Because the pressure will increase when the attack advances to this place, the accuracy of their catch is also very high

This does not mean that this is a trap for Lazio against Barcelona.
There is no sure way to break Barcelona’s foot ball. Lazio will play football and they will have a good chance to score if they control it well.
But it also increase that chances that Lazio will break Barcelona’s goal.
Although it will be dangerous, it is indeed the best way.
This is the first difference between Changsheng and Guardiola.
Guardiola stressed that control is safer because of this.
However, Chang Sheng believes that football needs some risks, especially when the situation can’t be played, and Chang Sheng is also very clear that with the success of ikiaka, more and more teams will develop this tactical response against Barcelona. When you face the iron bucket array, you must take risks, otherwise it will be killing time to entangle with the other side and then let the other side come back.
Guardiola also asked him, "Aren’t you a conservative?"
Chang Sheng replied, "I am a realist. For me, conservatism cares more about me, and I take risks when I am conservative."
Rudy Gonzalez commented on "In short, there is no moral integrity."
Changsheng stared his one eye.
Lazio rushed to Barcelona and sure enough, the horse responded.
Instead of going back, they turned the football to the side.
After pulling the Lazio formation from the depth, we have to continue to pull such a net from the width, which is finally presented to everyone as a real net with eyes everywhere …
Lazio is also very obedient, and the winger followed suit.
See the goal has been achieved.
The football fell to Boots’s feet.
The former Barcelona goalkeeper Carlos Boots Kessler is an actor in the eyes of many fans because of that performance.
But for Barcelona, Boots is very important.
What can be said that Guardiola Barcelona is so powerful? Just because they have a Boots.
Compared with Rijkaard Dream II, many positions have not changed much. The most significant change is that the central defender recalled a Pique midfielder, selected a Boots right-back and bought Seville full-back Dennis Alves.
This dream is based on the foundation of three teams.
Boots Cox is very important in midfield.
He has excellent defensive ability, but that’s not what Guardiola values about him. Guardiola appreciates that he is a superb ball dealer. He has the ability to transport football forward. He can defend and attack in series into an offensive and defensive hub.
He added an extra ball point in midfield.
Unlike Barcelona in Rijkaard’s time, it’s just a place. Whether it’s Van Bommel or edmilson, their defensive ability in the lower back is greater than their offensive ability in the forward ball, which can’t meet Guardiola’s requirements for the midfield. Boots Cox is just right.
When Harvey and Iniesta are in trouble, Boots can take the ball forward and be an organizer
The person who has similar characteristics with him is Pique.
Central defender Pique is a rough guy if he doesn’t have Puyol around him.
But Puyol Kopik wiped his ass so that he didn’t have to worry about the future, so that he could play his own role in the attack and break the deadlock.
This is why Pique’s performance fluctuated after Puyol was frequently injured and often missed Barcelona.
That’s why Pique can’t compete with Cesc Passareira in the Spanish national team.
He and Puyol were partners in Barcelona and developed a tacit understanding. Just transplant this combination directly to Spain.
As a result, Bosco had to choose Sai Passareira and Puyol as partners.
Is that Inse Passareira defends and dumps Pique for ten blocks.
In the club, Guardiola gave Pique a forward attack. Bosco wouldn’t dare to do this in a world-class competition. In that kind of cup, Pique’s mistake may have disastrous consequences for Spain.
Although Bosque played for the Spanish national team, ikiaka and Kose Passareira were the main players of the Spanish national team.
Moreover, as early as the Spanish national team that won the European Cup in Aragons in 2 years, Riise Passareira was the main central defender. In Barcelona, Pique’s qualifications were far worse than that of Sese Passareira, and naturally he could not rob Sese Passareira.
After receiving the ball, Boots directly returned the football to Pique, and then he ran sideways in his own ball state and received the football sent by Pique.
At this time, he turned to attack direction.
Lazio didn’t defend him very tightly in the back court.
Boots, if you want to beat the midfielder, it is not a big threat to the winning team. There is no need to force it.
Boots Cox didn’t choose the direct ball, but rushed forward with it.
It is not easy for Lazio to disturb their defense simply because they are also good at playing football.
Being able to break the balance is bound to be a breakthrough
Boots Cox took the ball forward. When he crossed the center line, ledesma appeared in front of him obliquely, but he didn’t force it. He was stuck in his ball route. If Boots Cox wants to give the football to Harvey or Alves, ledesma is in charge of this direction.
Boots, one leng
He is really going to go there and give Harvey the football.
He brought the ball forward mainly to attract defenders like ledesma and then make a mistake.
As a result, ledesma didn’t come!
Well, since I can’t trick you into coming, I’ll just play the ball directly.
Boots Cox decides the ball.
He is going to give Harvey the football as planned.
But when he decide to do so.
He found that he couldn’t go straight to football.
Because ledesma just got stuck in himself and Harvey and also took care of Alves on one side.
Nine times out of ten, if you play football directly, ledesma will break it.
If you have to give Harvey the football, you have to give it a header. In this case, the accuracy of the ball is too high and it is easy to make mistakes
Or it’s just a transit, but it will delay the time.
The other party can rearrange the defense line … Don’t you lose the meaning of pulling them out before?