saw a Duke with a different face, but we didn’t see a Duke who was dying. His short hair was a little gray like dye, and there was such a handful of silver on his forehead.
Nothing else.
It doesn’t seem to be a big deal. It is all the high-ranking priests and the most influential people who study curses. antonidas told all kings that it was not that simple.
"Now Duke is like a bucket with many holes in it. Every moment, his vitality is lost. Ten days later, you will see a 30-year-old Duke who will be 40 in 20 days and not 50 in a month, but will die directly."
"Is there no way to plug those holes or something?" King Ryan is the most nervous about losing a Duke to others, that is, losing an alliance commander. The main force of the tribe has been almost destroyed. If you are not an idiot, you can win the next battle, which is different from how many lives you lose and how much time you spend.
But for the storm kingdom, the loss is likely to be the cornerstone of the most important kingdom in the next 30 years.
Antonidas shook his head with regret. "A single curse is like a thread wrapped around a ball. Even if it is messy, you can take the thread around the thread. But Duke’s situation is like a bunch of threads of the same color rolled into a ball. I can’t find a clue. This is a hole in the soul level created by different methods from many worlds. I also have the ability. The most important thing is that this is a demigod mage casting a curse …"
The guardian of the world does good deeds. Can a sunrise mage handle it?
Ryan and Anduin are all bitter.
I didn’t expect it to be their dead friend Medivh’s pot after a circle.
The greatest irony in the world is this.
The temperature in the air is gradually sinking, and so is the atmosphere. Almost everyone has a feeling of being breathless.
"Hate Gourdain!" Anduin gnashed his teeth and pounded on the wall.
At this time, it was Duke who said, "The actual situation may not be as serious as you think."
"It’s not serious? Then what is serious? " King Ryan’s eyes were red and his voice broke into tears.
Ryan didn’t cry when he lost his ancestral land.
A symbol of the fall of Stormwind, the Lord of the whole kingdom. Ryan didn’t cry.
Now Duke is dying, and Ryan is crying. It’s only two seconds from the most red eyes to crying.
"Smelly little you are dying now! I was thinking of you helping Varian to reproduce the glory of Storm Kingdom! I was thinking about one thousand don’t make you … "The last word" king "didn’t say Anduin patted Ryan on the shoulder and stopped him.
"Listen to Duke first."
Duke breathed a sigh of relief. "I guess worldly power is ability."

"Oh, my name is Xu … Ahem, my name is Ning Caichen …"

"Hey, what a good name! It sounds very windy!"
"Don’t you think so, Pu Songling!"
Chapter My senior sister is not a person.
On the first day of coming to Shushan, Xu Zhihu found that he had more strange experiences than all the past decades combined!
First, I passed the quiz inexplicably, then I was taken hostage inexplicably, and finally I demolished an entire fairy palace by myself inexplicably … Er, wait a minute, it’s not really my own hands, is it?
Okay, but anyway, the result is satisfactory, isn’t it?
At this moment, he has successfully joined the shushan ship school, and he is also riding the cloud elder sister’s golden light ship to 36 inverted peaks, 1,000 ship peaks, and live with elder sister …
Speaking of this elder martial sister named Yun Fan Yun, although she was quite a cold goddess when she first met, she soon revealed her love for hexagrams after chatting … Let’s just say that she just flew in a building boat for half an hour and asked dozens of questions in one breath, all of which have reached the level of "Do you like listening to music or eating when you are lovelorn?"!
Don’t be like this, okay? Xu Zhihu was asked profusely, but she couldn’t help but feel a little strange. Sister Yun, you are the kind of enthusiastic sister next door. Why did you pretend to be very cold before the divination party?
"Well, I don’t want to." Speaking of this, Yun Fan also sighed with emotion. "But the elders said that we in Shushan represent Tian Haoran’s right path to make those evil spirits afraid when they see us. Therefore, considering the overall image of Zongmen, every brother should pay attention to his appearance and be unsmiling when he is foreign."
So she had a meal to make sure that no one around was eavesdropping and then leaned in mysteriously. "Actually, when you are in Shushan, it is completely different from the outside. For example, Brother Jin just now, did you know that his favorite doll collection is full of a whole room …"
Er, true or false, Xu Zhihu couldn’t help looking up and imagining a scene where the stubborn old-fashioned gold brother was holding a pile of dolls, and suddenly he felt awe.
Well, regardless of whether it’s true or not, at this time, Yun Fan finally arrived at the destination of this trip after controlling the golden light ship to bypass a towering cliff, that is, Sister Yun lived in Thousand Ships Peak-
The dim moonlight, a quiet suspended silvery white cloud in the inverted peak on the periphery of Shushan Mountain, can vaguely see a vast expanse outside the Thousand Ships Peak, where several white cranes spread their wings and fly and spin leisurely …
"Wait a minute, didn’t you say thousand ship peaks?" Xu Zhihu was slightly startled when he looked from a distance. "What about the thousand fairy ships?"
"Well, it hasn’t been delivered yet." Yun Fan lifted her swan-like slender jade neck and looked at the vast original ourtenant expression in front of the mountain peak. "The fact is that only on the 15th of each month will a large number of fairy ships with failed refining be sent here and then destroyed."
"Huh?" Xu Zhihu really didn’t expect this result. "The Thousand Ships Peak is recycling abandoned fairy ships … Well, it’s such a domineering name!"
Talking with the two people, the golden light ship has successfully reached the Thousand Ship Peak and slowly turned to a towering cliff. Sister Yun controlled the ship to dock and pointed to the golden light circle on the cliff. "This is where I live. You will sleep with me tonight!"
Sleep together?
Xu Zhihu’s foot stumbled and almost fell off the ship’s rail. Wait a minute. Sister Yun just meant to let me go with her …
Stunned, I almost doubt that I heard him wrong. He couldn’t help but turn his head and look at a goose yellow dress dancing in the wind beside him. Sister Yun Fan Yun-
Pale red sunset afterglow, the graceful beauty of the royal elder sister is slightly raising her swan-like slender jade neck and casually looking at the distance. Her cheeks are slightly flushed, her earlobes are crystal clear like white jade, and her posture is even more graceful and tall. Although her posture is slightly different from that of Chichi, she is undeniably a first-class and beautiful beauty!
"Uh-huh?" Xu Zhihu suddenly a little heart disorderly jump.
Well, when a moral integrity is full of young people, it should be strictly refused, right? But then again, considering Sister Yun’s initiative to ask for respect for women’s etiquette …
Well, before he made a decision on the battle between heaven and man here, Yun Fan saw the golden light circle shining with a flick of his sleeve over there. The cliff roared and vibrated and slowly split from it to reveal a big dock that hides the mountain … er, wait a minute. Dock?
Yes, it’s a dock!
The huge dock in the Tibetan mountain covers an area of several thousand feet, but it just seems very messy. The roots of the surrounding rock walls are not modified. In the end, shipbuilding materials and repair tools, such as wood canvas nails, are piled up at will, which makes people unable to root. The square table full of drawings is barely furniture.
No, don’t tell me that we live here?
Xu Zhihu was dumbfounded. Wait a minute. What about the sweet boudoir? What about the soft big bed? What about the bath? Hey, hey, there is no bath. Wait a minute. How is Sister Yun going to step on the bathrobe? How did she accidentally fall into my arms? How did she accidentally touch her lips?
"Yes, we slept here late." Yun Fan casually clapped her hands and took the lead in jumping off a building and walked into the dock. "Because no one has lived here before, I’m not ready to give people food. There is … scratch! Hey! "
"What is it?" Xu Zhihu is at a loss. Hearing this strange sound, he turned his head and suddenly was shocked!
Stunned, as far as he was amazed, Yun Fan actually rolled up his sleeves and picked up a piece of rosewood board in the corner, followed by a crisp crack, biting a small piece and chewing it with relish …
In a blink of an eye, she actually ate a whole piece of wood, thought about it, rubbed her belly, picked up the white canvas next to her and tore a large piece from the surface, enjoying it and stuffed it into her mouth to continue tasting.
What happened? What the fuck is this?
Xu Zhihu was completely shocked by this pica, so he looked at the beautiful teacher elder sister with wide eyes and ate the whole canvas. "Wait a minute, you actually ate boards and canvas?"
"Yes, what’s the problem?" Yun Fan, of course, with a wink and a barrel, grabbed a handful of nails from the inside and stuffed them into his mouth like food. "I’ll explain to you later … click … my nails are broken … click … eat some nails first … click … repair them …"
Eat nails? Can you still eat nails?
Xu Zhihu gaped at her sudden reaction and suddenly stepped back in disbelief. "Wait a minute, teacher elder sister, what are you?"
Come on, come on, Yun Fan put the barrel contentedly and casually pointed out, "Yes, I’m not a person, I’m … that!"
Which one? Follow her to Xu Zhihu very language turned his head and immediately entered the petrochemical state.
Can it be that the golden ship is moored outside the dock? At this moment, as Yun Fan eats those wooden canvases and nails the ship, the original damages are magically healed automatically …
Stunned, Xu Zhihu looked at the golden boat and then at the graceful Yun Fan, then at the graceful Yun Fan, and continued to watch … Stop watching!
Braised in soy sauce, steamed. Is it true that you are a teacher elder sister?
That’s right. In his shocked eyes, Yun Fan bit a small piece of wood and stood up seriously. "Teacher younger brother, as you can see, I’m not a person. I’m … this ship!"
After three minutes and one second, Xu Zhihu directly turned into a humanoid fountain. Holy shit, who can tell me what’s going on?
"Calm down" Yun Fan kindly handed a small piece of canvas. "Come and eat a piece of canvas. It’s not right. I forgot that you don’t eat canvas … Well, to be honest, it’s very simple. Our Shushan ship sent refining fairy ships often have self-awareness, just like your pen."
"Er, you mean that all our fairy ships refined in Shushan are spirit vessels?" Xu Zhihu is still unbelievable.
"Yes, although most of them can be called pseudo-magic weapons," Yun Fan proudly explained to him, "Let’s put it this way, what can we be respected as the leader of the right path in shushan? Besides our dedication to eliminating evil and promoting good, it is also largely because we have the unique skill of refining ships that can make the refined fairy ships be magic weapons from the beginning of their birth …"
"Say?" Xu Zhihu stood in awe.
"I’m a fairy ship with a spirit level." Yun Fan cheerfully pointed to himself by the golden light ship. "A fairy ship with a spirit level will produce a spirit like me. Well, according to the name of Shushan, our spirit is usually called … well, the ship spirit!"
"poof!" Haven’t say that finish Xu Zhihu spray again "ship? Ship? Ship mother? "
"It’s not a ship mother, it’s a ship spirit!" Yun Fan seriously corrected it, but after thinking about it, he tilted his head slightly. "Well, then again, the ship’s mother sounds much cuter than the ship’s spirit. Should I find an opportunity to talk to Zhang Jiao and then everyone will call her the ship’s mother … Yi, your face seems to twitch?"
It’s okay. Leave me alone and let me smoke for a while!
Xu Zhihu’s eyes filled with tears. Looking up to heaven, it’s already a big surprise for Nima’s family to turn the Shushan Sword Sect into the Shushan Ship Sect. I didn’t expect that there would be a serial surprise package behind it. Is this to let me play the rhythm of a real-life ship girl?
No wonder I have a strange familiarity when I hear the Shushan Ship School. No wonder Brother Jin’s face was weird when they heard that I was going to live with Sister Yun. No wonder Sister Yun is so at ease to sleep with me. Think about it, too. What can our family do with a boat even if we are crazy again?