In particular, the inquiry of Ye Xianggao, an old cabinet record, at the great court on that day will probably make more and more civil servants focus on him.

At this stage, this is something that Li Yuanqing does not want to face.
At the beginning, Li Yuanqing, who rejected Sun Chengzong’s love and stayed away from the island of Changsheng in western Liaoning, just didn’t want the literati in western Liaoning to get entangled too deeply
Although Changshengdao has a prison army, eunuchs
Many things, many things, silver can solve most of them.
Plus Li Yuanqing’s holy family, Wei Gonggong and Hakka eunuch, it is difficult to form too strong binding force on him.
But if you are stared at by civil servants …
Even if the eggs are not sewn, they will stick out sooner or later.
Especially at this time, Zhang Baozhu and Rainbow Girl have caused some cracks in the little emperor of Li Yuanqing Apocalypse to some extent.
Although this may seem minor, it is by no means good news for Li Yuanqing.
Thinking about Li Yuanqing is not long spit out a mouthful of polluted air.
According to the historical process, Wei’s father-in-law will be in full swing, and it is not many days since he was’ nine thousand years old’.
Moreover, the overall situation of Liao is in a stable state for the time being, and there is no big war.
It is absolutely unwise to seek the meritorious military service and build your own war, even if you can win it
At the end of the day, it is still in a stable state at this time, and the court is still in strong control of the overall situation. It is far from the time when ambition emerges!
If you want to change the world, you must change yourself first.
Changsheng Island is stable at this time, but Li Yuanqing is very aware that all the systems are not perfect, especially there are all kinds of hidden contradictions hidden behind the rapid development.
Although Li Yuanqing has veterans to support him, he must balance the interests of all parties if he wants to do a better job of twisting Changsheng Island into a rope.
There is still a lot he needs to do at this point.
At this time, it is time to get through the trade with Japan with enough silver in hand.
At this time, Zhang Baozhu had a small bamboo basket in his hand, and two maids were also coming towards Li Yuanqing with a smile on their faces.
Li Yuanqing quickly got up and smiled: "Baozhu, how did you guys get?"
Zhang Baozhu smiled. "Look at Yuanqing. We picked up a lot of oysters today. We ate them at noon."
Li Yuanqing busy took the bamboo basket in Zhang Baozhu’s hand and took a look. Sure enough, many people were afraid of not more than ten kilograms.
The same is true of the two maid baskets.
At this time, although the conditions in all aspects are primitive, there is also a greatest advantage. The blue sea has not been polluted by the rapid development of industry and commerce, and these things can be directly eaten as a good meal.
Li Yuanqing wanted to say roast, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea and smiled: "I’ll cook your hard lunch. Hey, hey, try my craft."
Zhang Baozhu was in a very good mood and smiled: "Yuan Qing, let me help you."
Li Yuanqing kissed her pretty face and gently squeezed her little hand. "It’s a simple job, orb. I’ll do it if you work hard today. You go first and change clothes and wear those pieces just sent by the island a few days ago."
Zhang Baozhu qiao face a red "beautiful".
With that, he broke free from Li Yuanqing’s big hand and smiled at the two maids: "Ping ‘er Bi Er, let’s go."
Curled to the hut in the tree
Always saw their beautiful image into the house and never saw Li Yuanqing again. This just withdrew her eyes and the corners of her mouth could not help but reveal a smile.
Pinger and Bi Er are the cleverest and most innocent maids sent to Changsheng Island by Fog and Rain Pavilion, so Li Yuanqing left these two lovely people to serve Zhang Baozhu.
After all, how can Zhang Baozhu be intimate in everything?
Although Li Yuanqing can’t give her the glory of the past, she can’t be much worse than before in life.
The buildings left by the original residents of Pig Island are all in the northern part of the island, and there is also a 100-specification military fort.
But by this time, nearly four years have passed, and all this has long been abandoned.
Moreover, the terrain in the north is dangerous, and the sun is too strong to defend, but it is not conducive to viewing.
After Li Yuanqing came to Pig Island, he chose the beach and sunshine directly. It is best for the east to build a thatched cottage directly by the palm trees on the beach here.
Just like the later Maldives tribal hotels, the conditions here are a little simple, but this natural atmosphere and this free atmosphere make Zhang Baozhu quite fascinated
Niu Gensheng and 100 Qinbing are scattered around a mile away, and four warships also serve both sides, firmly protecting this almost Fiona Fang Sanli beach in the middle, forming a vast private holiday beach.
A few days before coming, Li Yuanqing left a few firemen here to help them cook, but later, Zhang Baozhu didn’t even give up the firemen and cooked it himself.
For Zhang Baozhu’s demand that Li Yuanqing’s natural conditions be met,
The beauty of the scenery makes Li Yuanqing very happy and satisfied physically and mentally.
It’s a pity that Li Yuanqing is also planning a wave in Pig Island.
It’s absolutely good to build this place into a hospital for his leisure time.

I thought, "It’s better to find a way to catch up with this aunt Yunzhi to learn those messy things. Wouldn’t it be easier for her to help me calculate when something happens?" He has more confidence in hitting on girls than learning from Liu Ren.

Yan Zi gauze looked at the vernacular, "Aren’t you the moon yourself? How can she teach? "
The little girl sighed, "I have already said that the vernacular is the vernacular, and the moon is the moon. I am different from her."
The night is getting deeper and deeper, and Yun Zhi finally fell asleep next to Zi Zhi.
The two girls even have the same sleeping posture, but one is left and the other is right, face to face, and even the breathing frequency seems to be synchronized.
Yan Zigan laughed. "They really can’t tell which is which if they don’t talk."
Tang Xiaofeng hey hey smile "there are more fun things" quietly jumped in the past with a pointed branch to non-success cheese face a poke.
He poked a sister flower, but at the same time he touched his face for a while and then fell into a deep sleep.
Lin Xiang wondered, "What is this?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "This is called telepathy. Hey, hey, hey, hey." If we can marry the sisters to the bed … it will be very interesting to think about it.
Lin Xiang and Yan Zi gauze looked at each other … Why did this bad guy laugh so evil again?
Tang Xiaofeng drilled the cave.
The night is dark and the surroundings are faint.
He looked up at the crescent moon and the scattered starlight and thought of his parents and sister.
Originally, he was in the whirlpool of history unconsciously with the mentality of fighting around. Although he thought it was quite interesting, after all, this kind of day when he never knew what big things would happen at a moment would not make people feel chatting, but occasionally he would wonder if it would be better to spend one day with his relatives and have a monk bump into one day.
Of course, I really want to live like that. Maybe he wants to run away from home again.
Yan Zi gauze and vernacular also emerged.
Yan Zigan asked, "Xiaofeng, where should we go after?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "I haven’t thought about this either."
Yan Zikun whispered, "I have an idea. We might as well flee to the east and go overseas. If floret can also take your parents and sister to take care of his court, such as Huang Tiandao, who is wanted for you, will kill you in the East China Sea. That is, if floret day, no one can help us."
Vernacular saying, "Otherwise, we can also hide in the Yuanjiao Secret Land and return it to me at the Xuantianbi. But it’s still a long way from the full moon night, and we’re chatting in the Yuanjiao Secret Land, but we can’t come out until a full moon night."
Tang Xiaofeng thought it was a changeable time, and when he came out for a month, the ghost didn’t know what would happen.
It’s not his wind to escape to the East China Sea with a lot of blame.
Besides, he can’t always flee south to Lingnan, which really leads the disaster to his doorstep.
"It’s not easy to escape anywhere." I glanced at the cave in the vernacular and laughed. "After all, Wang Qi is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that Wang Qi is a kind of luck and is the most lucky. The disadvantage of our side is that Wang Qi is like a vortex, which will unconsciously attract a lot of things. Even sitting at home, there will be a series of things pushing him away until he becomes an emperor."
Tang Xiaofeng said, "Is there any way to get Wang Qi out of her body? For example, go to the fairy pillow again? "
"Unless you want to kill her," he said in the vernacular, "If you get Wang Qi, once you lose Wang Qi, you will die. Just like Yang Guang, when his Wang Qi moves behind Li Shimin, he will die at once. Even if he survives, he will not be able to drag on for a few years. Wu Meiniang must have put Wang Qi into the fairy pillow because he already has a short life, but she has a magic knife in her hand. She definitely wants to kill Wu Meiniang with a magic knife so that she can smoke Wang Qi. I didn’t expect Wu Meiniang to have no Wang Qi."
Yan Zigan said, "What are you talking about?"
Vernacular sigh "On the other hand, if you are emperor by Sister Zi … it doesn’t feel reliable at all"
Tang Xiaofeng squinted at her with her eyes … much more reliable than you.
Yan Zi said angrily, "What are you talking about?"
Tang Xiaofeng suddenly looked up. "What is that?"
There are seven shadows in the west night in a circle, which flies rapidly.
Although you can’t see anything everywhere, it gives people the feeling that it is extremely gloomy and terrible.
The little girl exclaimed, "The secret of the dragon … the spirit-searching method of the seven seals of ghosts and gods?"
Tang Xiaofeng consternation "dragon? How can there be a dragon guy here? "
The little girl cried, "I don’t think it must be the ghost of the dragon general Yin Candle. I can’t stop the divination from searching for the soul solution. Run! Run!"
Tang Xiaofeng thought that the name "Yin Candle" was familiar, and then he reacted that it was the new Lord of the Three Emperors’ Father Zun Shengmen. He jumped into the cave and Lin Xiang was with his sleeping sisters. "What happened?"
Tang Xiaofeng said, "Go!"
A picked up the purple cheese and let Lin Xiang picked up the non-success cheese and floated out at the same time.
The two sisters were awakened by the wind and Zizhi shouted, "What are you doing? What do you do? Molested … "
Vernacular "shh" a "purple elder sister don’t have enemies" Zizhi hurriedly shut up.
They turned their backs on the ghosts and gods, and the night fled quickly …


No, Chu Yun feels quite anxious now.
So I took out the soul crystal and chakra and poured it into the metempsychosis pool to speed up this speed
An hour later, fresh and bossy Nagato appeared.
A crimson head with long hair is different from others except for the hole in the eyes.
The soul fire order is not low. When the soul crystal catalyzes directly to turn 7, I believe it can evolve to turn when I stay in Clock Island for a while.
Yu Lingzhi’s transformation into a dream should be similar to that when he was alive.
Swift named it "and then you called it Xiaomen."
The undead Nagato looked at Swift. In his vision, Swift … was black …
Pure black
Chu Yun also has that smell, but her body is even more terrible.
Chu Yun didn’t talk to him when he didn’t, and he will continue to turn to the spot.
Spotted bones are complete, more like skinny mummies than skeletons.
It’s a little disgusting, and when you die, you’re old and you can’t be old.
Chu Yun threw the dried corpse spot into the metempsychosis pool and then threw the former Bai Jue into it.
White never wants to struggle for a moment and then split up in the rotation of his head.
There seems to be a hand twisting his head several times.
Blood fog ascending metempsychosis ceremony
Until then, Chu Yun didn’t have time to look at Clock Island, which hasn’t come back for a long time.
"Yeah, I didn’t expect Clock Island to have such a run-down place."
Broken walls, dark stones, rolling down, that’s all
"A little familiar feeling …"
"Is this also a failure to stop water?"
Swift shook her head. "I took a look at this place when you were busy just now … that is, stopping water and covering the capital of kings."
"Wocao! How did it become such a bird? Who was attacked? "
Chu Yun called an undead crow and then entered the other person’s memory to see what happened.
So Chu Yun saw that after the big guy left, the little guys threw a carnival party
The undead crow order is not low enough to turn seven times, and the matter is loosened for fear that Chu Yun will pursue it.
Chu Yun waved "I don’t care"
The dead crow slowly raised his head, as if the worst child had been forgiven by his parents.
Although there are no eyes, the soul is clear and full of hope
Chu Yun changed the subject "but someone will care".
Then he summoned the water stop. "Naughty little guys bear the anger of your uncle."
However, he was summoned to stop the water with a stupid face …
Huh? Don’t you care about stopping water?
Chapter five hundred and ten Fusion circle eyes
Don’t you care about stopping water?
No, like Chu Yun, he hasn’t reacted yet. Where is this …
When he saw twelve steel columns around Clock Island …
The ruins were in a state of shock, but there was no hurry to get angry.
Reason told him to know who did it first.
If it’s the boss … then lend him a few more guts and dare not say anything.
Then after a while.
Knowing the truth makes the soul restless …
Look at the Chu Yun appeared laughed "you don’t endure".
That’s a very definite instruction. You can … teach those guys a lesson.
As a result, the clock island was once again turbulent and once again set off a chicken flying a dog to jump.

At most, he is scolded. Is he afraid of being scolded?

Not afraid!
In this way, the Boyi exam is just a stupid value manufacturing machine!
We have to find a way to keep him singing songs.
I’m not worried about whether I’ll be happy or not. He believes in his feelings with da ji.
In the original work, it was said that Boyi Kao saved his father da ji and saw that he was a beautiful man who lured him by learning the piano. Boyi Kao angrily refused to let da ji become angry from embarrassment and framed Boyi Kao for molesting himself, so Boyi Kao was made into patties for Ji Chang to eat.
But this is not necessarily true. We have to dig deeper.
Ji Changbai must have one or twenty even if most of them are adopted.
Boyi test is the second child of Ji Fa, the thirteenth child of Jichang, the fifteenth child of Boyi test, and the fifteenth child of Ji Fa Boyi test. In the same year, Ji Chang returned to Xiqiao after being imprisoned for seven years, and met Jiangya Weishui for fishing, and soon died and lived for more than 90 years.
In this way, if Ji Chang was 90 years old when he returned to Xiqiao, then the Boyi test was 77 years old, and even if he was reduced by 10 years, the Boyi test was 67 years old.
The question is, Boyi Kao is a mortal who will not stay young forever. Even if he is more handsome than readers when he was young, he can still be an old man at this age!
Why should da ji seduce an old man? Are they young? Is it young marriage? Then this old cow is too good at playing!
Is da ji said Boyi test molesting her is probably the truth!
Take a step back and think that if Boyi Kao was still a beautiful man in his twenties and thirties, then Ji Chang was born at the age of sixty!
In the past few decades, no children have given birth to more than a dozen old mussels from the age of 60. Think carefully and fear!
As time goes by, it’s been half a month, and I’ve been ignoring Xiqiao people
Play the opera, just play it. The so-called
It was not until the people came out of the song "Si Qi Taipixi Aunt thinks Mei Taijiangxiqi’s wife is big and the emblem is a hundred men" that Boyi asked for an audience.
Chapter 19 Let him hit! Let him hit!
Si Qi Taipixi’s aunt Simei Taijiang Xiqi’s wife, the big son, the emblem, the sound, the best man.
This ballad is easy to understand. Modesty, virtue and beauty are women’s virtues. It’s nonsense to practice medicine and cut belly.
The last sentence, "A big si Hui Yin is a hundred si men", is the idea that only a virtuous woman can inherit her ancestors and have a lot of blessings in Ji Chang.
On the other hand, the implementation of caesarean section allows women to practice medicine. Zhou Wang actually has two children. This is … God’s punishment!
Can flow out this kind of ballad, saying that many people have agreed with the view of Boyi test and accepted Boyi test.
Some people support it, and it’s the time for Boyi to take the test.
"Ji Chang Boyi, the criminal, took an examination and visited the position."
Human response
Da ji smashed a walnut with alcohol.
Today, he specially took da ji Chao to see what da ji’s reaction was. After investigation, he found that Boyi Kao was really thirty years old, middle-aged and American. Next door to Xibohou Mansion was probably the Wangs’ residence.
Good. da ji doesn’t even know Boyi exam. He doesn’t even bother to look at it.
Da ji is a little embarrassed to be seen. It’s really … interesting to show love in the Nine Temples.
After a while, Boyi Kao called out, "Boyi Kao visits you!"
It took a long time to warm up a glass of wine before I looked up lazily and said, "Oh, what’s wrong with the Boyi exam?"
It’s normal for a bad king to act like a bad king and pretend to be a little slow-witted.
"I met a minister in front of my palace. I heard that I wanted to present a treasure to you, so I brought it to you."
"This is a beautiful jade minister, please present it to your majesty."

As time went on, two days later, Xie Liaosha kept the price of gold steadily, but it seems that someone saw that Xie Liaosha seems to be keeping the price of gold to death, so some opponents joined in. Xie Liaosha could already feel that he was under pressure, but there was still no news from Churbanov, which made Xie Liaosha feel very upset. He was worried, but after calm thinking and thinking, what was the worst result? The big deal was that he directly broke the position and lost at most 500 million yuan, or lost more. Xie Liaosha sold yoa communication and had to remember these Xie Liaosha.

At this time, new news came from Churbanov again. The Soviet border guards led by Churbanov’s political department received an order to raise the alert level. As soon as Xie Liaosha and Churbanov settled down, Xie Liaosha quickly invested half of the funds, and the price of gold should go up. But it didn’t take long for Xie Liaosha to exert his strength on the opponent’s hand. Xie Liaosha continued to fund and maintain the price close.
On June 1, 1992, at 6: 00 GMT, a "Young Pioneers" took off from the silo in the Volga River in the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic at the Kapustin Yar launch site in Astrakhan. Fifteen minutes later, the missile accurately hit the target in Enba, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakhstan. The distance between the two places was 1 km, which officially kicked off the largest nuclear power exercise in the Soviet Union. The frightened western countries called it "7-hour nuclear war."
The "Young Pioneers" launched only a k92 strategic ballistic missile nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea, and successfully launched an r92 intercontinental ballistic missile. Soon after, the missile warhead successfully hit the target in the distant Kula shooting range in kamchatka peninsula.
So the gold market was encouraged by the Soviet Union’s nuclear missile test from the early morning market, and the momentum was like a rainbow, breaking through the previous high point. At the same time, the US dollar index should fall to the bottom of the valley, which was a rise and fall. Thanks to Liao Sha’s wealth, it also started a surge model.
But who knows that the drama has just begun, and the Soviet Red Army’s subsequent actions continue to stir up the western countries, and the Soviet General Staff has ordered two ur1 intercontinental ballistic missiles to take off in the silo of Baikonur Space Center. At the same time, the a35p anti-missile missile in Kazakhstan’s Tanzareshagan shooting range also intercepted and successfully hit the target in the near future.
Then, at 11: 00 GMT, the Soviets launched a satellite interception test from Baikonur Space Center. The Cyclone-2 rocket took the Cosmos 1379 interceptor satellite to intercept the Cosmos 137 Tianqi satellite, which was located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and imitated the American navigation satellite target. The two satellites maneuvered in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at the same time and played a game of hide and seek. Unfortunately, Cosmos 1379 failed to achieve the interception goal before it exploded. A Cosmos-13 interceptor satellite was sent in too long, but it still failed. So the U-rocket of Baikonur Space Center Alliance was sent into Cosmos-131 interceptor satellite again. This time, two satellites finally succeeded. You chased me and rushed to the Federal Republic of Germany. There was an amazing explosion in "close contact" 16 kilometers high.
At 13: 00 p.m., Tass news agency informed the world that the Soviet Union had conducted a strategic nuclear power exercise. Previously, the North American Defense Command, NATO and the European Radar Early Warning Center had informed the Soviet Union of this move. At one time, the price of gold soared again like a rainbow, while the dollar index instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. The financial markets all made hedging needs in the shadow of war, and the thermonuclear war seemed within reach. Many residents in western countries were very eager to buy food and materials to cope with the possibility of war at any time.
At the moment, Xie Liaosha and Churbanov kept their eyes shining and listened to all kinds of news from Karim from the front. They were very satisfied with this income. Xie Liaosha finally reached the liquidation order one hour before the close to harvest the fruits of victory. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven The escalation of contradictions
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC "seven-hour nuclear war" has a much greater impact on the world than the second "whisky on the ice" incident * Pop-up window? @++www * c Plus the dollar and gold prices deviate from each other. Xie Liaosha’s income this time is far greater than the next time. With this money, many problems will be solved.
However, more money is just a number. It is urgent for Xie Liaosha to get rid of this inefficient way of money laundering as soon as possible. Xie Liaosha didn’t stop all his business without thinking about it, but this is unrealistic because even if Xie Liaosha doesn’t want to do it, he will force him to continue to do it. Let alone the border guards who smuggled oil with Xie Liaosha. Uzbek bureaucrats are used to Nikolai’s presence. If Nikolai suddenly disappears, Nikolai’s agents Mikhail and Yakov will be in great trouble.
Churbanov quickly got his due share of the account. A long list of Churbanov was very excited. He praised his account and said to Xie Liaosha, "Do you know what this means? Hope is freedom and a bright future!"
Xie Liaosha agreed and nodded. Now it’s his turn to envy Churbanov. Xie Liaosha also hopes that he can break away from money and live a worried life like him.
However, Selyosha probably didn’t expect that his plan for the Moscow Workers’ New Village would soon face a powerful challenge from Viacheslav, a Moscow law thief. Ivan Ivankov
The workers’ new village in Selyosha has considered all the problems except the problem of gangs in the south of the city. On the streets of Moscow, especially in areas far away from the city, the most annoying thing is not the political police, but the gangsters everywhere.
It is said that during the Olympic Games, Churbanov reached an agreement with the gangsters to temporarily solve the security problem in Moscow.
Selyosha Moscow Workers’ New Village is close to ivankov’s site, which makes ivankov feel uncomfortable. As soon as the project construction comes in, many strangers come in, which puts ivankov’s business at risk of leakage. He does not allow anyone to enter his site without his permission, even the government ivankov will not buy it.
Ivankov once sent his hand to warn the construction company that participated in this project, but his hand obviously didn’t understand the importance that ivankov attached to this matter. He only did a few small damages, and by the way, thieves made a little money to enrich their pockets, that’s all.
However, ivankov didn’t ask about it until four other construction companies joined in and the scope of construction was further expanded. ivankov didn’t notice what happened here.
Ivankov thinks he’s going to order Petrov one. He thinks this old guy is so unappreciative. Don’t you know what business he’s in? How can you do your own business when you break ground on your own site with such fanfare and build a new village for workers?
In the early morning, a heavy-duty bulk cement mixer was slowly driving from outside the city towards the construction site of the Moscow Workers’ New Village project. When the car was about to enter the large unfinished building in the south of the city, suddenly the driver found that the road ahead had been blocked.
A group of people wearing safety hats and holding iron bars gathered in the road. In front of them, several cement piles were placed with strong lights shining on the driver’s seat to blind the driver.
"Psst …" The driver stopped the car quickly when the brakes sounded. He didn’t know what was going on in front of him.
"You talk!" A man in a sports jacket pointed an iron bar at the driver and said maliciously
"Boss, what’s up!" The driver of the mixer knows that he has met gangsters, but he doesn’t know what these people want, so he can dawdle and do as the other party does.
"The boss has something to say!" The driver took out a few roubles from his pocket. It’s not that the driver is timid. It’s really late, and it’s in the middle of nowhere. Even if these people kill themselves, no one will know.
"Don’t come to this I tell you that our boss wants to ask you these drivers a favor! If you want to be obedient, there will be no business for you! " The other party threatened and put the money into his pocket.
"I’m sure I’ll get it done when you can let me go!" The mixer driver said nervously
"Well, now pull you over, pour out all the cement and get out of your car!" The man in the sports jacket said maliciously
"Ah pour it out? Where do you pour the road? " Asked the truck driver, half worried and half confused
"Why do you want to take a few punches when you don’t talk nonsense?" Jacket man shouted impatiently.
"Yes, yes, my horse will fall!" The driver quickly climbed the car jacket, and the man beckoned that two guys came again, one of whom climbed the car and the other commanded the driver to reverse the car.
The driver of the mixer truck can honestly turn the steering wheel and do whatever the other party tells him to do. Anyway, the cement is the country’s own life, so it’s not important for the state to make a mistake. Precast concrete puts itself at risk.
The car quickly changed direction in the open road, and the guy directed to reverse the car. The guy looked at the position of the car and gave himself an ok gesture to sit in the car.
"All right, now put that thing behind your car up for me. Come on!" The guy in the car said impatiently
The driver didn’t dare to hesitate. He pressed the car and quickly rolled behind. The mixing barrel was slowly erected, and dozens of tons of cement poured into the road.
Ten minutes later, the driver of the mixer finished dumping all the precast concrete cars according to the instructions of the other party. The guy said to the driver, "I remember that if you dare to come again, don’t blame us for being black-handed!" Go back to where you are now! "
"Never dare to come again!" The driver braved the cold sweat and said that he wanted to send the car as quickly as the plague, and then he fled here with one foot on the gas pedal as quickly as possible.
On this night, almost all the roads leading to the workers’ new village construction workers are performing this scene. The construction site is waiting for materials. The workers know that the dawn has not waited until a cement mixer arrives. Please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Dangerous hostility
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website for reading the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC The words of the Youth Industry Department of the Communist Youth League Committee of Moscow have been ringing all the time in the early morning the next day. Goldman, who is in charge of the project construction, has received calls from construction companies one after another. One reason is that ivankov retaliated last night. @++www* C
Ivankov blocked all the roads leading to the construction site in secret. They forced the drivers of mixer trucks to pour concrete on the road and unload steel bars into the moscow river. They also tried their best to destroy the roads around the construction site. The concrete has blocked the roads and vehicles. The construction company had to stop all the work.

I wanted to see where Qin Shujuan was, but when I looked up, I saw Qin Shujuan falling fast.

I will not make a sign to ask what’s going on.
Qin Shujuan made a gesture of pulling away, then waved as if to say goodbye, and finally made a thumb as if to encourage him to move on regardless of her.
Seeing this scene, I will not say to myself, "I am Cao … can I care about this?"
I almost didn’t want to take out a paratrooper knife and cut off the main umbrella. I bowed my head and plunged like a sharp arrow again.
Qin Shujuan tried to solve the problem that the umbrella bag could not be hit when she was fighting for it, so she went sideways to help the wind and lift her body to stabilize her body and reduce the falling speed.
I will not be plunged to fall faster than her, and I will soon catch up with a pull Qin Shujuan.
Then, regardless of Qin Shujuan’s surprised expression, she threw herself into an umbrella bag directly.
Qin Shujuan struggled hard, but if she was pulled too much, would she be wrong?
I will not help Qin Shujuan pull the umbrella directly after giving her an umbrella. Looking at Qin Shujuan being pulled up by a parachute, I will also be relieved to make a reassuring gesture at Qin Shujuan, then turn around and plunge into the island head and land …
Qin Shujuan didn’t know that I couldn’t come back from the dead, but she felt that I couldn’t move. She was moved by tears and couldn’t stop flowing out. She said firmly in her heart, "Don’t worry, brother, I will take care of your family!"
At the same time, the rest will not be here.
He didn’t worry about falling to his death, but now he is wondering whether this gluttonous island theory is just a slap in the face of the sea reef from the map or nearby.
It’s only a few hundred meters long and a few hundred meters wide. There’s not even a coconut tree in the big place.
It happened that there were five big ships parked around there, and it was very easy for each ship to come with 20 or 30 people at will. Now it seems that the ships are all on the island.
But you can’t see anyone from a high altitude.
There’s not even a trace of anyone moving.
Where have so many people gone?
When Yu Huifei fell to the gluttonous island, he felt a virtual distortion for a moment, and the world before him changed dramatically.
Yu Huifei exclaimed, "Really? It’s not the current situation again, is it? "
Blink of an eye, the palm-sized island is enlarged and directly transformed into a forest. There is a huge island forest with no end in sight!
"I … Shit!"
I will not be very sweaty, of course. The third floor of his home is also a small world where Sumeru evolved.
He’s not surprised to see this kind of thing.
What he shouted was that in the face of such a big island, he could fight quickly, and it seemed to be troublesome …
At this moment, the face came with a dense gun.
Yu Huifei looked down to meet a group of people fleeing in panic. I don’t know what it is. The huge shadow and the tall canopy cover up and down, constantly harvesting human life.
"Let!" I’ll have to come or not. He’ll come and yell.
As a result, he saw that the face didn’t stop, but the shadow stopped and looked up just to see Yu Huifei.
I will not finally see each other’s appearance. It’s a huge black wolf!
This black wolf is five or six meters long, and his mouth is like catching a ball, so I will fall into his mouth when I wait.
I will not see this and curse "evil animals!"
Then Yu Huifei took out a pan and polished his teeth like a steel knife at the black wolf.
I will be strengthened four times, and the physical strength has long gone far beyond the ordinary people’s rapid evolution to the limit of human beings. With the help of high falling force, he has no idea how powerful the super alloys pan force is.
I feel that my pan is like patting a glass, and my discerning teeth snap, and then the giant wolf’s mouth snaps like crispy fried chicken.
When the chased soldiers heard the noise, they turned around and saw a man descending from the sky like a god. Then a pan slapped the big black wolf’s mouth with teeth flying all over the sky, and the mouth was half short.
Follow that man. He’s more fierce than hitting a copper head. He’s famous for his black wolf head …
Chapter 356 Night terror

It’s a pity that no matter how toss and turn, it’s no match for Huei-fang.

The soldiers around him sighed for a long time. "I didn’t expect the princess to be so good. No wonder the new emperor was so afraid."
It’s not stupid. Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.
The new emperor’s name is not good, and it is urgent for someone to hold it down.
Another soldier frowned, hoping not to drag his brother down. "Hey, what’s all this?"
"You say the princess is really a traitor?"
Middle-aged general officer sneer at a look strange "have you ever seen a swagger traitors? What does she want? "
She is already a princess of the town, and ten thousand people have to commit treason?
The soldier was confused and shook his head and sighed, "I really don’t understand."
Several Fuzheng ministers accompanied the new emperor back to Beijing with the coffin of the first emperor, and then the grand ceremony of enthronement was followed by the funeral ceremony of the first emperor.
After the first emperor was buried, everyone was tired, so was the new emperor, who was even more tired than others.
Because he wants to be filial, he can’t be separated from every occasion.
At the moment, he was tired and wanted to lie down, but he heard a very bad news and suddenly became angry. "What did you say? She succeeded in going to Qin? "
The head also dare not lift "yes"
The new emperor’s face flushed with anger. "What do you have with a group of waste?"
It took him so much trouble to avoid the sight of the punishments, and as a result …
His hands are so angry without thinking about it
It’s all because my father gave the phoenix order to Mu Jiyue, but he got the dragon order, which can mobilize the half of the dark guards, but what?
The other half of the dark guard is watching, and this part of the strength is equal to offset.
It’s not good to do great things like this by collecting confidants over the years.
He scolded for a long time and didn’t dare to say anything. Suddenly, his eyes turned to "go and ask Wang Shi of Yongning to come over."
An hour later, the Nangong Hanxi arrived late, looking haggard, and the whole person lost a big circle of clothes.
The new emperor came without greeting and forced him not to tell him, "Cousin, you are finally here. Do you know that Mu Ji went to the State of Qin? What the hell does she want? Will she collude with Qin to attack us? "
Moon? The Nangong Hanxi was in a trance for only two months, but it was like being separated for 20 years.
The new emperor shouted angrily, "Yes, she bears a grudge against me and will lead the enemy to harm me."
The more he talked, the more excited he became, but the other party didn’t respond. He looked straight and his eyes were strange.
The new emperor consciously touched his face. "Why are you looking at me so much?"
Nangong Hanxi looked at him like an idiot and looked indifferent. "It’s easy for her to kill you, so don’t bother."
Mu Ji’s skill and poison can easily kill a person without being discovered.
What the hell is this? The new emperor was furious. "Cousin, how can you say that?"
He was very angry and scared at the same time, because it was true.
Mu Jiyue does have this thing.
Nangong Hanxi was very unhappy. "This is the truth. You are still alive. She thinks you are not worthy of her hand."
Chapter 112 Suffering from hardships
He misses her very much and wants to go crazy!
He regretted saying that about her!

It was a failure to explore this road when Yuan He Tao Li and others sorted out many materials.

However, a thousand years later, another person took this road by chance and got a record of failure in ancient times.
Gong Sunyi may not have gone further than that sage, but she definitely went more clearly.
So what’s the difference between appearances? On what basis can we explore the bridge between heaven and earth and practice the division of virtual Tao?
At that most obvious level.
Light shines on an object, is reflected and then received by human eyes, and the pattern received by human eyes is regarded as the appearance of this object.
And those who don’t directly reflect light back, can’t be directly illuminated and can’t be observed in the most direct way are ""
If we ignore more meanings of light, the biggest difference between appearance and expression lies in whether there is reflection or not.
"My martial art is like a mirror."
That’s what Fu Li learned after communication.
GongSunYi people grew up around Yue Tianen, and she also took the road of martial arts.
When she witnessed the comparison of martial arts firearms, she had the idea of borrowing the advantages of firearms
When the crimson star fell into the world and changed, she achieved the magic step of life and death by getting the achievement from her dream.
When Fang Yunhan brought back more and more cheats, she had the gift of practicing virtual Tao with the guidance of practicing virtual Tao.
Is this good at learning?
certainly not
People who are really good at learning will have a fixed core, constantly integrate new knowledge and walk out of their own new path, just like Fang Yunhan.
Of course, such people will also be tied down by their own core and have to give up some of their most original and non-concurrent parts.
And GongSunYi people, she is really drifting with the times, will not be involved, but can reflect everything around her at any time and place.
People who are full of vigor and vitality seem to feel her youthful spirit and ambition, and she looks equally calm and peaceful among ordinary people.
This mirror can reflect similarity and the opposite even if the opposite side is a fiend returning from outer space.
Three beams of light shattered the knife light like a screen, but behind the broken screen, the knife and people suddenly burst into silver-blue light.
Contact moment reflects the similar but opposite characteristics of fiend for the time being.
Transcending the inhuman swordsmen, chopping all the settlement with one knife, crimson makes seven Tianzhu tremble at the same time, and the knife light sweeps across.
After looking at the mirror, it seems that there is an endless rising quality, which makes the knife pure and slight in the process of swinging away.
Dust prevents the knife light from passing through the dust damage in front of the knife light.
This knife seems to be not.
Just like looking outside the mirror, the truth of the scene in the mirror is always unknown.
There are two states of "being" and "being" overlapping.
But when this knife falls on the crimson Tianzhu, it will definitely belong to the unchangeable "truth" and cut off the seven Tianzhu together.

"Great understanding hurts people"

Section 14
Lou Ma listened to the bifurcation, blushed for no reason, and punched Lou Dad several times. After Lou Dad reacted, he was unable to sigh and shook his head.
After Louqin lived at home, Moyang’s most important thing every day was to shout Louqin * *, which was also his pleasure.
Like a cat, she sneaked into Louqin’s room and jumped into her room. The ink got into her quilt and learned to meow.
Lou Ming came back from the outside and changed clothes. He just heard the slight movement in the house. It was when he came in that Xiao Wang pulled his ass out.
Moyang screamed for help. Louqin jumped from Moyang to her * * and woke up. Seeing Moyang being carried upside down, he quickly got up and pulled him up. "Don’t shout for help, uncle!"
Ink Yang immediately turned the conversation and reached for LouMing thigh "uncle, I dare not again! Ah! Uncle, help! "
The little guy was frightened early in the morning, ate his meal honestly and was sent to kindergarten by the driver.
Lou Ming is going to see Lou Qin off. Lou Qin didn’t ask her family not to let her own car. Now she has a full-time driver to pick her up every day.
Lou Ming’s ten thousand people are unwilling to let Lou Qin continue his class and move out for various inexplicable reasons. It happened that no one in the family turned to him. He could be scared all day and look forward to Lou Qin’s class coming home.
In the evening, the driver came to pick Louqin up and returned home. Moyang was not there.
"Where’s Xiao Wang?" Louqin walked into the house and asked with his eyes looking around.
Going back to her class, Moyang is either playing in the courtyard or accompanying grandma in the glass greenhouse. Anyway, it is within sight.
Lou Ma is trimming her flowers and plants, and Lou Dad is wearing glasses in the courtyard to toss about his antique "hasn’t come back yet after picking it up"
Grandpa Lou and grandma Lou went to the party today, and it was especially cold and cheerless without Mo Yang at home.
Louqin squatted in front of Lou’s dad and wanted to quietly watch Torre toss Lou Ma out of the glass greenhouse and yelled, "You hurry back to the house and don’t hold up the child."
Louqin boss reluctant housekeeper saw that she didn’t want to go back to the house and took the chair and put it aside for her. Louqin sat next to him and looked at Dad.
Lou Qin likes this kind of silence, quiet company, warm heart and happiness.
On the way home from kindergarten, I passed by the ice cream shop, and Gu Jin brought Moyang in. The little guy was still sobbing.
Fifteen minutes ago, he called Lou’s house and said that he was working near Moyang kindergarten. Don’t let anyone pick him up, pick him up and send him back.
Who knows that after school, the children are all out, but they can’t see Moyang. Gu Jin went to the kindergarten to find someone, and the teacher was squatting on the ground to coax him.
Ink Yang lifted up her head and opened her mouth and cried.
He just peed his pants during his lunch break and felt ashamed. It is said that he was in a bad mood all afternoon. The children in the class haven’t said anything about him. His face is not bright yet.
The life teacher washed his pants and dried them. It took him less than half an hour to put the delicious pants back on him, and he was still not satisfied.
Seeing Gu Jin, Mo Yang was heartbroken and limped on his thigh. "Uncle Gu!"
"Boo hoo …"
Gu Jin disliked his snot. Two fingers carried him. The teacher quickly wiped Mo Yang’s snot.
"Uncle Gu …"
The teacher was very naive. In Mo Yang’s dying cry, he explained to Gu Jinze why the child was crying.
Gu Jin smiled and asked Mo Yang, "Is it a dream to sleep at noon?"
Ink Yang nodded "woo woo ….."
Gu Jin laughed and let himself be good. "You see that you are crying here alone, and all five teachers in the class can’t go home. Are you embarrassed?"
Although what comes to this kindergarten is the second generation, the third generation and the fourth generation, not everyone is so important, and the special object is treated specially by the teacher.

"Sister" Bai Chengyu continued to cry and reached out and grabbed Xia Zhu’s hand. "Your life is too bitter, but don’t be afraid that no matter what you become, you can stay with me and I will take care of you."

Xia Zhu is inexplicably moved, but the monologue is that Bai Chengyu will definitely let her make many dolls. She doesn’t want to be a doll-making manual machine yet.
Bai Chengyu continued to sob. "Your face is ruined. My brother should not give up on you, but after all, there is a woman over there. I am afraid that taking care of you will make you feel even worse."
After saying these words, Bai Chengyu suddenly paused for a long time. There was no sound and it was very quiet. Even Xia Zhu seemed to open his eyes to see what he was thinking.
After a few minutes passed, Bai Chengyu suddenly burst into tears again. This time, she also directly jumped on Xia Zhushen.
"Sister, what should you do if you can’t get over it?" Bai Chengyu sobbed and said, "I’m afraid I can’t accept such a big thing."
Is there anything more important to Bai Chengyu than his face?
Even Han, his favorite, and his dolls and dolls will probably be left behind. Without his beautiful face, his life will be over.
This is a terrible thing. Bai Chengyu can’t accept what Xia Zhu thinks, and the ending can be imagined. He has resonated now.
Xia Zhu some can’t stand Bai Chengyu this momentum is going to give her away.
To put it bluntly, Xia Zhu had a feeling that she was dead before, and somehow she didn’t hold back her speech for a while.
"Stop crying, I’m still alive."
Bai Chengyu seems to have heard foreign sounds for a long time before he reacted and looked at Xia Zhu’s face.
Seeing that Xia Zhu really opened his eyes, he wiped a handful of tears in a panic. "Did I wake you up from crying?"
"Yes, it was very noisy," said Xia Zhu, but I was still very touched.
"Elder sister, it is good that you wake up. Don’t think too much and you will get used to it." Bai Chengyu’s eyes are full of worries about Xia Zhu.
Xia Zhu, however, looked at him and smiled at his eyes. At the moment, Bai Chengyu’s sample was so cute. The white blue-and-white man was wiped away by his tears and his sleeves were dirty.
"Can you still laugh?" Bai Chengyu felt a little weird when he saw Xia Zhu laughing so happily.
"I get over it is not face ruined? Maybe I can go to play ghost movies later. I don’t need makeup for the fire. "Xia Zhu deliberately teased him.
"Yes, yes, yes, I’ll introduce you to the director. We are female number one." Bai Chengyu stopped crying.
"That’s hard for you." Xia Zhu smiled.
Bai Chengyu nodded. Although he doesn’t know any ghost film director at all, he will try his best to find him.
Just then, the door of the ward was suddenly opened and Bai Yinting strode in.
He looked a little angry and couldn’t wait to eat Bai Chengyu in that state.
Seeing Bai Chengyu Bai Yinting from the monitoring is a little unbearable, but he should choose to give up when he sees Xia Zhu’s appearance. After all, he always likes good things, but he is a little surprised that Bai Chengyu has been holding her and crying all the time, which is simply taking advantage.
"Elder brother, you’re here." Did Bai Chengyu get up and realize that he was in danger?
"You know I’m your brother, why don’t you avoid suspicion that Xia Zhu is your sister-in-law? How many times do I have to say it?" Bai yinting stared at Bai chengyu.
"I just heard that my sister-in-law had an accident and came to see me. Don’t be paranoid. I didn’t think anything about my sister-in-law. Those are all your fantasies," Bai Chengyu explained
Xia Zhu was also afraid. She felt that Bai Yinting was really angry. Bai Chengyu was so moved by her that she almost forgot them.
No matter what he is, how rare and honored it is to have a man who is willing to take care of you when he knows that you are ugly.
But for Bai yinting, it is another matter. Of course, he can’t stand the ambiguity between his wife and his brother.
Xia Zhu has some regrets. This is all her responsibility. Just now, Bai Chengyu should wake up. Well, the two brothers turned against each other.
"Yin Ting Cheng Yu is my brother in my heart, and he will treat me as his sister, that’s all." Xia Zhu felt it necessary to explain one.
Bai Yinting face is still cold Xia Zhugang want to get up Bai Chengyu but first step in the past will hold her "you don’t touch one thousand pull out the wound? Didn’t you say that the injury was particularly serious? "
"I’m fine." Xia Zhu felt there was no need to hide Bai Chengyu.
Bai Yinting also saw that Xia Zhu was not alert to Bai Chengyu’s roots and suddenly became even more angry. "I forgot to talk to you?"
"It can’t be Seung Yu. We don’t need to guard against him, do we?" Xia Zhu replied
Her seemingly casual maintenance made Bai Yinting feel very uncomfortable. This is how much Bai Chengyu believes. Why can’t it be him?
"What?" Bai Chengyu is confused about it.
Bai yinting didn’t talk, but there was no emotion in his eyes. He looked so terrible that Xia Zhu was scared.
"What are you talking about? What do you doubt me? " Bai Chengyu feels that there is definitely something wrong with it.
But the silence of the two of them made him feel very anxious. Everyone does. Generally, people who wait will fall into pain.
"You can go out." Bai Yinting didn’t want to quarrel and didn’t want to see him at the same time.
Bai Chengyu certainly won’t go out. He is still persistent in front of Bai Yinting. Does he doubt what he did?
Xia Zhu’s eyes motioned for him to go out first several times. Bai Chengyu didn’t see it. His stubborn temper is also a natural enemy.
As a result, it is conceivable that Bai Yinting suddenly broke out and grabbed Bai Chengyu’s collar, which frightened Xia Zhu.
She almost rolled out of bed and landed first with a sad face. Fortunately, she was wrapped in several layers of gauze, but it still hurt. She let out a cry.
Chapter three hundred and ten If she is enough.
Xia Zhu fell to the ground and still landed on his face, which made Bai Yinting and Bai Chengyu stunned at that time, but this time it was Bai Yinting who reacted first to help Xia Zhu up.
While Bai Chengyu opened his mouth and eyes with a bad feeling that Xia Zhu’s face was completely ruined this time.
"Why did you drop it?" Bai yinting feels incredible.
After all, Xia Zhu’s arm injury is true and his injury is false, while Xia Zhu hugged Bai Yinting. "What’s wrong with my face?" You let me have a look. "
"Nothing" Bai Yinting this just react Xia Zhu also acting.
Xia Zhu gave Bai Chengyu a wink while crying and told him to hurry away. Bai Chengyu made an OK gesture this time and slipped away quietly.
He is not afraid of Bai Yinting mainly because he doesn’t want Xia Zhu to be hurt again.
Bai Yin court will embrace Xia Zhu bed turned to look at Bai Chengyu door anger also disappear more than half.
"What did Bai Chengyu tell you just now? What are you like? Is he still so kind to you?" Bai yinting’s vinegar altar was completely overturned.
"He and I are really fine. Don’t always be suspicious." Xia Zhu is too lazy to explain this aspect.
Speaking of which, she thinks Bai Chengyu is really a very naive and cute little boy. He looks very stable and mature. His appearance is really his disguise, and those unruly arrogance are just his self-protection shell.
In fact, he is kind and innocent in his bones, but he is sad but unwilling to share it with others.
If only Bai Yinting could understand him one day, and grandpa, they all regarded Bai Chengyu as a rebellious child but never tried to really walk into his life.
Bai yinting looked at the silent Xia Zhu, and he didn’t want to talk about these things because they were too unpleasant with her.
When the phone rang, Bai Yinting glanced at it and walked to the side.
Every time he avoids Xia Zhu, Xia Zhu knows that there are things with her. Bai Yinting always does.
"I’m coming," said Bai Yinting, turning to Xia Zhu with her mobile phone. "I’m in a hurry. Have a good rest here and call me if you have anything."
"Good" Xia Zhu doesn’t want to affect Bai Yinting’s normal work and life.
However, after Bai Yinting went out, she still took a look at it. The mobile phone has been missing for so long, and no one has called her.
She didn’t go to class today, even if others don’t know what happened, Liu Yao and Xing Feng should have heard the wind.
It’s so strange that they don’t want to talk to her anymore because they hear that they have ruined everything.
Is the world so cold? Xia Zhu pouted, wore headphones and continued to listen to French, so life was so chat.
Bai yinting soon came to the gate of loulin Hao blocking the hospital, just not letting Xing Feng and Qu Lu get close to the hospital.
Xing Feng is a little unhappy and has already taken out his mobile phone to report to the police. The hospital is not alone in Bai Yinting. It is unreasonable, unreasonable and illegal for him to do so.
But after seeing Bai Yinting has come, Xing Feng temporarily put away his mobile phone. After all, it is not good for anyone to make a big deal.
"Bai Yinting, what do you mean?" XingFeng gaze Bai Yinting eyes without fear.
Bai yinting eyes some cold feeling, he walked directly to the front of them and then Lin Hao behind him.
"Professor Xing, if you’re here to see Xia Zhu, I’m sorry she hasn’t woken up yet. If you’re here to see her patient, go ahead," said Bai Yinting.
Xing Feng felt funny and said, "What qualifications do you have to tell me this here? If it weren’t for you, how could Xia Zhu become what it is today? "
"Bai Yin court I always let you pass Xia Zhu you what is not willing to? Now is the result you want? " Qu Lu is also very angry
"Xia Zhu has destroyed her face with five stab wounds and the wounds are deep. The doctor said that there is little possibility of recovery. Are you still interested in her?" Bai yinting thinks this is also to let Xia Zhu know how tacky these daily moments of turning boys around her are.
"Bai Yin court, you underestimate my feelings for Xia Zhu. If she is enough for her appearance, I will accompany her to repair it slowly, even if the method is restored to its original sample." Qu Lu is very calm