In particular, the inquiry of Ye Xianggao, an old cabinet record, at the great court on that day will probably make more and more civil servants focus on him.

At this stage, this is something that Li Yuanqing does not want to face.
At the beginning, Li Yuanqing, who rejected Sun Chengzong’s love and stayed away from the island of Changsheng in western Liaoning, just didn’t want the literati in western Liaoning to get entangled too deeply
Although Changshengdao has a prison army, eunuchs
Many things, many things, silver can solve most of them.
Plus Li Yuanqing’s holy family, Wei Gonggong and Hakka eunuch, it is difficult to form too strong binding force on him.
But if you are stared at by civil servants …
Even if the eggs are not sewn, they will stick out sooner or later.
Especially at this time, Zhang Baozhu and Rainbow Girl have caused some cracks in the little emperor of Li Yuanqing Apocalypse to some extent.
Although this may seem minor, it is by no means good news for Li Yuanqing.
Thinking about Li Yuanqing is not long spit out a mouthful of polluted air.
According to the historical process, Wei’s father-in-law will be in full swing, and it is not many days since he was’ nine thousand years old’.
Moreover, the overall situation of Liao is in a stable state for the time being, and there is no big war.
It is absolutely unwise to seek the meritorious military service and build your own war, even if you can win it
At the end of the day, it is still in a stable state at this time, and the court is still in strong control of the overall situation. It is far from the time when ambition emerges!
If you want to change the world, you must change yourself first.
Changsheng Island is stable at this time, but Li Yuanqing is very aware that all the systems are not perfect, especially there are all kinds of hidden contradictions hidden behind the rapid development.
Although Li Yuanqing has veterans to support him, he must balance the interests of all parties if he wants to do a better job of twisting Changsheng Island into a rope.
There is still a lot he needs to do at this point.
At this time, it is time to get through the trade with Japan with enough silver in hand.
At this time, Zhang Baozhu had a small bamboo basket in his hand, and two maids were also coming towards Li Yuanqing with a smile on their faces.
Li Yuanqing quickly got up and smiled: "Baozhu, how did you guys get?"
Zhang Baozhu smiled. "Look at Yuanqing. We picked up a lot of oysters today. We ate them at noon."
Li Yuanqing busy took the bamboo basket in Zhang Baozhu’s hand and took a look. Sure enough, many people were afraid of not more than ten kilograms.
The same is true of the two maid baskets.
At this time, although the conditions in all aspects are primitive, there is also a greatest advantage. The blue sea has not been polluted by the rapid development of industry and commerce, and these things can be directly eaten as a good meal.
Li Yuanqing wanted to say roast, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea and smiled: "I’ll cook your hard lunch. Hey, hey, try my craft."
Zhang Baozhu was in a very good mood and smiled: "Yuan Qing, let me help you."
Li Yuanqing kissed her pretty face and gently squeezed her little hand. "It’s a simple job, orb. I’ll do it if you work hard today. You go first and change clothes and wear those pieces just sent by the island a few days ago."
Zhang Baozhu qiao face a red "beautiful".
With that, he broke free from Li Yuanqing’s big hand and smiled at the two maids: "Ping ‘er Bi Er, let’s go."
Curled to the hut in the tree
Always saw their beautiful image into the house and never saw Li Yuanqing again. This just withdrew her eyes and the corners of her mouth could not help but reveal a smile.
Pinger and Bi Er are the cleverest and most innocent maids sent to Changsheng Island by Fog and Rain Pavilion, so Li Yuanqing left these two lovely people to serve Zhang Baozhu.
After all, how can Zhang Baozhu be intimate in everything?
Although Li Yuanqing can’t give her the glory of the past, she can’t be much worse than before in life.
The buildings left by the original residents of Pig Island are all in the northern part of the island, and there is also a 100-specification military fort.
But by this time, nearly four years have passed, and all this has long been abandoned.
Moreover, the terrain in the north is dangerous, and the sun is too strong to defend, but it is not conducive to viewing.
After Li Yuanqing came to Pig Island, he chose the beach and sunshine directly. It is best for the east to build a thatched cottage directly by the palm trees on the beach here.
Just like the later Maldives tribal hotels, the conditions here are a little simple, but this natural atmosphere and this free atmosphere make Zhang Baozhu quite fascinated
Niu Gensheng and 100 Qinbing are scattered around a mile away, and four warships also serve both sides, firmly protecting this almost Fiona Fang Sanli beach in the middle, forming a vast private holiday beach.
A few days before coming, Li Yuanqing left a few firemen here to help them cook, but later, Zhang Baozhu didn’t even give up the firemen and cooked it himself.
For Zhang Baozhu’s demand that Li Yuanqing’s natural conditions be met,
The beauty of the scenery makes Li Yuanqing very happy and satisfied physically and mentally.
It’s a pity that Li Yuanqing is also planning a wave in Pig Island.
It’s absolutely good to build this place into a hospital for his leisure time.

At most, he is scolded. Is he afraid of being scolded?

Not afraid!
In this way, the Boyi exam is just a stupid value manufacturing machine!
We have to find a way to keep him singing songs.
I’m not worried about whether I’ll be happy or not. He believes in his feelings with da ji.
In the original work, it was said that Boyi Kao saved his father da ji and saw that he was a beautiful man who lured him by learning the piano. Boyi Kao angrily refused to let da ji become angry from embarrassment and framed Boyi Kao for molesting himself, so Boyi Kao was made into patties for Ji Chang to eat.
But this is not necessarily true. We have to dig deeper.
Ji Changbai must have one or twenty even if most of them are adopted.
Boyi test is the second child of Ji Fa, the thirteenth child of Jichang, the fifteenth child of Boyi test, and the fifteenth child of Ji Fa Boyi test. In the same year, Ji Chang returned to Xiqiao after being imprisoned for seven years, and met Jiangya Weishui for fishing, and soon died and lived for more than 90 years.
In this way, if Ji Chang was 90 years old when he returned to Xiqiao, then the Boyi test was 77 years old, and even if he was reduced by 10 years, the Boyi test was 67 years old.
The question is, Boyi Kao is a mortal who will not stay young forever. Even if he is more handsome than readers when he was young, he can still be an old man at this age!
Why should da ji seduce an old man? Are they young? Is it young marriage? Then this old cow is too good at playing!
Is da ji said Boyi test molesting her is probably the truth!
Take a step back and think that if Boyi Kao was still a beautiful man in his twenties and thirties, then Ji Chang was born at the age of sixty!
In the past few decades, no children have given birth to more than a dozen old mussels from the age of 60. Think carefully and fear!
As time goes by, it’s been half a month, and I’ve been ignoring Xiqiao people
Play the opera, just play it. The so-called
It was not until the people came out of the song "Si Qi Taipixi Aunt thinks Mei Taijiangxiqi’s wife is big and the emblem is a hundred men" that Boyi asked for an audience.
Chapter 19 Let him hit! Let him hit!
Si Qi Taipixi’s aunt Simei Taijiang Xiqi’s wife, the big son, the emblem, the sound, the best man.
This ballad is easy to understand. Modesty, virtue and beauty are women’s virtues. It’s nonsense to practice medicine and cut belly.
The last sentence, "A big si Hui Yin is a hundred si men", is the idea that only a virtuous woman can inherit her ancestors and have a lot of blessings in Ji Chang.
On the other hand, the implementation of caesarean section allows women to practice medicine. Zhou Wang actually has two children. This is … God’s punishment!
Can flow out this kind of ballad, saying that many people have agreed with the view of Boyi test and accepted Boyi test.
Some people support it, and it’s the time for Boyi to take the test.
"Ji Chang Boyi, the criminal, took an examination and visited the position."
Human response
Da ji smashed a walnut with alcohol.
Today, he specially took da ji Chao to see what da ji’s reaction was. After investigation, he found that Boyi Kao was really thirty years old, middle-aged and American. Next door to Xibohou Mansion was probably the Wangs’ residence.
Good. da ji doesn’t even know Boyi exam. He doesn’t even bother to look at it.
Da ji is a little embarrassed to be seen. It’s really … interesting to show love in the Nine Temples.
After a while, Boyi Kao called out, "Boyi Kao visits you!"
It took a long time to warm up a glass of wine before I looked up lazily and said, "Oh, what’s wrong with the Boyi exam?"
It’s normal for a bad king to act like a bad king and pretend to be a little slow-witted.
"I met a minister in front of my palace. I heard that I wanted to present a treasure to you, so I brought it to you."
"This is a beautiful jade minister, please present it to your majesty."

"Great understanding hurts people"

Section 14
Lou Ma listened to the bifurcation, blushed for no reason, and punched Lou Dad several times. After Lou Dad reacted, he was unable to sigh and shook his head.
After Louqin lived at home, Moyang’s most important thing every day was to shout Louqin * *, which was also his pleasure.
Like a cat, she sneaked into Louqin’s room and jumped into her room. The ink got into her quilt and learned to meow.
Lou Ming came back from the outside and changed clothes. He just heard the slight movement in the house. It was when he came in that Xiao Wang pulled his ass out.
Moyang screamed for help. Louqin jumped from Moyang to her * * and woke up. Seeing Moyang being carried upside down, he quickly got up and pulled him up. "Don’t shout for help, uncle!"
Ink Yang immediately turned the conversation and reached for LouMing thigh "uncle, I dare not again! Ah! Uncle, help! "
The little guy was frightened early in the morning, ate his meal honestly and was sent to kindergarten by the driver.
Lou Ming is going to see Lou Qin off. Lou Qin didn’t ask her family not to let her own car. Now she has a full-time driver to pick her up every day.
Lou Ming’s ten thousand people are unwilling to let Lou Qin continue his class and move out for various inexplicable reasons. It happened that no one in the family turned to him. He could be scared all day and look forward to Lou Qin’s class coming home.
In the evening, the driver came to pick Louqin up and returned home. Moyang was not there.
"Where’s Xiao Wang?" Louqin walked into the house and asked with his eyes looking around.
Going back to her class, Moyang is either playing in the courtyard or accompanying grandma in the glass greenhouse. Anyway, it is within sight.
Lou Ma is trimming her flowers and plants, and Lou Dad is wearing glasses in the courtyard to toss about his antique "hasn’t come back yet after picking it up"
Grandpa Lou and grandma Lou went to the party today, and it was especially cold and cheerless without Mo Yang at home.
Louqin squatted in front of Lou’s dad and wanted to quietly watch Torre toss Lou Ma out of the glass greenhouse and yelled, "You hurry back to the house and don’t hold up the child."
Louqin boss reluctant housekeeper saw that she didn’t want to go back to the house and took the chair and put it aside for her. Louqin sat next to him and looked at Dad.
Lou Qin likes this kind of silence, quiet company, warm heart and happiness.
On the way home from kindergarten, I passed by the ice cream shop, and Gu Jin brought Moyang in. The little guy was still sobbing.
Fifteen minutes ago, he called Lou’s house and said that he was working near Moyang kindergarten. Don’t let anyone pick him up, pick him up and send him back.
Who knows that after school, the children are all out, but they can’t see Moyang. Gu Jin went to the kindergarten to find someone, and the teacher was squatting on the ground to coax him.
Ink Yang lifted up her head and opened her mouth and cried.
He just peed his pants during his lunch break and felt ashamed. It is said that he was in a bad mood all afternoon. The children in the class haven’t said anything about him. His face is not bright yet.
The life teacher washed his pants and dried them. It took him less than half an hour to put the delicious pants back on him, and he was still not satisfied.
Seeing Gu Jin, Mo Yang was heartbroken and limped on his thigh. "Uncle Gu!"
"Boo hoo …"
Gu Jin disliked his snot. Two fingers carried him. The teacher quickly wiped Mo Yang’s snot.
"Uncle Gu …"
The teacher was very naive. In Mo Yang’s dying cry, he explained to Gu Jinze why the child was crying.
Gu Jin smiled and asked Mo Yang, "Is it a dream to sleep at noon?"
Ink Yang nodded "woo woo ….."
Gu Jin laughed and let himself be good. "You see that you are crying here alone, and all five teachers in the class can’t go home. Are you embarrassed?"
Although what comes to this kindergarten is the second generation, the third generation and the fourth generation, not everyone is so important, and the special object is treated specially by the teacher.

Thought of here, Bai Yiyi quickly and seriously recalled that he dared not hide anything when he heard it.

Chapter 135 He has her in his eyes (7)
"At that time, the young lady prepared juice in the kitchen and Xiaomei went to the kitchen when I wasn’t paying attention." Bai Yiyi recalled what happened during the day and turned pale.
The sofa man listened quietly.
A man’s face was so calm that he couldn’t see any emotion.
However, when I heard the girl say "I’m afraid others don’t know that you are having a good time" and "the slutty bed will describe the details", the man’s blood pupil couldn’t help but narrow slightly, and the whole body overflowed with cold meaning and instantly turned into strong murder.
Damn woman!
How dare you say that about his voice? !
"Then what?" A man’s tone is slightly raised, and his tone is as cold as a shura evil spirit’s chill.
The sound is definitely not submissive. The recipient must have taught the woman a hard lesson at that time.
"Then" Bai Yiyi quickly recalled that Sijia bully interrogated Xiaomei during the day. "Then Xiaomei said that the woman and the lady turned away as soon as she heard someone calling her outside without saying anything, as if she were in a hurry and didn’t even refute Xiaomei."
It is precisely because that woman left in a hurry and didn’t refute the little eyebrow that she will be more sure that the woman is covered in black material. This is why she deliberately came to the building to make the owner of the company hate the woman, but she didn’t think that the final bad luck would be her own.
Hearing someone calling her outside, she left in a hurry?
Blood suddenly emerged in the pupil with a palpitation man all froze up.
That’s his special name for women.
He still remembers that when he called out this intimate name to the woman, she was still perfunctory, but I didn’t expect the woman to really remember it.
He was the man at the gate at that time, such as Yinyin?
Baby, who has never suffered a loss, will have no rebuttal in the face of such serious verbal abuse because he is in a hurry to find him?
At that time, men don’t know what it’s like.
Feeling guilty, happy and annoyed is simply mixed.
"But adults all this is really with me. I didn’t know that Xiaomei would be so polite to the lady, and that the master of the family had severely punished Xiaomei, and Xiaomei already knew that it was wrong." Seeing the man look slightly relaxed, Bai Yiyi quickly cleared himself.
"What about you?" Man cool thin sound shu.
Bai Yiyi one leng stupefied.
"She is paying the price for her gift. What about you?"
Bai Yiyi was shocked. She just explained so many things that adults didn’t listen or let her bear the consequences together.
"How could she dare to be so disrespectful to my future princess if you didn’t instruct her?" That man is just a three-blood beast, and she dares to insult the two-blood beast with her head held high. If there is no support behind this, which three-blood beast dares to do that?
In front of this woman, there is a pair of words that mean to pick herself clean, and all the problems are pushed to the person. Is it true that he is blind?
"I, I didn’t." Bai Yiyi’s face was bloody and her heart was pounding, and she was about to jump out of her throat.
"If I also cut off your hamstring and throw it away," the sight fell far away and I was happy with the blood pupil of the orc man.
"no! Don’t, don’t "before the man finished Bai Yiyi knelt down and quickly dodged after.
Seeing that a woman is shocked like a quail at the moment, the man’s lip angle is slightly raised. "Rest assured that the temple will not let you die."
The man’s slender fingers tapped on the sofa armrest.
"After all, you are more interesting when you are alive."
Chapter 136 He has her in his eyes ()
next day
An earth-shattering event happened in the aristocratic circle of country A.
Bai Yiyi, who is known as "Queen PARY", went crazy overnight.

Let her get through this account and talk about it another day.

It’s hard to get rid of her hate if she doesn’t chop up Mu Ji’s moon.
Mu Jiyue’s mouth slightly raised to reveal a faint smile. "Sorry, I am not poisoned."
"What?" How can the queen be frightened to disgrace?
Mu Ji raised the Yamba and pointed to the bleeding maid-in-waiting in the corner
"Poisoning is that your hand is flat and you have died."
If it weren’t for her, I would have found out that the dead person was her!
The nangongshan cold city looked at the dead maid-in-waiting face changed.
He held Ji Yue’s hand tightly and was scared. "You’re not poisoned? Great. "
At this moment, he really hated the queen.
Such a vicious woman doesn’t even let go of a child.
The queen was stunned and disappointed. Why didn’t the dead man bathe in the moon?
"Huang, you see Ji Yue has nothing to do. This is a misunderstanding. Let’s just let it go."
Her disappointment is so obvious that Nangong Hanxi silently remembers it in her mind.
The emperor’s eyes flashed. "What do you say?"
Ji month sneer at a "attempted murder is also a sin, emperor. If the queen poisons the eunuch around you in your glass, does that mean that the queen is a koo? Is it forgivable? "
She can see that the emperor has no special preference for his children and concubines, even Chen Fei, who claims to be his favorite.
I’m afraid such people care about themselves and the mercy.
The queen hates Mu Ji-yue’s every word poking her heart. "Hu said that male and female servants will not rush the emperor’s hand even if they die."
Ji month turned supercilious look "who believe this? I just got in her way, but I got in her way. "
Oh, my God, everyone can’t wait to cover their ears and play dead.
How dare you say this outrageous thing?
The queen’s eyes were black and her courage was splitting, and she was scared. "I have been loyal to you for so many years, and I dare not be disrespectful. Please ask the emperor to check."
Muji Moon! She recorded this account! One day, I want her to pay back a hundred times!
The emperor ignored her and looked indifferent. "Mu Jiyue, are you sure you want to do this?"
He looked at Ji Yue with strange eyes, but Ji Yue was not afraid of it.
That’s her style, complaining that she can’t do it.
The emperor has some accidents, but he is younger than anyone else
He’s a girl with a personality like An Lan, but I didn’t expect to see my shadow in her body.
Be cruel to others and to yourself!
"I hope you won’t regret it."
Regret? Ji Yue took a deep breath. "Does the emperor regret it?"
The emperor understood this without head or tail, but closed his eyes and cleared away too many complicated thoughts and said firmly "No"
Mu Jiyue is the kind of queen who seldom wants to kill her. How can she be merciful and spare her opponent?
To be kind to your opponent is to be cruel to yourself!
"then I won’t regret it. I won’t let people who threaten my life live."
The emperor gave her a deep look, which was meaningful. "Well, that’s as you wish."
He looked serious and said, "I will ask Su’s disrespect to me and abolish the title of Queen and give a white silk."
Like a bolt from the blue to hit the queen almost fainted "no"
Everything in front of her was blurred, and she couldn’t believe her ears.
How could the emperor be willing to let her die?
"Huang Huang, we have been husband and wife for more than ten years. Are you willing?"
No, she won’t! She can’t die! Than die!
She is the mother instrument emperor and the queen mother of heaven in the future!
How can she die if she succeeds in half?
"Emperor, we still have a pair of lovely children. How do you want them to be themselves?"
All her efforts melted away in front of the emperor, who looked at her coldly without any warmth.
She even took a few deep breaths to press the dizzy feeling and bit her lips. "The emperor’s male and female servants asked for the abolition of the queen’s position and demoted Shu Ren to seek the emperor’s success."
She knelt down before the emperor and begged desperately to find a way
In order to save his life
She cried her heart out, crying again and again, and the room was filled with sadness.
But few people in the room are not ordinary people
The nangongshan Han Xi hates her so much that she naturally won’t intercede for her.
Chapter 796 Fei Hou Zhao
Yu Huang, that’s not a god who has no feelings.
It doesn’t matter if there are many women, one more and one less.
Mu Jiyue looked at the humble woman and a thought flashed through her mind, "Was my mother so pleading?"
She muttered softly, but the emperor heard a flash of surprise in her eyes. "Ann is prouder than anyone."
It seems melancholy and nostalgic.
Ji Yue sneered in her heart that she still misses a fart when everyone is dead.
"It is also possible to give birth to my stubborn and lovely daughter. How can it be so ugly?"
Her unruly words made the emperor frown slightly. "What would you do if you were Ann?"
The nangongshan cold city in the mind a tight Ji month made eye contact, don’t contradict the emperor, don’t lose your temper.
What about my uncle? At best, he is proud and conceited. At worst, he is too suspicious, bad-tempered and moody.
He often kills people with a smile on his face for a second, and no one can see through his mind.
But the emperor doesn’t need others to understand him!
Ji Yue pursed her lips. "I can’t be a concubine. If my man dares to have three wives and four concubines, I will waste what he has and never fall into that situation."
She restrained herself from saying anything against the emperor.
But the emperor is obviously a strange man who can’t infer from common sense and insists that she make it clear that "hypothesis one"
Ji Yue is tired of him. Do you want to talk? She has never been a swallowing person.

"XuanYuanChen are you crazy!" Mu Qingxue looked at him with a temporary patchwork in his dark eyes and looked at him coldly and said, "What you said must be false, right? You must have lied to me before you deliberately said it, didn’t you? "

"You …"
"I won’t believe it!" Mu Qingxue kept retreating and dared to say, "I … I have something to do. Bye!" Say that finish and run away in a hurry
Damn it, XuanYuanChen, why should she come out again and disturb her everything when her heart is calm?
Why run out to give her hope when she is desperate?
He said it must not be true. No, absolutely not!
Mu Qingxue ran all the way, not caring about the direction, not caring about other people’s eyes, and running blindly regardless of his own mess.
She admitted that she didn’t feel anything for him … even she liked him for a short time. Her heart was so easy. He fell so hateful that she wanted to strangle him …
But when she is in danger, he will appear for the first time. When she is being teased by others, he will do whatever it takes to protect her. Even if the world is against him, he will have no reason to be with her. This is what she wants, love and men.
So what is she hesitating about?
Mu Qingxue suddenly stopped breathing and calmed down the regular heartbeat. She was brave for Xuanyuan in the past, so now she is no longer brave?
Besides he is XuanYuanChen, he is her first man and the only man who is the father of her child. It would be great if they could be together, wouldn’t it?
But before formally accepting her, Mu Qingxue felt that she had to solve all the knots in her heart …
First of all, she will go to that XuanYuanFeng and tell him personally that he likes XuanYuanChen. Although it will be selfish, I believe XuanYuanFeng should be considerate of her.
After making up my mind, Mu Qingxue suddenly felt a lot easier, and then took out the sound stone and wanted to call XuanYuanFeng with the spirit force. However, he had not dialed a carriage and suddenly stopped beside her.
Mu Qingxue’s first reaction was, will she be tied up again?
I was about to run away, and I stretched out a hand and pulled her into the carriage, and the person sitting in the carriage was actually XuanYuanFeng!
This really makes this MuQingXue didn’t think of watching XuanYuanFeng at the moment!
Two people sitting in the carriage MuQingXue looked at Xuanyuan tuyere with a puzzled face and said, "Xuanyuan Feng, why are you here?"
Smell speech XuanYuanFeng sneer at the sight of MuQing yukiko said, "I just wanted to go in and find you, but I found that XuanYuanFeng was just saying something and I came out to wait for you. I came to say goodbye to you!"
"farewell?" Mu Qing Xue kou Dao
Hearing this, XuanYuanFeng looked at Muqing Xuekou and said, "I’m here to tell you what happens after I go back to the palace. Be careful yourself!"
After listening to Xuanyuanfeng’s words, Mu Qingxue looked at Xuanyuanfeng and said, "You are not afraid that you will be murdered by Xuanyuan when you return to the palace!"
Smell speech XuanYuanFeng smiled and looked at MuQing snowy road in front of me. "I went back to the palace to be able to protect you. I can’t protect you now, and I know something about you. I will stay in the palace and give you a strong backing!"
After hearing this touching words, Mu Qingxue didn’t know that she should be so good. When I was saving this Xuanyuan, I knew that he lived away from the palace for many years, just like a quiet life and didn’t like being disturbed. But now I have chosen a point of no return and let myself be somewhat at a loss.
And this XuanYuanFeng when saw the MuQing snow face apology dare to busy mouth comfort way "MuGirl, don’t care too much about me to repay you for saving your life, otherwise I would have died six months ago!"
That being said, Mu Qingxue also knows how determined Xuanyuanfeng is to make this decision. After all, Taigen will not let him go. At this moment, Mu Qingxue looked at Xuanyuan Fengkou and said, "Then I can’t keep your name straight after you enter the palace. Thank you!"
I heard that Xuanyuan Feng looked at Mu Qingxue and said with a smile, "You can call my name at will!"
After hearing this XuanYuanFeng comfort, Mu Qingxue nodded his head, because he had taken this Xuanyuan as his friend in his heart. Although he knew that XuanYuanFeng didn’t think so, he would definitely help XuanYuanFeng. If he dared to touch him, he would definitely let XuanYuanLuo know that the flowers were so red.
next day
XuanYuanFeng to an noble in a carriage to the palace gate, when I saw the eyes is five emperor an noble, this eye guards to connect them to the palace.
When Tai Xuanyuan fell on the news, his face was covered with dark clouds and the veins stood out. Before that, he had a fear of this Xuanyuan fall, but before that, he was seriously ill. Now, when people think about it, they will know how depressed it is.
And XuanYuanXue today after knowing his brother’s worries is to come to this too XuanYuanFeng door want to fully for my brother.
There was a noise outside the door. A celebrity pushed the door and saw the snow. Sun came slowly surrounded by a group of people.
"Yo dog slave what are you doing in the room with this sick plant in broad daylight? Also dare not give me kneel Ann "a vitriolic sound.
XuanYuanFeng heard frown sickly seedling? Are you talking about him?
Very good!
I haven’t heard these three words for a long time. I didn’t expect XuanYuanXue to dare to say so much. If he is his former self, he can’t dare to say so now. Doesn’t that mean plucking his hair from the tiger? Good. He wants outsiders to bear the consequences!
When XuanYuanFeng was getting ready to go out, he heard the celebrity say, "Snow Princess, it’s not convenient for my master to see Snow Princess at rest. I appreciate the kindness of the Five Emperors. Please come back another day!"
The celebrity is now standing in front of the door with a posture that no one wants to go in, and his face is determined! Never let this unruly snow princess go in or he will bully the Five Emperors again!
XuanYuanFeng heard that the speaker looked out from the crack of the door, that is, the Snow Princess was surrounded by several people in the middle, dressed in a yellow flowing smoke skirt, with a bow and exquisite figure, and a red whip clinging to her right hand. It looked cute at the moment, and that only cute one was ruined by her ferocious expression on her face.
When seeing this person’s appearance clearly, XuanYuanFeng looks good and his lips slightly become warped to reveal a cold smile!
At this time, another attendant also came out and said, "Snow Princess is not that he won’t let you in, but that the five emperors are really resting and it is not convenient to see Snow Princess."
Although my father-in-law is an old man in the palace in front of me, Xuanyuan Xuegen didn’t take him seriously and sneered, "Hey, it’s my father-in-law. Who am I? Don’t, I don’t know if you’re so sloppy here."
His father-in-law was told by such a princess in front of so many people that he really wanted to slap her, although the female identity at present was Snow Princess.
XuanYuanXue looked at two people just don’t let her in in front of the door nu way "someone give me the two unappreciative dog slave arrested unexpectedly dare to stop the princess road to the princess to fight to the death" named two guards eye dew yoshimitsu whip in hand and waved to two people.
However, the expected pain did not appear. I opened my eyes and saw that the four emperors were holding a whip tail in front of the two guards! ! ! !
"Hey …" XuanYuanXue surprised to see XuanYuanFeng this sickly unexpectedly dare to meet her bodyguard whip.
"Four Emperors, how dare you?" XuanYuanXue questioned words haven’t fallen. XuanYuanFeng grabbed the whip hand and suddenly pulled it off from his hand and flew in the direction of Snow Princess …
"You? How dare you hit me? " XuanYuanXue narrowly escaped flying whip angry stare XuanYuanFeng shouted at, didn’t realize that the present person is so normal now!
XuanYuanFeng milli emotional eyes staring at the unruly princess way "snow princess who gave you profit to my site in search and who gave you profit to beat my servant? I have my say. What qualifications do you have to be presumptuous with me? "
Xuanyuanfeng’s beautiful face Gherardini looks like a locked prey leopard, noble and lazy, where there is still a little cowardice in the past?
XuanYuanXue smell speech pointed to the sight XuanYuanFeng nu way "good you guys princess to make a servant with you agree? How can you be emperor? Who are you? "
"Pa" a face suddenly appeared before the XuanYuanXue finished speaking. Because it was too sudden, XuanYuanXue was dumbfounded and stood on the spot, and then raised my hand to cover his face. There was blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, which showed that this slap was extremely heavy.
"Who? Who dares to hit me? " XuanYuanFeng looked around. She just saw XuanYuanFeng didn’t move. The person who hit her must be someone else.
"Why? Is my good sister stupid? Is there anyone else here besides me who dares to hit you, sister? " XuanYuanFeng lazy extremely sound at the moment! Looking at XuanYuanXue opposite with a sarcastic smile.
"Well, damn you, how dare you hit me? I don’t think you want to live!" XuanYuanXue said, just want to waving a whip to XuanYuanFeng but she forgot her whip at the other end was XuanYuanFeng grasp in your hand.
Xuanyuanfeng raised his eyes and hooked his lips and sneered, "Do you guess if I live or not?" Then suddenly, with the strength of XuanYuanXue, I forgot my whip because of a loose inertia. In XuanYuanFeng’s hand, XuanYuanXue was so shaken that the whole person fell back several steps and sat down on the ground.
"Princess princess you have no matter! Princess, what’s wrong with you? " XuanYuanXue behind them all see their master-slave sitting on the ground rushed over and shouted.
XuanYuanFeng disdain looked at beside these people.
199 gongdou!
Looking at XuanYuanXue’s resentful eyes, XuanYuanFeng corners of the mouth said, "My good sister, don’t look at me like this. I’m so scared. I didn’t hit you just now. I taught you the rules. If you say that you are a good family, you have no manners. If you go out, you will lose your royal face. I am a brother and teach you well!"
"You …"
XuanYuanFeng koo looked at XuanYuanXue mouth and said, "What’s wrong with me? Don’t scare my brother. My brother is not well. Oh, by the way … I really want to thank you for being here!" Said before patted XuanYuanXue shoulder but hand unconsciously increase strength pain XuanYuanXue tears came out …

At the end of the fire came a hoarse and ugly female voice.

"Darkness … is your promise … trustworthy?"
"Of course, this time we will take the lead in the dark … you need to help secretly … if it doesn’t work for you and lose … if the adult world is half … the old people start from the primitive people, and you and I end in half …"
"Hey … hey …" The husky ugly girl smiled. "Well … dark you killed this dark Chineydy … it’s really painstaking to launch this war … but you can let him gain all the dark beliefs … help him climb the sacred tower, but he just kept it from him and let him finally choose this possessed road at this time …"
"God but light magic but sumeru …"
This dark sound slowly said, "The magic sumeru suppressed the various worlds seven hundred years later, and the king of light rose to heaven two hundred years later … Although dark Chineydy was born, he could marry them whether he was a god or possessed … He had to walk out of the third way outside the ghost …"
"I see … you have great confidence in this dark Chineydy. Do you recognize him … to merge with ghosts and gods … and get out of this third avenue?"
"Yes … he never sees the qualification … he will soon be white … what he really wants to do is not abandon the possession of god, but … the merger of ghosts and gods …"
"It seems that your dark world ambition is not small but … I like … hey … hey …"
There is a faint madness in that hoarse female smile.
"The world chaos … floating corpse hundreds of millions … my favorite … hey … hey …"
"I’ve been playing the channel from darkness to purgatory for ten days … let’s blow the horn of this war together … fiend … are all decayed, and all the circles will eventually step towards destruction if they don’t get rid of the ghost life …"
With this, the dark source at the virtual end surged more and more violently. Suddenly, a sky-high dark beam penetrated the red clouds, crossed the seals and entered the lava fire.
"This heavy seal … is almost destroyed from the Ministry … but it is a hundred times easier from the outside … Rao is so … still moving my dark families … I hope the good mother will not disappoint me after nearly a thousand years of energy savings …"
"Good-"hoarse female voice to all directions.
"Purgatory creatures … my good people … finally want to return to the earth …"
With this sound, the number of deformed and ugly human beings in the sea of fire gave out excitement and roar, and one by one, the human bodies rushed to shoot a series of red rays, intertwined with each other and reflected a piece of sky and red clouds. Every human being gave out fluctuations in earth and energy.
Su Li arrived at the central area of the first floor of the sacred tower, with a giant crystal screen standing on one side. The top ten are all those familiar names, and the top three are still Dark Chineydy, King Guang and Magic Sumeru.
To his surprise, the original Terran Wang Yao was promoted to the fifth place this time.
"This Wang Yao seems to be accumulating, and this ranking is getting better and better."
Su Li remembers that his previous scores were the worst, and he was ranked tenth. Later, he was slowly promoted to sixth place. Now on this floor, his ranking has risen again, reaching fifth place. He has been ranked fifth in Frost Dragon Long Ge.
Behind the giant crystal screen is a sky-high light beam, in which many people sit cross-legged. From time to time, people enter, and from time to time, people disappear or successfully enter a higher level or fail to be sent away.
As soon as Su Li entered the sky-high light column, he decided to challenge his mind and all kinds of illusions appeared.
He immediately understood that this test is psychological will endurance.
One more second in each room makes the illusion more and more terrible than it can affect the reality. Of course, when it reaches the limit, the sky-high beam will automatically judge the failure, and it will randomly go to a place on the first floor where it is less than the sky-high beam, and there will be a mental collapse.
Su Li passed the test easily, but it was difficult to make the overall list.
Although his realistic power is comparable to that of the peak saint, his mind is far from being cultivated.
If you can persist in this column for ten minutes, it will be passed. If you can persist for half an hour, you can get on the monthly list, but the last one in the general list, the worm flute, has persisted for three hours.
After all, the strength has reached their level, which one is not a tough generation?
General illusion roots can’t beat them, and only this unimaginable sacred tower rule can produce this illusion power that can shake their minds.
Suli failed in less than an hour and was randomly sent to a canyon.
Slowly sat down the canyon to Su Li frowned.
He met the biggest problem of entering the sacred tower.
Although he is now a powerful soul, his spirit is even more powerful than that, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect when he just fought against the terrible dreamland in the sky beam.
Trying to fight this fantasy depends more on a strong mind.
Before going through seven challenges, every time you need to be promoted, break through to a higher level and gain stronger strength, you can easily break the Chineydy record and reach the top of the total list.
Although every promotion can make people’s minds stronger, they are far from the tenth place in the total list. They just lasted less than an hour, while the tenth place in the total list, Bugdi, lasted for three hours, not to mention topping the list. This gap is too big for Su Li to see hope at the moment.
Even if the promotion breaks through to level 17, don’t even think about rushing to the general list.
After thinking about it, Su Li decided to ask old gods.
The twentieth floor of this sacred tower may represent the sanctification of the body. If you don’t get the first place in the overall list, you won’t be perfect. If you don’t, you won’t want to leave any regrets.
Out of the canyon, I soon found old gods, whose vigor is getting worse and worse, one kilometer away.
Listen to Su Li’s question. old gods’s face showed a thoughtful look.
"Your problem is that your promotion is too fast and your mind is not honed enough, which may be very troublesome for you."
Su Li said, "It is said that Chineydy broke through in a short time. Is his mind so strong?"
"Mind, spirit and perseverance are strictly the strength of a person’s soul … you have combined the strength of a soul that is not inferior to that of the general sacred spirit. It is reasonable to say that even if you can’t be the first in the general list, you won’t be able to persist for an hour. This situation can say that you lack a deeper understanding of the soul. If you say that the soul is a treasure house, your treasure house is full of gold and silver, but you still don’t know how to make it out. It is not a problem for you to learn how to make it with your current soul strength."

A silver light like a meteor blasted into the gene evolution environment, but it was extraordinary, but Xu retreated to fly sword.

He can cope with the water’s extraordinary gaze, but if he doesn’t care, it will cause him fatal damage.
A huge water whirled to meet him.
As if leaning out of the snakehead, it’s more accurate than holding Xu’s flying sword back.
The gushing of layers of water whirls sharply reduces the speed of Xu Fei Jian.
"Xu retreat!"
Just broke through the water extraordinary blockade Luo Shifeng abrupt explosive roar a whole person instantly into a light flash to the front.
The mutant of this ability gene comes out in an instant and spans seven meters.
But Luo Shifeng, the gene evolutionist, came out and quickly broke into a distance of 20 meters.
Directly appear this water extraordinary side.
The water curtain water whip attacked Luo Shifeng at the same time.
At the same time, the water suddenly rose rapidly when the water column stepped on it.
Height difference of maple when rapidly pulling Tarot.
Luo Shifeng can be chased close, but the height is still the genetic evolution. Once Luo Shifeng is pulled, there is really no way.
But at the same time, the extraordinary eyebrows of this gene evolution water suddenly wrinkly.
In telepathy, a seven-meter-long Fiona Fang mountain suddenly appeared on his head and smashed it straight at him.
The figure tilted, and the water transcendent jumped directly on the water column, which was blocked by the soaring water column. Xu retreated directly and smashed the mountain.
At the same moment, another water column rushed out of the ground steeply and caught the extraordinary water falling from the low.
The water rises again.
Just break through the water and attack Luo Shifeng suddenly some despair.
If you can’t kill this extraordinary water, there will be no chance to live if you retire today!
A gene evolution in the offshore area is so powerful that it can almost seal off all chances of survival.
JI Wang, who has just been dumped by Luo Shifeng in the distance, has stabilized his body and the horse can be killed back.
Seven other gene mutants are also coming in formation.
Finally, the vitality is rapidly passing!
Although the huge wound in the waist is bleeding, there is no pain.
Feng Qian’s blow was poisonous!
However, the crazy expansion of the body, the hot feeling and the sense of strength make Luo Shifeng particularly desperate!
He’s desperate. He’s been injected with a genetic chain fission drug.
However, the rapid rise of this super-water makes him lose the chance to fight to the death!
But it’s only this moment that Xu retreated and roared.
"Go straight!"
Xu back roar Luo Shifeng didn’t want to white at the moment.
What does it mean to go straight for a refund? What should I do?
But the opportunity is fleeting
Once JI Wang comes again after ten seconds, he has absolutely no chance to cooperate with the extraordinary genetic evolution of water, which has seriously injured him.
Even if it is injected with a gene chain fission agent!
When I heard the roar, Luo Shifeng did not hesitate to choose 100% letter to make a refund.
His long-term credibility with Xu tui’s teachers and students is comparable to that of others.
Luo Shifeng suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed directly to the extraordinary water that was rapidly rising at his height.
Body gene evolution Luo Shifeng jumped more than ten meters high is the limit.
But the water extraordinary at this time through the water column height has exceeded 20 meters.
Luo Shifeng’s touch
But Luo Shifeng instantly rose and the soles of his feet suddenly became solid!
Still one thing, but suddenly the down-to-earth feeling makes Luo Shifeng have a place to borrow.
Luo Shifeng stepped out and made more than 20 meters low and instant close to the extraordinary water in the gene evolution environment.
Once a mysterious practitioner is extremely close, it represents extreme danger!
What’s worse, Luo Shifeng’s personal strength was temporarily increased by injecting gene fission drugs.
In the sky, Luo Shifeng’s ghosting is instantaneous, and the gene evolution is intertwined with water.
Accompanied by the roar of water and light energy field force
Entanglement of two people is almost instantaneous.
But in a split second, the genetic evolution of the transcendental water becomes two pieces!
Separation of head and body
Blood spilled from the sky.
Luo Shifeng situation is also very mess.
The wound in the lower back was directly hit by an extraordinary attack, and blood poured out of it!
Luo Shifeng jumped directly from more than 20 meters to the middle of the time, stomped on the extraordinary body of the water and stumbled down to Xu’s side.
Blood is pouring from the big hole in the lower back!
"Teacher Luo, I will help you cure …"
Luo Shifeng looked at it. It was dozens of meters away. JI Wang directly grabbed Xu’s retreat and ran towards the sea.
It may be that Luo Shifeng was injected with the gene chain fission agent. Even if he was seriously injured, the explosion speed was even faster than Wang Ji!

I always feel that it is not reliable at all!

Okabo took a deep look at Zhuang, not far from Zhuang, and the kindness glow was as dazzling as the sun and the moon.
It’s just that I hope he is really a kind manor owner.
Okabo bowed hard and said, "Okabo, the pupil of the manor master’s adult, implores you to be kind …"
Then I gave a big gift with all my heart.
"Good …" Not far from Zhuang, he stretched out his hand to help Okabo, and a message came at this time.
"Congratulations to the cruel manor owner for completing the brutal achievement of’ spending a lot of money’"
"Spending a lot of money on the manor identity card is a rarity that several powerful people desperately pursue, but your cruel manor owner has spent a lot of money on abandoning our shoes. Your local tyrants have deeply stimulated the humble civilians, who have offered their knees …"
"You’ve achieved a cruel goal, and now you’re a cruel manor owner …"
Zhuang talked for a long time as if I lost it and wouldn’t pick it up!
Losing the card is refreshing, picking up the card and crying two lines.
Those who don’t meet the requirements are the ones who pick up the manor identity card and can pick it up everywhere by themselves not far from the manor.
I spilled my identity card from the fifteenth floor and it floated everywhere. When did I have to pick it up?
Yu is cruel again. I’m used to it not far from Zhuang. What is this? Cruel is cruel!
Cruel or merciful, I am still myself.
Not far from Zhuang, I haven’t finished worrying yet. As soon as I turned my face, I saw that Okabo was gone.
"Where’s Okabo?" Not far from Zhuang, I wonder if Laura nai stretched out her hand and pointed to the ceiling.
Zhuang looked up not far away and saw Okabo sticking to the ceiling like a frightened cat.
Not far from Zhuang, I suddenly feel that it is no wonder that the third pupil can become the sworn enemy of the Samsonians!
This flying skill is worse than Zhao Min’s.
How can you be so agile when you are fat as a ball? It’s not easy!
"You really are a … disabled … cruel manor owner!" Gang Bao was frightened. "No … don’t kill me!"
"Come on, don’t look at me like this. I’m really kind." Not far from Zhuang, I felt kindness and kindness. "Kindness" stared at Okabo. Look at my sparkling eyes. Look at my handsome face!
It’s a pity that Okabo was so scared that his eyes and six pupils were out of focus.
I’m so kind. You trust me. You trust me!
Not far from the eye attack, Xiaozhuang was impatient and reached out and ordered Lao Bang to "catch him for me!"
The Nathanians and the Three Pupils have been fighting for centuries …
"I’m sorry to respect the manor master’s adult, please forgive my rudeness …" I took Okabo to take him to visit the manor for a moment and let Liu Jingue sit for him for half an hour. Okabo, an ideological worker, calmed down.
In fact, he mainly found that there was a third-order adult plow cow banyan in the manor, and he could win by himself.
"I’d like to wear armor, if you don’t mind?" Gombo took his front, attracted the attention of the Nathanians, threw away his armor and put it on.
Gloves, wristbands, arm armor, breastplate, leg armor, helmet
Wearing a suit of armor is not far from hou zhuang. I feel like I’m watching a magic show
After wearing all kinds of armor, Okabo pinched his face again and blinked. A handsome little Hu man appeared in front of Zhuang not far away.
Not far from Zhuang "…"
Coach, I want to be handsome, too!
Please give me advice, for example, from a guy with a height of 1.3 meters and a waist of 1.3 meters, walking like a wriggling fat to a handsome guy with a height of 1.5 abdominal muscles!
Don’t become so handsome. Did you ask my permission? I will never allow anyone more handsome than me in this manor!
Zhuang’s heart is slowly moving closer to cruelty!
Do you want to use this guy as fertilizer for Daniel?
Okabo didn’t realize that he was in a crisis. He bowed deeply and made a very elegant ancient gift. "Respect for the manor owner’s adult exile era adventure team’ slime anger’ captain Okabo is loyal to you. Your will is my direction. Your kindness is my sun! Since I have become a manor nursing home, please allow me to protect you personally from today. "
Zhuang is a bit at a loss.
The old boomed up and said, "The three pupils have always been loyal lackeys of the manor. If they were not forced to resist, they would never rebel against the manor. Later, they betrayed the Industrial Party and turned to the manor owners again, almost making the restoration of the manor owners successful. These so-called adventure teams are all over the world looking for the benevolent manor. If you are kind to him, he will become your best bodyguard …"
Is it? Not far away, Zhuang quickly put aside the cruel desire in his heart and replaced it with the kindest smiling face "I accept your loyalty"
"Lord Manor, I beg you to give me a bottle of’ Qubing Wine’ to save my best friend Mr. Cao Xiqing."
Not far from Zhuang wondered, "Qubing wine? What’s that? "
"It’s a kind of medicinal liquor brewed by Li Manor, which can get rid of all diseases. My best friend Mr. Cao Xiqing took me in at the most critical moment and gave me a place to live, but I made him infected with pub disease, which made me sleepless. Even if you don’t look for me, I’m afraid I must come to the manor owner for help!"
Cao Xiqing took you in? Give you a place to live? Are you sure you didn’t move in by force?
Zhuang bu Li Jian Yu
But in a blink of an eye, his attention was attracted by "Qubing Liquor"
"How is this wine brewed?" Zhuang asked not far away
At the same time, the urgent words of the virtual city disease control department rang.
"What? A large-scale flu was found in the west courtyard of Xucheng? I immediately record a "
"What? Did the Second Hospital of Virtual City also find symptoms of pandemic influenza? The number of infected people has exceeded 300? "
"What? Also found in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Virtual City University? "
"The symptoms of this flu infection are very serious, and many patients have had complications."
"The fast emergency report has confirmed that a large-scale epidemic broke out in the virtual city. Please ask the expert group to act quickly and monitor the virus source immediately!"
After hanging up, the staff of the disease control department sighed, "Why come again?"
"Not used to it?" Next to a stout veteran cadre, while flipping through the newspaper, he said, "There will be a big epidemic in other places in three to five years. Our virtual city has a large flow of people, and the foreign population doesn’t come for two or three times a year. Don’t worry, the virtual city disease control experts are the best, and they will definitely be able to control the situation soon."
Chapter 119 This is the strength of big companies!
There is no windtight wall under the sun. Glory Anhe and several consultants discussed the promotion of the Magic Mountain Tunnel in the office. On the second day, Xu, the state group, got the news.
He also heard that Zhou Xiang ‘an’s opinion was rejected by several experts, who were very firm and said that the geological conditions of Phantom Mountain were too complicated for tunnel construction.
Xu has done a lot of homework on the magic mountain tunnel. He knows that the geological conditions of the magic mountain are not good
However, a large company like the State Construction Group has long been familiar with this problem.

Su Li nodded and was touched. "Thank you for your adult cultivation," he said, riding a black wind carving and sitting on Zhu Gaozhi’s back.

I thought that if I suddenly attacked at this time, I would succeed in nine times out of ten, but the location here is not suitable. A stone blow is bound to disturb the surrounding patrolmen and cause big trouble.
Zhu Gao Zhihe wants to find a place that is absolutely hidden, and Su Li also knows that he won’t ride here very obediently.
I also have some expectations for him to go to the ancient ruins.
Empathy If you are Zhu Gaozhi and want to move some mysterious ability to seize possession, you must find an absolutely hidden place where people can’t find it, so ancient ruins are the best place.
In all likelihood, Zhu Gaozhi’s statement that he brought himself into the ancient ruins was true, not deceptive.
Of course, after entering the ancient ruins, it is not to help yourself to make a breakthrough, but to find a suitable hidden place to seize your body.
It is not surprising that Zhu Gaozhi can know some ancient ruins when the top of these bases has broken the boundary and has been constantly honed.
Zhu Gaozhi doesn’t have too many thoughts in his heart at the moment. After all, Su Li is also a 15-level newcomer, and he has a 5-level difference with himself. Isn’t it just casual to hold him as a newcomer?
Zhu Gaozhi did Sarah laugh and thought that Su Li was still very grateful to himself at the moment, knowing that he had concealed three talents for him, and now he is taking him to the ancient ruins to help him break through the promotion. It is estimated that he has regarded himself as his patron and the most respectable predecessor at the moment.
With Zhu Gaozhi’s command, the black wind eagle fluttered into the sky and flew half with two people in an instant.
The black wind carving is very fast, and Zhu Gaozhi commands to fly to the north.
It’s the first time for Su Li to look down from the top for half a year. All the land is flooded, and almost no large land can be seen. Many small pieces of monster nests like floating islands can be seen.
These monster nests are scattered all over the place.
It’s wonderful to be in the half line of sight and look down, and it’s very easy to find the monster’s nest
"This flying mount is great. We have to find a way to get one."
Su Li envied him, but he was afraid to play it for the time being.
After all, if Zhu Gaozhi is killed by himself, riding his black wind carving will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the base.
Zhu Gaozhi took Su Li riding a black wind sculpture and flew for nearly an hour, all the way north, at least 100 kilometers from Shoude City, before finally landing.
Su Li arrived in vain.
Fang is a vast body of water, and at first glance there is nothing.
It’s just seven o’clock in the morning, and the black wind carving soon landed at a height of only thirty or forty meters above the water.
"Let’s go," said Zhu Gaozhi, taking the initiative to turn over and fall from this black wind carving back.
Su Li took a deep breath gently, showing that the equipment covered her body and followed closely.
Zhu Gaozhi showed a set of metallic monarch equipment, which was shrouded in golden brilliance, and he appeared to be majestic and fell into the water, and waved at the half-black wind sculpture at the same time.
The black wind carving immediately flew away into the distance.
He and Su Li have similar ideas. Once he has captured Su Li’s body, the black wind carving can’t be used for the time being, otherwise it will inevitably arouse suspicion in the high-level ears of the base.
Zhu Gaozhi never doubted the IQ of executive adults.
This time, I was able to fool him completely because I was too hidden. He never thought that I actually had the ability to move my soul away from me. I didn’t think about it, but if I suddenly found myself in the dead zone and disappeared, Su Li was riding a black wind sculpture that I used to mount, so I didn’t doubt it.
The black wind eagle flew towards the distance and soon disappeared. Zhu Gaozhi was shrouded in golden light and sank into the water. Su Li followed closely and the two men continued to sink.
With the continuous sinking, Su Li found that a large number of green algae plants were floating in the water, and the more algae there were, the more dense they were, and there was a faint fish-like shadow shuttling through Su Li’s "peep symbol pattern", which immediately captured these 12-level ordinary beasts, the black-scaled fish beasts.
They may have been frightened by Zhu Gaozhi’s golden splendor, and they all fled from their roots and dared not approach.
Su Li saw in his eyes and thought that this is about the coercion of the level 2 super strong.
Compared with Zhu Gaozhi, who is covered with golden splendor, his body is covered with dragon attribute equipment, and the surface also has a halo. This water exudes a soft light, which is far less dazzling and blazing than Zhu Gaozhi’s equipment.
Soon Su Li saw a lot of green algae and a pile of black rocks.
A large number of black rocks piled up into a stone mound, the surface of which was covered with green algae. Zhu Gaozhi waved the golden light with his right hand, and the waves in the water quickly covered the surface of this pile of black rocks with green algae, showing a deep pit inside.
Zhu Gaozhi made a gesture toward Su Li and then drew toward this deep pit.
When Su Li saw this, he realized that this pile of black rocks should be the entrance to the ancient ruins.
He silently followed Zhu Gaozhi behind him. Once he entered the ancient ruins, it meant that Zhu Gaozhi could do it for himself at any time. His nerves immediately tightened and he was in the highest alert state. The third talent has been quietly launched and triggered at any time.
Su Li followed Zhu Gaozhi into the deep pit in this pile of black rocks, just like passing through a black passage. Suddenly, the deep pit brightened at the moment, and the two of them had entered a square stone room about 20 meters vertically and horizontally.
There is no water in this square stone room, and you can breathe and talk freely. At the end of the stone room, there is a stone door with a light curtain on its surface, which will seal it up.
Su Li can see at a glance that this light curtain is a seal crystal, which should be Zhu Gaozhi’s stay to seal it against being intruded by outsiders and gain the benefits in this relic.
Zhu Gaozhi finally entered the ancient ruins and breathed a sigh of relief. When he got here, he was not afraid of being peeped by outsiders. This is an ideal place to start work.
In my heart, I immediately had a plan to plot against Su Li, but I converged on my face. The golden helmet smiled gently and confused Su Li. "This is the ancient heritage …"
As he spoke, he quietly moved his strength to prepare for the surprise attack on Su Li.
Halfway through the conversation, I suddenly realized that something was wrong