"Palladium … treasure chest? Just said that it is a palladium treasure chest? "

Lin Yue also unlocked the wasteland area map after Fei Yue shared the fragments of their refuge village map!
And the unified reward is suddenly arrival at the moment!
Although Lin Yue did think that this reward would be a treasure chest, a platinum treasure chest or what kind of reward to vote for.
But he never thought that at this time he got a palladium treasure chest that was more advanced and precious than the platinum treasure chest!
"Who would have thought that there would be a higher level of platinum treasure chest?"
Lin Yue hasn’t recovered from the shock yet. After all, it’s the thirty-seventh day since he came to this different world. It’s the first time he’s heard a reward that is more powerful than a platinum treasure chest.
After all, platinum treasure boxes can produce extremely powerful things such as intercontinental missile launchers and anti-missile launchers and Katyusha rocket launchers.
If it’s a higher grade palladium treasure chest …
Will there be an unimaginable huge reward?
Lin Yue closed his eyes and tried to make his heart beat slower.
It’s true that no one except him should have obtained the platinum treasure chest, and he should be the first to obtain this palladium treasure chest, right?
He vaguely remembered that there was a reward when he got the first platinum treasure chest. Will he come again?
"honk?" "Hey?"
Small white and small fierce at the moment looking at is become speechless master also not white what happened can’t help but call him.
"Nothing, nothing, you two have a rest, too. Is the treasure chest very tired?"
Lin Yue looked at the little guys and recovered a little.
It is false to say that you are not excited. Who can remain calm before winning a hundred million lottery tickets?
Besides, this palladium treasure chest is much more precious than what 100 million.
Especially in this different world where everything is important, everything that comes out of the treasure chest may be extremely urgent to help.
How can you reverse the whole situation in an instant and completely overturn the disadvantages!
"Ga blare" Xiao Bai and Xiao Meng both shook their heads. They are also quite excited now.
After all, this treasure chest is a beautiful thing.
At the moment, Xiaobai has finished all the copper treasure boxes, and Xiaobai here has been looking forward to what good things Lin Yue can take out from the treasure boxes before finishing.
But it seems that they have been in a daze since their owners just now, and they are also impatient.
"Really? That’s good. I’ll put away the left copper treasure chest and the iron treasure chest first."
Lin Yue took a deep breath and threw it for a while, and he had to be ready to hit that.
Before that, all these things must be handled well.
In addition, we have to give Feiyue another reward later. After all, if it weren’t for this guy, he wouldn’t have got the palladium treasure chest so soon, right?
Anyway, isn’t the platinum chest surface a diamond? e……
After collecting the remaining copper treasure chest from Xiaobai one by one, Lin Yue found that except for food and fragments of regional maps, most of them were all kinds of survival gadgets. What was not big for him?
Such as what pool, vernier calipers and kerosene lamps, etc. You can put them on the shelf and wait until they are turned out.
There’s no telling when it will arrive.
Yu Xiaomeng here, although the iron treasure chest is much worse than the copper treasure chest, all kinds of things are more inclined to primary survival, but unexpectedly, he actually got a lot of toilet paper and wet wipes and a lot of design drawings like pickaxes.
After collecting them, Lin Yue found that all kinds of primary equipment had reached the "excellent" quality.

After the two men, several younger military commanders prostrated themselves and thanked them.

It’s time for business.
Give advice to others and flatter them.
Then he explained some ancient gifts to the audience with his rich experience in rites and music.
Being able to feel the ancients’ thoughts is really beyond the comprehension of modern people.
The whole "meat" forest turned out to be a gift line.
In fact, even if it is more excessive, it is polite for men and women to go for fruit in the sand dune garden.
This is an ancient custom. Calling men and women together regularly is to solve the marriage problem of unmarried older men and women.
Because newborns are extremely important in tribal times.
Even later, "Zhou Li" stipulated that "men and women who are thirty and marry women and twenty will marry in the spring and the moon, so they can’t help but rush."
Men must marry at the age of 30 and women at the age of 20, and they are specially invited to blind date in the middle of spring.
This was the case in the Zhou Dynasty, and it is even worse in the Shang Dynasty.
What kind of mysterious bird comes into being? When the merchant’s ancestor Qi Lao’s mother took a bath, she suddenly found that Xuanniao had an egg and got pregnant after eating it, and Qi was born.
To say so is to "rush"
For example, Huang Di, Hua Xu, Fu Xi, Jiang Yuan, Hou Ji, etc., who were born with a sense of treasure, are mostly behind the truth.
Even if you are in a mythical world, it is no exception for others. Even if you are a terran owner like Cheng Tang and Xuanyuan, at most, there are more red clouds and purple gas rising. The theory of real vision is definitely a pure Terran.
Now I have also reacted by holding a blind date for these older unmarried young people. This thought is also good for those maids, and I don’t favor them. If they don’t marry, most of them will stay in the palace and die alone.
Fang Xiang and Fang Bi are generals in the official town hall, but they were born in civilians and were their predecessors. No aristocrat wants to marry their daughters, and some ordinary women are not in their position.
It’s different to hold a blind date, no matter which one you see right, it’s a royal wedding!
Except for the two of them, his young minister is also quite enthusiastic
Although the fake meat forest failed, the real meat forest was still successful, and the bacon was extravagant and got a real hammer.
Success and failure are normal, and smooth sailing is like dreaming.
Once again, I led the ministers back to the wine pool to finish one last thing, and the meat forest in the wine pool came to an end
Chapter 93 Don’t eat minced meat?
I personally removed a copper pillar and moved it to the edge of the wine pool.
Ministers frown slightly at this time to show off their courage. It’s not like a rebel can move a pillar and kill everyone.
Unconsciously, the copper column was placed horizontally and commanded Yin Ruin and others to "grease and burn coals."
Yin Ruined and others covered the copper column with grease, and placed charcoal racks at both ends of the copper column to ignite the copper column.
All the officials are wrong.
With a smile on his face, he said to You Hun, "Get some meat."
Then several cars of meat slices with sharpened bamboo sticks were delivered.
At this time, the copper column has been boiling hot and the heat conduction effect is quite good.
Picking up a few skewers, I put the bright red kebabs on the copper column. After touching the hot oil-moistened copper column, they shrink and curl slightly, zoom slowly, and the grease seeps out of the yellow, and the surface jumps.
After a long time of baking, the steaming kebab is taken out and sprinkled with salt to eat a soft but not soft and tender taste. The meat is crisp and crisp with some Q-bombs.
I picked up a string and handed it to the merchant. "I will brand this copper column burning method. After I saw the ants and trees falling down on fire and fell into the sea of fire, I came up with the idea that Shangqing officials could eat first."
The mature method of stone branding kang is the oldest "stone burnt valley" method, which has long been accepted and relied on the words of branding to create copper column burnt meat.
He really can’t do anything about the crime of branding, but it’s no problem to scare people and get addicted to it.
By the way, "this law can also be used to make people fall into charcoal fire and die when the criminal law needs it."
When the merchant was surprised, he quickly sprinkled the kebabs with coarse salt, but it was just a little bit salty that immediately inspired the delicious meat.
While eating and thinking, he soon got over it.
Zhou Wang has just promulgated a law prohibiting human martyrdom, and now it has created a searing, which means that if there are offenders in the Chaoge, they will be treated as searing.
This law strictly demonstrates Zhou Wang’s determination.
Businessmen don’t remember the sidewalk as "delicious"
It’s really delicious to be waved and let the ministers help themselves to eat wine.

See Ding Hui said that she had sent people to its three districts, and she obviously came here herself to show her importance.

"When I preliminarily set the address at around 9: 00 pm the day after tomorrow, I will be in the center of Qinhuai District. There is a 32-story building with a large area called Yingdong Building. Now there are two floors above the water. If you can’t find it in the northeast of Century Square, you can go directly to Century Square, but it is also the most suitable distance from all districts."
Qinhuai District in Sulibai happens to be the center of Nanjiang City, and its four districts are all around Qinhuai District.
Ding Hui’s choice of "Qinhuai District" center to click on the address is also reasonable and she nodded. "Is it 9 o’clock early the day after tomorrow? I know. "
It’s a big project to unite all forces. Ding Huicai has arranged that she can contact all forces in two days the day after tomorrow.
Even she can’t guarantee whether the process will be smooth.
During the conversation, a few rafts suddenly appeared from the direction of Shimao Center Building towards the floating island. The first one was Wu Feng.
Wu obviously received the news and noticed the situation here, and immediately rushed over with a group of people.
Su Li saw Wu Fenglai and immediately frowned and had some trouble.
"Su Ge-"Wu Feng called one far away. When he saw Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun and others left the edge of the floating island, he motioned for others to leave the edge of the floating island and ran over by themselves.
"Wu Feng" Su Li nodded at him and saw that he looked pale and haggard.
Ding Hui didn’t speak, but turned and silently looked at Wu Feng.
Wu Feng glared at Ding Hui with a fire scale cane that had already been taken out in his right hand, gnashing his teeth. "You killed my wife, and this blood feud is going to get back from you today!"
Ding Hui shook her head and said, "You are not my opponent."
Don’t say that Wu Feng, even Wu Feng and the whole Shimao Center are no match for Ding Shi’s brothers and sisters unless Su Li can help him.
Although Wu Feng was angry, he was not stupid. He was not the conjoined brother and sister in front of him, so he looked at Su Li with some anger and sadness. "What do you say, Brother Su?"
Obviously, he was vaguely interested in asking Su Li for help.
It’s hard for Su Li to see that he is Ding Hui discussing the matter of uniting all the leaders of the forces. It can be said that the future of the lucky person in the five districts of Nanjiang City is involved. Once it is done, it may really find a way for everyone. Naturally, he can’t penny wise and pound foolish.
Dazed only way "Wu calm down, it wasn’t her who killed Lin Meimei. If you want revenge, you should find the real murderer."
Wu one leng, he’s not stupid. Su Li actually expressed his position vaguely. It’s impossible. He and Ding Shi turned against each other.
And the fact that Su Li said there is some truth. After all, it was Chen Mo who really killed Lin Meimei, not the Ding Shi brother and sister who were as strong as monsters.
Wu Feng has no confidence in revenge against Ding Shi’s brother and sister, but there is still some hope for revenge against Chen Mo.
Ding Hui sighed. She saw that Su Li was caught in a dilemma. "Yesterday’s conflict was an unexpected fact. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen. I can feel your sadness and anger. After all, it is your lover who can’t be resurrected after death. The mistake has been made. Now, no matter how much you say, there is no way to save anything."
Wu listened to these words and sneered, feeling that she said it was bullshit, but the situation was better than that of people. The Ding Shi brothers and sisters were as powerful as monsters, and they wanted to deal with them themselves, which was different from wishful thinking.
Seeing that Su Li has just talked with her here for a long time, it is obvious that the top leaders of both sides have reached a certain consensus. It is almost impossible for him to expect Su Li to help him deal with Genesis.
Wu Feng can become the leader of "Shimao Center" and a group of people who support themselves are flexible and know how to see the situation clearly. He is not stupid and can settle for second best.
Su Li’s response disappointed him, but deep down he was vaguely white.
After all, he and Su Li are more leaders and leaders, but they are not close enough to become real brothers. It is almost impossible for Su Li to kill him and bet on the whole "Golden Eagle Alliance".
Once the "Golden Eagle Alliance" and "Genesis" face each other, the casualties will not be one person or two.
In fact, Su Li is also very difficult.
If Genesis is not as strong as Ding Shi’s brother and sister, he doesn’t mind helping Wu Feng to avenge and slay Chen Mo, and he can even take over Genesis and expand the Golden Eagle Alliance.
But he can’t kill Ding Shi’s brother and sister. With his realistic limit, he is equal to Ding Shi’s brother and sister. Neither side can endure anyone.
Once you are entangled in Ding Shi’s brother and sister, you can crush the whole Golden Eagle Alliance with the strength of Genesis.
At that time, it would not be revenge for Wu Feng, but the whole "Golden Eagle Alliance", including Gong Xiao, Jiang Shuijue, Ding Longyun, Xu Xuehui and even Wu Feng himself, was afraid that all of them would not live.
Wu Fengke is mad for revenge. Su Li can’t. He must be rational.
"If you want to get revenge on Chen Mo, all I can do is never interfere with the enmity between you two. I will not help Chen Mo just because he is from Genesis. Of course, I also hope that this matter will be confined to your personal enmity and will not involve the conflict between Genesis and Golden Eagle Alliance."
Hearing Ding Hui say this, Wu Feng stared at her with wide eyes and said, "Are you serious about these words?"
"Of course, I always say this when Ding Hui speaks." Ding Huiyin was slightly higher.
Wu nodded and stopped talking. It was Ding Hui who saw the Golden Eagle Alliance or saw Su Li’s face to make the biggest concession.
Wu Feng can seek revenge from Chen Mo, which will become their personal hatred. Ding Hui and Genesis will not intervene to help Chen Mo, and of course Su Li and the Golden Eagle Alliance will not help Wu Feng.
Otherwise, it will evolve into a war between two major forces.
See Wu nodded in agreement with Su Li secretly relieved, so it’s best for him to return to Wu Summit, who was crazy because of Lin Meimei’s death, but I didn’t think that he was still very rational. Some things can’t be targeted at Chen Mo immediately. Of course, his heart is really thinking, such as Su Li’s method to get a glimpse of everything.
It is impossible for him to kill Lin Meimei or Wu Feng and let the Golden Eagle Alliance and Genesis go all out. The casualties are not one person but dozens of people.
Lin Meimei’s life is the life of others in the alliance, and he has to make a choice. Although he can understand Wu Feng’s mood, it is very likely that Wu Feng will be dissatisfied with himself, but sometimes many things are full of nai.
Wu Feng didn’t speak again or say hello to Su Li after receiving Ding Hui’s affirmative reply, but turned around and left again.

Lu Li is also a direct way to "the clouds are scattered?" I haven’t heard of it, but my name is Lu Li. It seems that your fourth place is too low. "

Haiwei chuckled and suddenly had a relaxed feeling. After being a little familiar with the distance, they were friends. She didn’t care about anything, but wanted to see the distance and teach each other a lesson.
I don’t know which monk took the lead in making an exclamation, but then the sixteen people were all full of brilliance, including the scattered people in the clouds. If they met a traction force, they would retreat and go far away, and then they would return to the city with a flash of light and shadow.
The strange light in his right eye flashed, and then he felt a terrible stabbing pain, which almost made his right eye hard to open, but this experience was almost the first time for him.
Previously, I was strangely able to let myself worry about the fairy mansion and get into it, but there is still some very special and mysterious right eye that is forced to spy, which is extremely puzzling.
Seeing that there was sweat on Lu Li’s forehead, it was as if he had eaten some kui Haiwei. Road flyover Lu Li also wanted to ask, but at this time, a sound resounded through this piece, which made Lu Li Haiwei both listen to the truth.
"It’s rare for visitors in the wild world to become my slaves or my right-hand man. I will give you strength and have unimaginable Shou Yuan!" The sound broke through for a long time and instantly entered the ears of the two.
Chapter one hundred and forty-two Who is Wan Yi
A world that is richer than the sound system emerges from that huge king city.
This sound broke through the clouds and there was a terrible force from the castle, which made Lu Lihai’s eyebrows frown and she felt bad in her heart.
When the sound came, the sixteen monks immediately had a respectful color in their eyes, motionless as if they were devout believers. Such a change is really unpredictable
"I’m afraid this man is no match for you and me."
Haiwei immediately sounded the sound through two people and found that these fairy monks could not detect the fraction.
Lu Li also replied, "Yes, it is not difficult to integrate the real silk thread into the sound to form a breaking force, but it is very terrible that the sound contains so much pressure. Are there so many Jin Xian overlords this day?"
Haiwei’s complexion is also not good. In the sight of these fairy godsworn, she naturally doesn’t look in the eye, but before that, the threat of the speaker to them is too great.
She didn’t answer the words from the land. The present situation is very strange. After being suppressed, it is necessary to restore the sudden strange signs of the strong. Even the high-order fairy godsworn will be terrified in his heart.
Seeing Haiwei from afar is also a good idea to measure up.
However, since the other party gives this statement to two people, it will not be much. If you turn your face rashly, once you hand in hand, the outcome is too unpredictable.
I’ve seen the overlord of Jin Xian, and if I rashly challenge it, I’ll die.
When I left Taikoo Gate, I had seen the smell of Taikoo Gate’s master. Jin Xian’s law is too profound and vast to be compared with ordinary fairy monks.
Even if he believes that uniting to reverse the Heart Sutra and killing the Heart Sutra can beat some strong enemies across the boundary, but he wants to shake the overlord of Jin Xian, he also needs to cultivate to Haiwei’s present level, that is, to break through Ling Xu and reach the realm of robbery, and then practice to the realm of robbery. dzogchen constantly feels and accumulates the Jin Xian level.
Reversing the practice of the Heart Sutra to the later stage is a clever change of mana, because in the later stage of immortals, the perception of the realm of immortals becomes extremely important, and it is necessary to understand the realm before we can break through. Otherwise, it is not enough to break through the realm of immortals simply by absorbing penance with aura, or how many people can achieve the position of immortals now?
Even if more than a dozen or even dozens of Jin Xian suddenly appeared in a great world, it is impossible for all of them to be ill. Jin Xian’s masters have to go through all kinds of celestial disasters, extremely terrible celestial disasters, and god’s punishment to attack Jin Xian’s higher realm. Perhaps in a hundred years, Jin Xian will fall. A hundred years seems to be a long time, but for Brother Jin Xian, it is only a short period of time compared with the long Shou Yuan.
In half a step, Jin Xian has some insights. Jin Xian Xin doesn’t know much about the secret, but when they are moving slowly, he has a simple exchange with Haiwei, which makes him know a little about it.
There are still many outstanding positions for Jin Xian masters to walk after the triple fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy fairy
Now, two people are equals. At this time, if they hesitate for too long, the other party is bound to be impatient, and they will think about it after a moment. At the same time, the other party agrees that Lu Li is the direct way. "If Ge is so confident, you might as well show me a repair. Even Ge Hui, a monk, is not complaining, but as soon as the slave says it, Liu is used to it at will. I admire the strong but will not be enslaved by others."
Haiwei also said, "It’s better to use some means since it’s a good pavilion that thinks it’s better to repair the sky. It also makes me feel at ease."
Sixteen Godsworn Godsworn didn’t have a population. The people who knelt down and went to the sky were naturally straightened up at the moment. Because of the sound of the castle, the two people were overwhelmed and resolved. These people are also Smith. After the pious color slowly dispersed, they looked at the two people and their eyes were extremely poor.
Lu Liwei’s mouth is not bent or too radical. Instead, she wants the other party to show a collar, which is also a kind of temptation. If the other party really reaches the peak, they can think of some way to fight to the death or escape without resistance.
If the other party is superficial, there is no fear and then it is planned.
There was a silence in the castle, and there was no sign of the whole city, and no one answered in the past.
It’s not urgent to leave Haiwei. They guess that the other party may hesitate or have other considerations.
However, Haiwei Meimu stared at the opposite female xiu for several times in a row, and Haiwei suddenly exclaimed, "You are from the side of Uncle Wanyi!"
Her exclamation caused a surprise. First of all, there were Poseidon clansmen here and they were recognized by Haiwei for their seniority. This is really strange.
The second time was when the clouds dispersed. His eyebrows wrinkled and he immediately looked back at the woman. Then he said, "Yue Daoyou, are you really from a wild man?" Now it seems that the duke is right to be recognized. "
The eu eyes a clot continued "YueDaoYou? So you call yourself Yue? This also makes sense. In those days, granduncle Wan Yi’s surname was Yue’s servant girl. You are very similar and deeply trusted by granduncle Wan Yi. I have seen it once, but it is said that there were not many Shou Yuan left in those years because of talent. Later, I heard that it was so missing, and I was still worried about it until granduncle Wan’s transformation. No wonder I felt a little familiar when I met you. You were xiao yue at the beginning? "
Female repair smell speech is shaking his head, and he was stunned by Haiwei.
If so, there is something strange about the origin of this person
Even the land is a little confused. The origin of this person can be traced back to Haiwei’s granduncle. The history of Poseidon is also quite scary, but compared with Taikoo.
Chapter one hundred and forty-three Hai Wei was captured
Haiwei revealed that the woman’s absence didn’t deny that it immediately made the mystery here have a hint of being revealed.
But before everyone continues to speak, it is full of coercion and impressively debut. "Since you two have a heart, I will confirm it."
After all, if the other party really has some means, two people should not be underestimated.
From this side, Lu has already prepared the five-force, soul-breaking knife and heart-eating sword. If the other party forcibly moves, he can choose to fight back immediately.
Haiweixiu is still far away from home, but it doesn’t matter what he is worried about.
For this person, it is straightforward to say, "Since Ge is so confident, let’s talk about it over there to prove your strength."

But if you want to strengthen the memory of this day, it’s once in a hundred years. No, it’s once in ten thousand years. When you think of it, stop thinking about it. When you look at Pangu’s days, you will see that Pangu’s great god is chaotic and empty, and everything is empty. Suddenly, there are many glories.

Looking at the axe’s trajectory in the virtual space, Song Changjue has a kind of lead in his heart, but if you ask him what he has learned, he feels that he has learned nothing. Pangu chopped the chaotic world with an axe, and the clear air rose and evolved all day, and the turbid air sank and became big and more and more chaotic air became clear and turbid. Song Changgeng knew that this was a life-long process.
One is chaotic, the other is cloudy and cloudy, and the other is clear. The Pangu giant stood in the sky to prevent the sky from overlapping, while the three talents of heaven and man completed the process of two lives and three lives. It was from the inside that the sage Tao Te Ching realized this, which was all white in the Song Dynasty.
Then he felt as if the time passed slowly. What he saw was that the sky was gradually divided, but it would still be reunited in chaos. When Pangu God threw the axe into the middle, he saw that the axe was automatically divided into three treasures, and the handle of the axe turned into a big clock, and everything was peaceful when it sounded.
Then the blade of the axe waved in the void under Pangu’s control, uniting some parties, and the talent finally rose and fell, but the power derived from the days after the flood, wind and fire ravaged Pangu, and finally the axe body was thrown away to enlarge. A picture showed that black and white two gases automatically operated to calm the water, wind and fire.
Seeing that the flow of Yin and Yang kept calming the water, wind and fire in their respective places, Song Changgeng knew that this was the Taiji diagram, and at the same time understood that chaos was the root of all things, and that the flow of Yin and Yang by all the subjects of Yin and Yang could make all things naturally converge and calm down the five things, calming the water, wind and fire was natural. This realization was just realized when Song Changgeng saw a golden light in the Taiji diagram, and when he followed the golden light, he saw that the ancient body was getting longer and longer, and his hands supported the sky. The golden light in the Taiji diagram was to help him hold up the sky, and Pangu grew taller.
There is a man who stands in the sky for a long time and seems to be a moment. Song Changbai, this is because he is in memory. When the Pangu God was formed that day, he fell or fell, and his breath turned into spring breeze and the sound of clouds changed into thunder. His left eye turned into the sun and his right eye turned into the moon …
Then there are three creatures, each with storms, currents, mountains and rivers, plants, birds, animals, fish and insects. Song Changxin is slowly lost in the evolution of this wonderful day and gradually loses himself and is difficult to extricate himself.
Lost in the track of the avenue, he doesn’t even know who he is now. If he goes on like this, his mind will be addicted to the avenue forever, and the final result will be to merge with the rules of the avenue and disappear into the sky.
This is the meaning of Taiqing sage’s "It’s easy to die in the evening". No matter how hard Song Chang practices, he hasn’t left people. He is a fairy. Look at this thing, that is, a three-year-old doll will die playing with a bomb. Although he is a saint, he doesn’t care about Emei Sect. After all, he teaches Emei Sect as a minor matter.
However, since Song Changgeng, a troublemaker, bumped into his own hand and played with it conveniently, it was normal for Song Chang to think it was his great chance because he didn’t know that there was danger in it. He didn’t know that he almost didn’t let people play to death, so he saw that he was motionless in the green light and gradually showed signs of decomposition with the passage of time.
Thirty-three days away, Song Chang Gung’s changes are all seen in the eyes of these saints. When the saint chuckles, he ignores it. He knows that he is finished taking care of this little guy, but in the clear sky, the saint is frowning. It seems difficult to decide that in the Jade Palace, the original saint is blinking and doesn’t know what to think, so he closes his eyes and continues to do something else.
Looking at Song Changgeng’s changing eyes in the female self, I can’t bear the color flow.
Finally, she sighed and stopped going to see the family. It was created by herself, just like her own child, in which an outstanding person appeared. She was as happy as if she saw her own child’s achievements. Unfortunately, these children rarely had great luck. So it seems to Song Changgeng.
In the bliss world, Amitabha looked sad and closed his eyes, while in the Sanxing Cave on the slanting moon, the prospective Taoist smiled at the corners of his mouth and called on his brothers to preach. In the nether world, the water of the Santu River continued to flow, and The six great divisions in the wheel of karma was running quietly, but with a sigh, it came out clearly from the Tao.
Just when all saints recognized Song Chang, and everyone else ignored him except Tongtian, I saw his ten-foot-high mixed body suddenly collapse and then suddenly split into two forces and then automatically spun. One force turned black and the other changed during operation.
Power is constantly absorbed by it and compressed into two forces of black and white at the same time. The rotating black and white power is like a Tai Chi diagram. Yin and Yang are divided into pairs and unified. Yin is constantly absorbing Yang power and transforming them into Yin power, and Yang power is constantly transforming into Yang power. Yin and Yang are transformed into each other, opposing each other and unified.
During the rotation, the ball with a diameter of more than ten feet gradually compressed and became smaller and smaller. Finally, it stopped shrinking after a foot in diameter, and kept spinning and absorbing the power of the sky. He had been observing the sky and looked at it. He knew that other people had stopped watching, but this little guy had realized that once he was awake, he would leave the Qing Dynasty and create a dreamland. That was his chance.
It’s inevitable that this guy will wake up now. His eyes are moving and his mind is spinning. Song Chang’s side is chaotic, which can temporarily make everything around him difficult to speculate. But now the sage, if he wants to come back, will be scattered to the sky because he stirred up the secret of Yin and Yang.
Then Tongtian himself put up a Taoist like him, but with the appearance of the Taoist, he reached out and grabbed a green gourd in his hand, then turned it into a streamer and went across the barriers from all walks of life. When people flew to the light, God’s hand appeared in his hand with a stroke and a purple hammer.
In Ziyun Palace, the immortals suddenly felt that the purple hammer suddenly disappeared, and then they heard that Master Hai said, "I took the hammer and waited here to protect Song Changmen from being drilled by Buddhism."
As soon as the ethereal fairy heard it, he knew that the teacher had done it himself. He couldn’t help but change his face. This Song Changzhen was so lucky. Now this question Song Changgeng himself doesn’t know because he is confused. He doesn’t know where he is. His memory can reflect his understanding of this experience.
The heavenly sage arrived near the light realm in a few calls. The guardian array and various screens here seemed to have no hindrance to him. He lifted his legs like walking from the door to the outside, easily entered the light realm, and then instantly appeared in the jade peak, which had been refined by the Taiqing saint. This jade peak is the same as the original heavenly mountain.
Now, it has completely replaced the Heavenly Mountain, and it is still integrated with the light environment. It is really extraordinary. In the light environment, life has not felt anything, and people have already changed the central treasure. The Tongtian Saint saw this jade peak and stopped for a while, then swept his eyes and knew that the master elder brother didn’t move any hands and feet, in fact, he didn’t bother to move any hands and feet.
He came to Song Chang-geng’s one-foot big ball and sighed, "I’m afraid you have to work like this before you can gradually recover your consciousness. At that time, everything has changed greatly. Although you are still your relative and brother, your sect is gone. I hope I can help you once. I hope you don’t let me down."
With a wave of his hand, a clear light flashed into the sphere of rotation of Yin and Yang, and he saw that the force of Yin and Yang in the sphere suddenly turned and then quickly turned up. The Saint Tongtian smiled and said, "It’s really good to understand my" Tongtian Daoji "so quickly. It seems that you are a disciple, so I will help you again and give you two innate treasures to suppress Yin and Yang."
As soon as the words fell, I saw that he was spinning fast in the virtual space, and even the number of impressions was sealed around him. However, when the purple hammer and the green gourd were thrown into the Song Chang Gung’s ball, I saw that the ball shook violently and expanded to make a few clear lights, and the ball trembled more violently.
Chapter six hundred and ten A word from master to proselytize
Blood in shushan. Sixty-one Purple crack. Chapter six hundred and ten A word from master.
When Song Chang was still not awake, he didn’t know who he was. As soon as he realized that Saint Taiqing had specially prepared something for him, his spirit was imitated. As a result, the mixed body was decomposed. It should be gradually realized in the continuous operation before he finally regained consciousness.
However, the process was shortened several times after the Tongtian Sage entered his understanding of Tao, and when Yin was about to fix the track, Tong Sage called in two Lingbao and followed them, as well as Lingbao refining method. Song Changgeng could feel that this thing was not only beneficial to himself, but also very beneficial, so he automatically absorbed it.
Then I saw that the one-foot-big black-and-white rotating ball suddenly rose and expanded to more than ten feet in a blink of an eye. A purple ball of light appeared in the room. A purple hammer of purple ball floated and sank in yin and became yin and yang, while a blue ball of light and a blue gourd appeared in yang and white.
It became Yang, Yin and Yin. With these two treasures, the trajectory of Yin and Yang became more wonderful and stable after the suppression of Yin. Song consciousness also refined these two treasures according to the method of refining Lingbao by Tongtian saints. As he refined the black and white Tai Chi ball with a diameter of Zhang Xu, it contracted and became smaller and smaller, and the later it contracted faster and faster.
At last, when did it stop and Song Geng’s consciousness recovered? He didn’t move, but after thinking about the past, he couldn’t help but feel scared. If he kept sinking into the road changes, it was estimated that he would melt away. Although he could imitate it and let the mixed body run, it was estimated that it would take a long time to wake up.
I guess I wouldn’t have woken up now if I hadn’t come to help me with the road perception method. Later, I was awakened by two things that I didn’t know, and then I refined two treasures according to the subsequent refining method. When I was successful, I instantly destroyed the road and everything went back to chaos
In this instant, Song Chang experienced a natural extinction and some unconscious influx. At the same time, he also knew that he had experienced a thrilling experience and arrived at many things. He didn’t know who would help him to finish his recollection. He was shocked by a slight induction. First, he didn’t have a body consciousness and mixed body. Hwa-Sung Do got a black and white rotating inch ball
Second, he feels that there are people next to him, but it seems that no one is fluttering like a real illusion. This feeling makes him feel uncomfortable, but he also knows that the other party must be very strong. Just when he doesn’t know it, he listens to a majestic voice, "Xuangong has become you. Go back to the unity of body and spirit."
That sound seems to have an irresistible force. Song Chang-geng immediately flew the Yuan God, who had turned into a bead, to the top of his head as he said, and then went into his head along with Baihui Tianmen. After going in, he could turn the force of the bead into operation, see a black-and-white brilliance spinning and turning bigger and bigger, and then wrapped his body in it, and then everything returned to normal in an instant.
Tongtian sage looked at the "Tai Chi Pearl" and couldn’t help twisting his beard on Song Changgeng’s head and laughing. When he turned his kung fu, he really didn’t turn white. Then he saw Song Changgeng come to stand still and suddenly put on a five-hearted posture, sitting with his fingers like lotus flowers, demonstrating the wonderful spiritual rotation of the mysterious traces.
As he moved his fingers, he saw a stream of clear air from above his head and a stream of dark polluted air gushing from the bottom into the body.
With the continuous influx of turbid qi into the sky, I feel that the turbid qi is constantly rotating and changing in Song Changti, and is in harmony with his own body. Song Changgeng is also immersed in practice. Although he is a little anxious, he doesn’t know who is around him, but he knows that the realm is hard to find if he misses it.
He knows that he is now in a wonderful world, although he has cleared up, but it is time to strike while the iron is hot. The man next to him just helped himself to want to come, and he has no bad feelings. He just decided to put it aside and practice quietly, and according to his own understanding of the avenue, he runs a clear and turbid way, and his two vitality runs in his body in meridians according to different routes.
The clear and turbid gas in the influx body was compressed into a clear, black and two-minute liquid truth element in the meridian operation, and finally flowed into Dantian. With the continuous influx of clear and turbid gas, he felt that the big clear and turbid truth element gathered in Dantian, and the two truth elements each occupied a corner in Dantian, and then a violent outburst occurred.
Two really different things want to assimilate each other, so they regard him as a battlefield fight.
At that time, the "Tai Chi Bead" in Song Chang’s brain moved, and the color light swept through the clear and turbid Yuan Zhen, and immediately became docile and automatically operated and transformed, which soon formed a balance, and the blood God Yuan Bead in his abdomen was also broken down.
Yang returns to Yang, Yin returns to Yin, and each other’s eyes guide the turbid and turbid gases to form a Tai Chi diagram, which moves slowly in the body like a ball. Finally, after several transformations, the turbid and turbid gases are condensed and changed into a special pure yin and yang force, which is attributed to the fact that the sage in the "Tai Chi bead" in his brain is not happy, and Song Changgeng also feels that he has completely integrated the newly condensed "Tai Chi bead" with his body.
After feeling that there was no problem, he immediately closed his eyes and saw the sage who was not far ahead. He quickly became confused and saluted. "I don’t know where friends come from?" How did you get into my light? Just now, I felt that people were helping me, and my breath was similar to that of Taoist friends. Is it Taoist friends? Then I’ll thank you. "
Say that finish deep line a gift and borne saints there strange smile "guy, what did you call me? Daoyou hahaha, no one has dared to call me Daoyou for hundreds of millions of years. This little guy is very interesting, but I don’t know that it’s not a crime. Just now, I was helping you with how I got in. Hehe, it’s simple. Because I’m a saint, what can stop me? "
"Saint? Who’s the senior? Are you the leader of Tongtian? What will help me? " Song Changyi was shocked when he heard that his mind was even more stable. At this moment, his face could not help but change greatly. Although he knew that there were several holy disciples wrestling in his own place because of the celestial gods, he finally decided to give it to Taiqing. He wanted to be a saint and would not pay attention to himself.
But now a saint has come, and when he thinks about it, he knows that this person must be the leader of Tongtian, because he said that Nu Wa and Houdi are both accurate people. Although he is a Buddhist after all, he is dressed in a nondescript way, and then Amitabha is dressed in Buddhism. In Sanqing, the sage is an old man, and Tongtian is middle-aged.
But the original root will ignore that he has borne the sky and seems to have accepted his own meaning. It seems that it is him. As soon as his words are exported, the saint of the sky is stunned and laughs lightly. "You are really clever and immediately thought that I am good. You are trying to detect my master elder brother’s charm and lead me to put the avenue to you. You must not be separated."
Because it takes thousands of years for this true fairy to wake up, and the true fairy is scattered in it. I don’t want you to be able to get rid of this anomaly and improve your strength
Fortunately, at that time, I was the only one who watched you carelessly and disturbed the secret around you after seeing the change, and then secretly sent an avatar to help you. Not only did you not only suppress your "Tongtian Daoji", but also gave you two innate spiritual treasures to suppress Yin and Yang, taught you to refine the innate spiritual treasures and achieved Taiji beads. If it were not for me, it would take you ten thousand years to wake up on your own.
Although at that time you also had a great talent, but after thousands of years, your wife, disciples and friends have long been scattered. What do you mean by being alone? Besides, you are a changed man now, and after tens of thousands of years, you will not be your greatest advantage. After you lose it, you will feel bound hands and feet when you do things, and it is not conducive to my plan, so I will give you a hand. "
After Song Chang-geng’s speech for a long time, he just thought about it and knew that Tongtian said it was true. He suddenly threw his robe and knelt down after three kneeling and nine worships. He said, "Every mortal has a word teacher. Because you helped me get rid of it, it gave me a magic weapon to increase my strength. When you are my teacher, please accept my worship."
Tongtian saw that he reacted so quickly that he couldn’t help but feel comfortable. After he visited the shrine, he pulled himself up and laughed. "It’s easy to talk to Cong. Now that you’re white, I won’t say anything. The so-called master leads the door to practice. After a while, I will give you all the Qing Xian Jing, and you will have to practice on your own."
Say that finish hand stretched out a book appeared in his hand and handed it over. Song Changgeng respectfully took it over. Just a look at it and you will know that it is very profound. After that, you should study it slowly. He respectfully put away the [Qing Xian Jing] and then give him a deep gift. He has already understood things badly and knows that he has received the favor of others.
Just like the important team in the officialdom, it is impossible to reach his position without a team. After buddha magic chose to enter the Tao, he had three clean-ups to choose. If he didn’t choose, it was so powerful that he looked up to the giant. His little power and reality would instantly turn to dust. He decided to learn from the teacher and enter the sage.
[End of Volume 61]
Chapter six hundred and eleven Two Saints Fighting for Acts
Blood in shushan volume sixty-two People wind and rain Chapter six hundred and eleven Two saints fight for acts.
There may be a lot of hesitation and hesitation before, but after the decision, Song Chang should firmly follow his own path. Because everything is his own choice, think about it. Because of his own decision, his younger brother has been involved in intercepting and teaching himself to face the measurable fate. He is deeply ignorant of the law of the jungle at this moment
Seeing that his eyes were calm and calm, the Tongtian sage couldn’t help but feel gratified that he had chosen a good brother. Although he insisted on a kind of statement before, when most of his brothers were captured in the First World War, they defected and became Buddhist middleman. He said that he was not sad or not. He also knew that he didn’t have the treasure to suppress his luck, but there were also reasons why these heterogeneous brothers were uncertain.

Lin Yi’s body shape also changed instantly to a heavy palm and hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul chest Lin Yi. These changes are all instantaneous at the same time. At this moment, Hu Ling’s hidden soul can cope with Lin Yi’s palm with the broken arm.

The two palms "bang" collided, and Lin Yi’s palm force was like waves and waves, and he hid his soul arm in Hu Ling.
This arm of Hu Ling’s Tibetan Soul was hit hard by Su Qinghou, and now the bones of Hu Ling’s Tibetan Soul arm are broken into several pieces by Lin Yi’s strong impact.
At this time, Hu Ling’s right palm of the hidden soul has scattered Lin Yi’s firm but gentle palm and drew an arc with his right palm, and struggled to strike Lin Yi’s chest. Lin Yi just withdrew his palm and slightly moved away from Hu Ling’s hidden soul palm.
Taking advantage of Lin Yi’s dodge machine, Hu Ling hid his soul and flew to the front of the burning house. Then he growled and sucked three burning oaks at Lin Yi.
Facing Mars, the oak Lin Yi evaded the first one and kicked the second one. The oak at the top immediately reflected Hu Ling’s hidden soul. Then Lin Yi swung his sword and split the third oak. The oak was split by Lin Yi’s sword. Two pieces of wood split left and right. Lin Yi’s figure also passed through two pieces of broken oak.
At this time, Hu Ling’s hidden soul just kicked the blow to his oak and Lin Yi arrived again with his sword.
Hu Ling hides the soul and has to deal with Lin Yi’s sharp sword again.
The two men fought fiercely in the garden filled with flames and smoke …
After all, there was a fierce battle between Hu Ling and Su Qinghou. Although he felt pain, he was hit hard in many places, and his posture, strength and speed were reduced by half.
Su Qinghou has been beaten by Hu Ling’s Tibetan Soul to fight again. It is amazing that Hu Ling’s Tibetan Soul can still fight. If it were anyone else, it might not be his opponent, but his opponent is too strong now, and Lin Yi ranks second in the Jianghu.
Now, in the face of Lin Yi’s stormy attack on Hu Ling’s hidden souls, there is almost no breathing space.
Lin Yi just doesn’t give Hu Ling a breathing space.
Hu Ling’s ghost hiding is unusual. Maybe give him a break and Hu Ling’s ghost hiding can escape.
And Hu Ling’s hidden soul is hard to compare with Lin Yi in terms of posture, strength and speed at the moment. He seems to be extremely backward. Hu Ling’s hidden soul can constantly roar with anger to cope with Lin Yi’s ever-changing offensive. Hu Ling’s hidden soul is like a troubled beast at the moment. Although angry, it is difficult to get away.
Hu Ling’s hidden spirits, body and animal carcasses have also been carved into strips by Lin Yijian, and the protective black iron has also been exposed.
To attack Hu Ling urgently, the Tibetan soul was also injured in many places.
Shoulder cheekbones were also broken by Lin Yi, and Hu Ling kept bleeding from the cracks in the hides of Tibetan souls.
After more than a dozen strokes, Lin Yi split Hu Ling’s soul rib with another sword.
At the moment, the true qi of Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul protector has weakened by 60% to 70%. Although there is black iron protector, the sword is powerful enough to shatter the left cavity of Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul and poke a broken bone at Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul.
Hu Ling hidden soul body also immediately like being hit a quiver.
This is also the first time that Hu Ling’s hidden soul felt that death was so close to him.
Chapter 55 King Lin fights and hides the king (3)
Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul, which was hit hard again, growled again, which contained too much unwillingness and unspeakable sorrow.
With the roar of Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul, his body became more rancid and the choking smoke in the field could not cover his rancid smell.
His eyes were even redder, and blood was oozing out.
Like blood and tears
His bones are constantly making a terrible noise.
Lin Yi knew that Hu Ling’s soul-hiding was an extreme way of "The Hunger Gong" to strengthen his physique and make him dying. Lin Yi guessed that Hu Ling’s soul-hiding was indeed an extreme way to force his body to suffer heavy losses.
When this way reaches a certain intensity, the damage to Hu Ling’s Tibetan spirits will greatly aggravate the decay of Hu Ling’s Tibetan spirits, and Hu Ling’s Tibetan spirits will control the intensity a few years ago
Now, Hu Ling Tibetan Soul has used this method almost to the extreme.
The whole body smells like a rotting corpse.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul roared like a mad beast, and Lin Yi also roared like a fearful person. The hunter Lin Yi’s palm sword, Qi Jianguang’s palm shadow, continued to attack Hu Ling’s hidden soul, and its strength became more and more fierce.
Lin Yi knows better than anyone that this head is bound like a tiger struggling to resist, and it must not be relaxed by half a point or it will fall short.
Lin Yi took another sword and split it to Hu Ling to hide the soul from Lin Yi. This sword palm sucked up a stone brick and hit Lin Yi.
Just then, a master of the Northern Mansion swept into the garden, and he called to Hu Ling to hide the soul. "Simon Wang, the Tibetan king, asked me to … ahem … find you. He said that the Tibetan king, don’t try to be brave for a while, and then find Lin Yi to settle accounts after you get hurt …"
The man’s words haven’t finished when he was killed by Lin Yi every other sword.
It turns out that Ximen Xuanbai was hit hard by Su Qinghou. Hu Ling’s hidden soul is not Lin Yi’s opponent. Hu Ling’s hidden soul is the first day and Optimus Prime is the deterrent. If Hu Ling’s hidden soul dies, the morale of the North House will fall to the bottom, and the North House will not be far from its demise.
The consequences are terrible.
We must not let Hu Ling hide his soul and die.
However, Hu Ling’s spirit-hiding temper Ximenxuan also knew that he was afraid that Hu Ling’s spirit-hiding would rather die than retreat. Now that Ximenxuan had got away, he was afraid to venture easily again, so he sent someone to persuade Hu Ling to hide the spirit.
Several experts from the Northern Mansion who were sent here have died, and only one person left. As a result, before he finished his words, Lin Yifei came to chop the ground with a sword.
Lin Yichao still didn’t give Hu Ling a breathing space when he waved his sword at the high priest. At the same time, his left hand struck Hu Ling, the hidden soul of Hu Ling, and he had to deal with Lin Yi’s two palms.
Now it’s not Hu Ling who hides his soul and doesn’t want to leave.
Although Hu Ling’s hidden soul is above all else, he was by no means killed alive, but he didn’t know that he was retired. He was badly hit and Hu Ling’s hidden soul was entangled in Lin Yi.
Lin Yi’s palm shadow was shattered, and he jumped up and split two swords in a row.
Although Hu Ling hides the soul in an extreme way, it is still difficult to get rid of Lin Yi because of his injuries.
When Hu Ling’s hidden spirits were in danger, four or five masters from the West Sea, all covered in blood, rushed into the garden. They had been following Xiaowu and Hu Ling’s theory that the hidden spirits were loyal warriors, and they would not abandon Hu Ling’s hidden spirits.
When they heard the roar of the Tibetan king, they also rushed from other places to help Hu Ling hide his soul.
Several masters in the West Sea are tough. They roared and waved their weapons and came at Lin Yi. At this moment, Lin Yi turned his back on them and attacked Lin Yi’s chest.
Lin Yi still doesn’t give Hu Ling a breathing machine. His right hand swings two swords and two firm but gentle shots behind him. At the same time, Lin Yi flies up and kicks Hu Ling’s hidden soul body and Hu Ling’s hidden soul body. Lin Yi’s left palm splits again.
And Lin Yi behind also sounded two screams.
First came two masters of the West Sea who were thrown out by Lin Yi backhand with two firm but gentle punches and flew out on his back.
The remaining three masters of the West Sea continued to rush at Lin Yi. They wanted their lives to win an offline for Hu Ling’s hidden soul, and suddenly a thin figure jumped into the park.
The child’s face was blackened by fireworks, his clothes were blackened, and there were still some sparks.


A group of black people looked at a scar-faced man together.
Scar face lead eldest brother face a ugly.
"Let’s go with the elders in my Hui nationality!" Take the lead in the eldest brother looks pale way
A group of strong black snakes quickly flew out of the city to a distant mountain forest.
There are a lot of black snakes around the forest land.
But when I came back this time, the number of black snakes was actually a lot of bloody.
"Something happened in the clan?" Lead the eldest brother face a change.
A line of black snakes quickly flew to the depths of the forest.
At the moment, there are a lot of monster beasts around the mountain forest, such as tigers, leopards, cows and snakes. At this moment, the roaring will surround the central lake.
Around the Great Lakes, a black snake with a head ten feet long holds its head high and looks at the monsters around it, showing lost face, but a group of monsters look even more fierce.
Not far away, Niu Mowang and Fan Li looked at each other coldly at a mountain pass.
Opposite at the moment there are dozens of black snakes in human form. The strong people are visiting Niu Mowang and others.
"Elder!" Lead the eldest brother exclaimed
Niu Mowang looked coldly at a group of black snakes that had just arrived.
"Hum!" Niu Mowang a cold hum left them alone.
A group of black snakes quickly flew to the center.
"Elder Nanmo City has an accident!" The lead eldest brother looks pale way
"South Magic City is that we took you too late!" Niu Mowang sneer at a way
The leader’s face changed.
Not far away, the black snake Lord was released. Fan Li asked the black snake Lord to talk about the black snake patriarch.
The whole black snake clan minister?
There is an island in the middle of the lake, an island and a hall. A burly man looks pale and looks at the black snake. There are a group of other black snake elders beside him.
"Minister? They let us be ministers? " Burly male cold way
"It was this group of people who didn’t suddenly appear and killed us and caught us off guard …!" Little Lord looks pale way
"Not caught off guard? Hum, even if you are prepared, you are no match for them! " Black snake heads cold way
"What about the patriarch now?" The elders looked at the heads of the fathers.
"That Niu Mowang is too powerful. As my son said, he broke the barrier of the Lord of Nanmo City with one punch. This person should be Tianmen!" Patriarch sink a way
"Tianmen territory?" The elders look very pale.
"Where did this group of people come from?"
"This is a lizard fairy territory. Do they dare to kill the lizard fairy so recklessly?"
"Can’t we be slaves?"
The elders look pale way
"The hades have given orders to kill us if we don’t do it …!" Little master fear way
The elders a silence.
"Let’s go and have a look!" Patriarch sink a way
"hmm!" The elders nodded.
The patriarch took all the elders to the outside world again and looked at Niu Mowang and Fan Li not far away.
"Do you want to? Old patience is limited! " Niu Mowang cold road
"Ge, I want to know what we want?" Black snake heads sink a way
"Nothing, nothing. This is the order of the keeper. If you don’t listen, you will die!" Niu Mowang cold road
The black snake patriarch’s face froze. What kind of answer is this?
Fan Li smiled slightly. "You are now the interpersonal keeper of Hades, but it is because you southern magic city are familiar with Hades that you want your help to master southern magic city as soon as possible!"
"Familiar with? If it’s a big deal, we’ll withdraw from the southern magic city, and we won’t care if we look at you! " Black snake patriarch said

Rudy Gonzalez laughed and hung up.

It is more difficult to compete for luis garcia.
It’s much easier in mista
Terry can let people go at any time if he wants to quote the right price
After bargaining, the two sides always won and finally offered a price of 700 thousand euros
Terry was moved by this price, and they planned to cash out mista, who performed so well in the team.
In fact, Chang Shenggen can’t take out the money in one breath.
But sometimes when you do business, you have to pretend to be very rich even if you put all your money on the show, otherwise you won’t be able to negotiate business at all
Now, Chang Sheng can also be so swollen and fat.
He made 600,000 euros before selling those "disorderly parties".
It cost 250 thousand to buy Charles, and there are 350 thousand left
It’s only 700 thousand and a half
If we don’t sell Pida, mista’s transfer deal may fall through.
But at this time, Changsheng doesn’t care so much. Since the other club has agreed, let’s talk about the contract with Mista quickly.
Would mista like to come to Hertha?
This question is meaningless.
Terry and Hertha are both second-division teams. Where do they play or not?
If Terry wants to sell it, how can they not know that Mista is not particularly important to them?
What’s more, mista’s agent also hopes that he can make a lot of money by having a transfer agent.
In the end, mista will definitely agree to come to Hertha.
The staff who sold the ball didn’t stop for a second while winning from the future master Benitez.
Pida finally reached an agreement with the team willing to accept him, and now the transfer deal can take effect.
Changsheng can also grow a sigh of relief.
Peter is the most difficult player to deal with in the "chaotic party", because his price is too high to win, and it is impossible to really sell him as cabbage price.
After all, it used to be worth 2 million yuan, and now it’s already a loss to sell it at a 50% discount. If it’s cheaper, it’s really a bargain.
The sale of Pida brought Changsheng a million euros in income, and now he not only has the money to buy mista, but also has 650 thousand euros left.
This money should buy one more person.
Who are you buying?
At present, the back line has not moved, and there seems to be a lack of competition.
In addition, there are too few people in midfield and midfield. He is going to list Cesc carlos rodriguez Valero. If anyone wants to sell it, he can make some money. If he can’t sell it, he will keep it as a substitute.
But he has so little money now, it is difficult to focus on one place if he wants to add new strength to both places. Now, if the money has to be in one person and another place, he should choose other methods, such as renting.
Changsheng pondered for a while and decided to strengthen the midfield strength.
He still has some doubts about the lower back.
After all, he will start with three midfielders at a time, and Gassena has four midfielders now.
If one person is injured, he will have no substitute.
The low back is very important in his tactics.
One less may have very serious consequences.
So he must increase this strength again.
He knows that there will be many excellent midfielders in international football in the future, but it is the most suitable one. At present, Hertha is not able to come.
After much thought, he set his sights on the African continent.
There are many excellent African waists, all of which come from here.
This time, his goal is to create yaya toure, the first high-paid "new Vieira" in the Premier League.
Yaya toure should still be in C? te d ‘Ivoire at this time …
It should be easy to buy him and it won’t cost much.
Although yaya toure will occupy a non-EU quota, there are not many non-EU players in Hertha team at present.
In addition to joining Senna, Popovich has a non-EU quota because he is a Yugoslav.
Plus Senahetta, there are two non-EU players and a team is allowed to have four non-EU players.
There are still two places.
There is no problem in this regard.
The introduction of yaya toure’s defensive line into the lower back should also add fresh blood to stimulate them to double their training, so that they can always win and rely on them.
The central defender is more important, and the winner is also satisfied with the central defender. One is captain Pedro canizares and the other is Sai Passareira. These two people are always at ease with them.
Then we can start with full-backs.
Since 212, people have always won, which inevitably impressed the people of that era and unconsciously.
For example, when he considers a player, he doesn’t pay attention to the player’s specialization as he does now. On the contrary, he looks more at whether the player can adapt to multiple positions or characteristics, and whether a player should be able to adapt to multiple positions, playing on the left or right, or defending and attacking.
This is the basic requirement of football in the era of 212.
Always win a man from that era. These things are directly printed in his mind, which is almost enough.
Either you can play full-back or centre-back, or you can play both flanks, or you can attack and defend well.
When thinking of being able to play multiple positions, Changsheng popped up a name directly in his mind.
A young Italian full-back has played for many clubs in Turin, Juventus, Florence and Rome.

"I’ll show it to you for an hour every day, but now I can still see it but I can’t touch it, because I don’t know what the cultivation results of magic are, and I’m afraid you’ll run away." Lin Chong said frankly

He also wants to give Lu Sheng a relaxed environment, such as putting Lu Sheng’s favorite things on the TV as much as possible, but who knows what else the Huangliangxianpai will do? What if this guy gets into a black hole when the TV appears in the universe?
It is still the most appropriate in the circle.
When No.2 gets the contract, Lu Sheng will be liberated if something goes wrong in practice and the truth is known.
"At this time, it’s not true that there is something missing from the niche. This room is isolated from heaven and earth, and a pen can be confined to niche."
"Even if I enter the dreamland with you again, I can’t escape if you ask you to draw a circle …"
"Line line" Lin Chong motioning with his hand "not don’t believe you but there is no reason to believe you"
Lin Chong wants to recognize the truth and doesn’t want to talk about feelings, but whenever he meets someone who wants to talk to him about feelings instead of truth, Lin Chong will always stay at a respectful distance. If this person can’t alienate his close relatives, it will put Lin Chong in an extremely difficult position.
This is one of the reasons why Lin Chong doesn’t want to associate with others.
Don’t listen to Lu Sheng’s long-winded Lin Chong and let Lu Sheng send him out of his dream.
This is also the reason why Lin Chong was afraid of Lu Sheng. He couldn’t wake up after he found that Lu Sheng had put him to sleep.
Even if you pinch yourself again, you won’t feel pain.
If Lu Sheng is malicious, can Lin Chong dream forever?
Of course, Lin Chong, who is trapped in Lu Sheng, will pick up the hammer and give him a hard hammer, and Lu Sheng will be unable to help but let Lin Chong out in pain.
This is probably also the weakness of the Huangliangxian Sect, that is, their own weakness? Can pull people into dreams, but they are weak in dreams?
Ah … Lu Sheng sighed and let Lin rush out of the dream.
Lin chong a trance to stand in the living room.
"Through what did you do with this guy PY deal? !” Ear ringing unified questioning
Yes, I almost traded you out. Lin Chong looked at it and wondered how it would feel if Lu Sheng was playing a film while reunifying.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-three Not Island
After a while, it was very calm.
Lin Chong was busy educating No.2 to pour all kinds of screened’ thoughts’ into No.2′ s brain.
The system is to teach Xiaohu to spare another hour every day to broadcast films to Lu Sheng for more than half of the time.
Lu Sheng enjoys swimming in the sea of knowledge every day, which means that there is so much knowledge on the earth that he is afraid of it and can’t finish learning. After all, life is short and learning is long, and new knowledge is endless.
Dapeng Wang Zheng is very profound in practicing Lin Chong. He suspects that he intends to practice for 200 years and raise the mixed mountain to a higher level to fight with the Great Sage of Bones.
Little Tiger, from the cultivation, it seems that even Lin Chong, who crossed the air and built the base, sprinkled some black mushroom powder on him and saw the energy core of thunder and fire … Is that a mud pill?
Before he was three years old, he entered the mud pill realm.
This makes that year’s ten-year cultivation still be a fairy scholar in the clay pill pot.
And the tiger’s practice is still his own achievement method, which is better than the fallen fairy, and so the progress is worthy of the word "natural enemy"
When I was in a hurry, I spent a lot of time in a detailed and learning atmosphere. Lin Chong sometimes felt that he was in the study room of a university.
You see, in the snow valley, a Dapeng king has been locked up for 200 years.
There is a two-year-old doll in front of the plane wall who is trying to cultivate and brush all kinds of palace fights, history and workplace series with the goal of’ natural enemies’
There is also a QR code on the coffee table in the living room … No, the second-dimensional humanoid sponge generally attracts the dregs of another world … without knowledge.
And Lin Chong is painstakingly teaching No.2 mushroom man how to be a man. From time to time, Lin Haoheng tells No.2 to be a mushroom … Don’t be too impulsive and make a decision before you move.
Sometimes Lin Chong doesn’t go around the mountain and sees that the world is more and more colorful and more like the real world.
Wearing a helmet to enter Buzhoushan gives Lin Chong a feeling of wandering the streets of the real world. Although Lin Chong thinks that the world setting is a bit chicken-ribbed, he prefers the virtual reality World of Warcraft, but it is not easy to interfere with the progress and direction of the Buzhoushan project team.
Until one time, when Lin Chong chatted online and went to visit the mountain, he saw the latest progress. There were already people on the streets of Shanghai. Although it was a phantom method, Lin Chong communicated, but Lin Chong generally did not need people to communicate.
It’s early evening, early spring and dusk in Shanghai, and there’s still some chill on the streets. Lin Chong strolled through a neon fire, just like going back to ten years ago when he was a white-collar worker who wanted to retire. Isn’t that his favorite hobby to walk the streets and watch all the lights and people feel sad and happy?
Suddenly, Lin Chong was moved like a palpitation because he didn’t understand why the’ authenticity’ of the Zhoushan project ranked first.
Maybe buzhoushan will be the trump card of the national information industry in the future.
But at this moment, hundreds of workers, hundreds of 7 or 996 work cycles, hundreds of the world’s fastest supercomputers, the ability to support a Spring Festival travel rush transportation resource, and tens of billions of calculations … all these have built this extremely real and simulated real world, the Shanghai street virtual world.
But that’s it. Let Lin Chong walk the streets of Shanghai again.
"Wanmu frosty sky is red and brilliant, and the mountain soldiers are angry and rush to the night Han … not the red flag in Zhoushan."
Lin Chong thought of Lin Man’s name and the reason why he thought of the’ No Mountain’ project, which was also the national project personally instructed. So that’s it.

Don’t wait for him except the wind howling.

The world seems to have him alone.
Try to keep your head down so that the snow doesn’t fall on your face. Lin Yue first solved his personal problems, then made a trap. After the shelter was placed around, he returned to the house.
There is nothing to explore outside, and the sight and hearing are greatly limited in the storm and blizzard. He is an ordinary person who does not have the fighting quality of shoveling snow with a spade to find mutant creatures.
Of course, the secret place was a good place to go, but it was closed for four hours because of this disaster
Although it is said that it is to prevent the survivors from taking refuge in it, it is one less opportunity for Lin Yue to search.
"How long do we have to wait?"
Lin Yue yawned and returned to the state of underpants vest and played the group.
It’s safe outside for the time being, and he doesn’t have much pressure. Just look at the group first and then solve the breakfast problem
As a result, the bulletin board directly told him that it had been eleven hours since the disaster!
Boy, it’s natural to wake up
I did sleep too late last night, and Du Ping had to exchange things, which made him study for a long time.
I bought 5kg of mutant mutton and 1L of water, and Lin Yue got several good things.
Rotor, end cover and source controller
Two of these three are necessary for the engine, and the source controller is the primary exoskeleton.
Although it cost more than before, Lin Yue did gradually get what he wanted.
After connecting the rotor end cover with the front stator bearing, he needs to find the terminal, the most important component of the generator.
In Du Ping, they changed the design of 3L water cross-country bike. After bargaining with Lin Yue, they finally sold 2L water.
After finishing these yesterday, I didn’t know what time it was, so I fell asleep and forgot about the snowstorm.
After all, the snowstorm is nothing to him.
Yawned and looked at the group.
"Well, I’m not dead but illusion? I can’t feel my legs? "
"Suddenly found that it’s not so cold thanks to Lin Yue selling fire! But at the same time despise those profiteers who resell after getting the fire source! You are still not people! "
"Thanks to Lin Yue finally sold a lot of water and food, or we’ll have to die! Lin Yue, you have got my approval. "
"Boss need you to identify with? Who are you? Does Lin Shen still sell mutton? It’s delicious, too. "
"Words Lin Yue original what occupation? Special forces? That score is too exaggerated! "
"Said the score actually reached the top? Are you kidding? I’ve been in Du Ping and they can be the first, but the fourth place is ok. "
"I can do it with water! Lin Yue has water! He is not much better than us! "
"Ah, yes, yes, yes."
"I saw my 195th gap is so big? No, what is this scoring standard? "
"Lin Yue score is the second three times higher than me fifteen times! Hang up! "
Lin Yue suddenly found that the whole group was discussing him instead of the snowstorm.
Although there was this trend before, it was not as successful as it is now.
And they do so because of this so-called "integral" problem.
He hit the points ranking panel.
1. Lin Yue scored 195 points.
2. Kirk Brown scored 33 points
3. Berger scored 299 points
4. Du Ping scored 297 points
Ah, this …
Why is the score so high? According to what judgment?